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Profile for Genesthai

PLATINUM Member since Mar 2014
Registered on: 10th Mar 2014
Total posts: 10

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Last Forum Posts

Learn the Wall Planes Religiously. That will help you advance much faster and further. The best way to learn is to try and stand in front of a wall -Thus the Wall Plane. You'll find vid...

*Bump* Again, Hello Spinners! It was a great session last wednesday and hope to see you guys at the next one!!There's a Psytrance Event Thursday 23/10/2014 where hopefully other poi spi...

*Bump*http://www.meetup.com/Dubai-Poi-Spinning-Meetup/events/199745122/15th Oct 2014 Poi Meetup in Dxb JBR The Walk, all details in the link Above!! Hope to see you all there!


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Follow your Friends

FirePoise with Hoop Lady, Belfast
Butterfly emerging
Fire fans smile
Electric Glow
fire fan, no hands, to mouth!!
The best of both worlds
fire eyes
White Sensation
Fire fans
GoPro Poi Head Selfie
English bluebell with ivy
Wandering Blind
happy hooping
Din - Malar Champion
Ocean reflections
Poi in Grey
will of fire
Rope in the light
my hoop friends get by with no hands
Flying to my People :
Saboteur 2 Track
End of Summer
Mt. Evans summit sock poi
Pixel flow
Now how am I going to catch that one!
Light up the trees
Wonders of the baton
Love the poi shaps..

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