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Profile for poieur-vinz

Registered on: 13th Mar 2015


Ropes 4B antispin

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Dragonstaff at Dragonnest
Clay Poi Man
In the flame
3 poi at home
Flow flowers
Night of the Burn, Burning Man, Nevada
Ethereal bird
Hilarious Joker smiles at Earth Frequency Festival!
fire poi
Embrace Fans
Triple Team
Flare up triquetra
Say Fire!
Baby J
Peace flower from Jaffa, Israel
True Love
GMR Silhouette
Mother Godess
Burning Lyra
Spinning Poi Gives you Wings(Doing a butterfly kick)
Stilt LED ball Juggling
A man and his fire
Happy Hooper
The Flow Is With Me
Blending colors for the blind
Fire Staffs
Flaming Eyes

Bulletin HOP

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