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Profile for DrJon

BRONZE Member since Aug 2002
Registered on: 27th Aug 2002
Total posts: 17

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Last Forum Posts

Everything Charles says is true. Don't be afraid of change. If you have positive equity then selling or renting your flat is just a hassle, not an excuse for inaction. If you have a REA...

Oooooh, lovely! I shall be there!Dr Jon.

MarkP neglects to point out the pros and cons of having a jerry can full of pump paraffin:PRO: You will meet lots of funky people who come to dip in your cheap fuel.CON: You have to car...

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Hellfire Lovers
sparkle me pretty
Souls of fire
Seattle WA USA, At Sunset By Ferry
my hooprepairteam
The power of levitation
Thank you 2017
The Woman In Black
Old West Meets the Jungle
Face painting
Wings of the fire angel
1st dragon pic &lt;3
soul made of fire
In the moment
Sam of Urban Unicorns UK
Checkered Lycra!
Lava Cake
Mushroom Cloud
Electric Bloom
Rope light
World Juggling Day
Chasing the Sun in the Animal Flower Cave, Barbados
Siren and her sailor
Geometry Of Fire
Poi everywhere

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