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Profile for BurningByron

Registered on: 9th May 2002
Total posts: 340

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Last Forum Posts


It sounds like you are taking a victim role. This is habitually what people do who are chronically bullied throughout life. This is what attracts the bullies. The best advice anyon...

You dont need a second father! You just need a woman who would produce a wonderful child and be a wonderful mother. You dont need to sleep with a woman to be their child's father!That ...

Follow your Friends

Honk Honk
Circles within Circles
Gumby Gina
Nuclear burn off
You cant come near me, if I am surrounded by flames...
Pferd und Feuer
Apocalyptic Demon
Swing and a miss!
Diabolo by Sunset
Circus on the streets
Juggling Love
Heels over head
A little sparkle
Fire Flower Power
Alab Hunk Poi Benjamin
Framed in Flames
Dia De Los Vikings
Rosalind Parker as Blaze
Ropedart model
Human Candle
10 Years Ago!!!
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Pretty flowers 🌸
Antti | Art of posing | Temple of Heaven Park, Beijing, China
Steel wool
art gallery swing

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