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Profile for phunky

old hand
Registered on: 29th Jul 2001
Total posts: 877

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4 month progress so far.

I quit spinning back in the early 2000's. Had an urge to start practicing again last month. There's so many new things to learn it's overwhelming.

You could look at it that way, it's more of a timing thing.

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The Dreamer
blue mountains of Bavaria
Fire love
Green Poi
Trefoil LED Poi
Rope dart vibes
New Years Sunrise
Bendy benderson
The power of juggling
Soflow Saturdays
I spy
Fire makes me feel
Flaming Sleep
flying inferno
Triquetra of life
Hippie love
First firespinning with my son
A Flowers Reflection
Che of Hip The Hoopla - Broncos hooping with mini twins!
Rapid fire rain on the bridge :
Mysterious Diabolo
Black & White
Bendy with the Draggy🤣
the medusa and the mermaid
Ring of fire
ice dream
Light Trail Hula Hooping
Forest Hula Hooper

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