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Profile for Keith

Registered on: 16th Dec 2000
Total posts: 7

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Last Forum Posts

New Year's Eve in Baltimore was great. Ten other spinners and I were hired by Baltimore's Office of Promotions to provide flaming entertainment during their NYE festivities. Pictures ...

I just spun in Baltimore, MD's New Year's Eve celebration, and the two tracks I used were Moby's "Machete" and White Zombie's "Blood Milk and Sky" Worked for me.Keith&lbr;This message ...

I was just at my father's place in Watertown, NY (it's north of Toronto, Canada). It was about -20 celsius, but my parents had never seen me spin, so I did for about five minutes. My ...

Follow your Friends

Bending the rules.
Scary Clown
Spinners Unite
Upside down
Flame of new beginnings
Felix the Fire-Cat
The end.
Magical ball juggling
Close Shave.
poi at the rave
on the farm
Ice queen
Im a fairy in a fire fairy world
In Love with Fire
Sunrise Burn
Fire trance
3 Diabolo
My passion is in flame
Jarred Chalke
Tribal paw
fuego artist
Spinning at Psy Candy.  Sydney
My first homemade chains
Hoopie flowers
Flame Princess
Circle of Circus

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