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Profile for Firefairy

Registered on: 11th Oct 2001
Total posts: 115

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Last Forum Posts

I ageree with Toneman, address the why and rehabilitate. However, I also agree that there are lost causes and maybe we should make them pay for their keep - even as far as giving them ...

quote: I do agree with the death penalty. It is nothing taken nor treated lightly. It is not dolled out arbitrarily and most times the person on death row is a repeat offender and "ref...

Carrey - If being an evolved human being means that we should not kill others then it does not matter how much a person kills, we should put ourselves on the same level. And Kyrian is ...

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piazza castello, Torino
Kaleidoscope Manipulation Act
Mad Max Twirlsquad
Sunrise Goddess
Lightning over the moon
two story fire spinner
Hooping on Happiness
Birthday spinning
fire horizon
Complete Happiness
Night peace
Contact juggling
Hybrid throw
Up In the Air
Belarusian Firebreathing Sunset
just lit the chucks
Luna Warrior
Moon Fire
Fire spin KBH
Katon: Gokakyu no jutsu
The Flying Dutchwoman
In Focus
Lock Sights
Shadow Spinner
Fire Bender
Dragon slayer

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