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Profile for Simos

BRONZE Member since Dec 2000
Registered on: 11th Dec 2000
Total posts: 384

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Last Forum Posts

Damn, I've heard of a couple of places in London that teach belly dancing but that was aaaaaaages ago... let me try and see if I can remember who gave me the info in the first place and...

Emmm, I am one of the boring people that come only from one place, namely Cyprus... I am also too lazy to start looking up my ancestors etc.. Having said that Cyprus, being a tiny islan...

Emmm, I can't remember how it works really! All I know is that I drink a few glasses of a colourless liquid and at the end of the night when I go home I have the mark on my cheek - b...

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Garden Stock
Its raining Fire
fire ninja
NLQP fireflies
Bending Space
Sexy face. The destroyer of ghetti.
Fire Sphere
Carnival Performance
Hellfire Performance
Dat Facee
Hulaween flame princess!
My road of Poi
Jon Brown @ Barnyard Boogie 14
Hoops, dreadlocks, and sunflowers!
Stilt Fire Poi
Gracefulness of greatness
Let your inner voice flow and give you light.
On the Edge
Twin Flames
My love
LED on stage
belle isle
The bees Knees

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