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Profile for LordSkaled

Registered on: 29th May 2007
Total posts: 1

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Last Forum Posts

Name: EllisCountry: EnglandHometown: WakefieldDOB: 09/01/1991Age: 16Sex:MaleOccupation(s): StudentFavorite Food(s): Pasta, Beans on toast (yay)Favorite Color(s): Dark purple, dark blueT...

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Airwrapping the Statue of Liberty
Cold Scenery
Showing some pride
Fueling My Ship.
Dragon Sword
walk with the fire
Lotus Fans
In the forest ....
Skateboarding vs Fire Poi
Baltic  sea dreams
Taste the Burn
Staff fireworks
Focus with Fire Intentions
Serenity fire juggling
Light Fairy
painting flower
Stay out of my planes bro
Feel The Fire
Fight the Demon
Fire Belle
Mystic Circles
Dragon unicycle by the water
my hoop friends get by with no hands
fire dance
warm circle
Dont slip

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