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Profile for PoiMeansPrizes

Registered on: 2nd Aug 2006
Total posts: 13

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Last Forum Posts

YES! I'm going.BRILLIO! I hope there isn't TOO much Poi though. Gets a bit annoying after a while dunnit.

Does a deli count as a shop?If yes it's a tandoori chicken sandwich (in ciabatta), if not it's 20 marlboro lights.Actually does a bar count as a shop. If yes it's a pint of guinness, if...

 Written by: poipirate is clearly the best smiley ever ever ever!!! Yay! He's having a poi up!So cool.

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Bending BabaYaga
lady in fire
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Hooping on Happiness
Shes so high above me
Hoop Girrl
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Stilt Fire Poi
Bright Lights and Dark Nights
Peace tornado
Purple Rain
Golden Glow
Art fire swords
Spinning in the Mountains
Carnival under the sea
FlowPoi Luna&Nebula from Guatemaya
The Allure
Fire Fans
Fighting Dragons with Triquetras
Ring of fire
Joy far away
TDQ Moonblaze Poi Flower
Fire Tassels
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The Victorian Demon
Fire and ice
Harlequinnnn!!! Hoop performance

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