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Profile for moxsapphire

Registered on: 12th Sep 2005
Total posts: 4

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Last Forum Posts

I am a really great Henrys fan and our local torchthrowers use them above all else. They said, it's easier to change the wick and if treated properly, the Henrys would last longer. Just...

I'd love to... but I'm about to begin studying German and English at an university nearby. Maybe I can spend half a year at an university near London?

Heyho! Just wanted to say hello!Martin

Follow your Friends

Outlaw Nights
My felt is better than your felt. (Handmade and dyed by me - yes I take commissions ;)
One Little Flame
Boom tornado!
Tooth holds
Estrella de Fuego
Just playing
Love story
Daniele Testa Yantra
Phoenix Hoop Bliss
Broken Sunrise LED @ Graffiti Warehouse
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me
Ozora performance
Fire spinning flower exposure.
For the love of fire
Fire Druids
Patrick star
Fighting fire with water
Backbend Fire Hoop!
Silk Butterfly
Pure joy in circles
Ama Pyra wielding fire sword
Earth, fire, water, wind
Glow fower
In a dragons eye.
Fire axe

Bulletin HOP

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