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Profile for bellsspinning

Registered on: 24th Nov 2005
Total posts: 79

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Last Forum Posts

hey guys i only have one more week in oxford would love to meet up can you let me no where and when you guys meet if someone could maybe sms me on 07726780676

YAY im so excited i must do alot of spinning before i come so im not to rusty loli cant wait to meet as many of you all as possible it should be great fun 3 weeks and 6 days not that im...

ok lol thanks for the tip

Follow your Friends

For the Crowd
Snow Fire Angel
contact rolls!
Ninja Disko
Motion blur
Hybrid in the mirror
The Portal
T.j. @ fort myers drum circle
burning lights
staff n staff
In sparks
Girl on Fire
Rising from the flames
Flower City Vaudeville
Why so serious?!
sunset toss
Flameous on CircusTree
Anti-spin - In spin
Striking Gold
Its defiantly hot
Baby J
Fusion Hooper
torch poi
Dr Evil
When youre strange
3 beat jump
Got Ghosts?

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