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Profile for itsalexxl

BRONZE Member since Nov 2016
Registered on: 16th Nov 2016




LED Clover


Service and support  
8th December, 2016
Complete Order Review
"Hello HoP, My boyfriend is an avid fire and led spinner. So for Christmas, I decided to order him some new handles and color additives for the fire. The package arrived very promptly and I was very happy to see how carefully everything was packaged! Last time I ordered something for him online, it came in an unwrapped box that was extremely dented! So, I thoroughly appreciate the sincerity you all put into every package. Also, thank you for carrying color additives! You are the only place I could find them. I cannot wait to watch him open his presents for Christmas! Thank you, thank you, a million times, thank you."
Alexandra, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
BRONZE Member since Nov 2016

Follow your Friends

french riviera
Rainbow Aura
Imagine Music Festival
makin waves
~fire within me~
Big Flames Fun
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Double Fire Staff
Wheel Reflected
All the Balls!
Ninja Poi and LED Hula Madness
Corona Cat
Fire Spells
Inside the light
Aerial hoop
Hooping on Main Street
Fire Rabbit LED Poi
At war and rescue
Bec Klower Fire Flower
Sunrise juggle
Fallen Angel
Peddling around
.Godess of burning Moons.
Hooping for Vaski
Flags of Freedom - II

Bulletin HOP

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