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Profile for darione

Registered on: 28th Apr 2015
Total posts: 1

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Last Forum Posts

Hi there.. i usually take a look th the video on you tube and try to make a training out of it! :)

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casting fire magic:
In the Flow
Say Fire!
5 juggling staff in wall plane
Fire Angel
Re-design of the Homepage
Love my poi :
Double X
flame fans
Flames and Curves
Spread your wings
Flowa Powwa
Dragon Fire
Hello, my old friend
Fire Matrix
Lunatik Cirque
DEC Spinner
Fire shadows
Heels over head
Elevated Composition
Flowin a Rock Garden
Ocean Sea Cave
Its Elementary, My Dear Watson
Take My Breath Away
Performing Fans for Hains and Co
tiki master
circle of life
fire burst
will of fire
TiKi Fire

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