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Profile for rftek

Registered on: 25th Oct 2001
Total posts: 101

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Last Forum Posts

Darren, check this out:http://www.semlyen.net/cosmosjugglers/lib/snake.pdfthat might be of some interest to you. also, my videos have a little club spinninghttp://www.tamingfire.com/vi...

http://www.spintribe.com/weightcalc.html sparkey!, take a look at the above link. that (Spintribe) is the classic flagging resource. check it out, matt

Josh:: thanks for the props! the clubs are very enlightening sometimes. they are probably my favorite tool to hand someone thats trying to learn a poi move. -matt

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pixie stick
water magician
Spiral of Fire
Night Light
Gárdony sunset
Well well well
Mid-air mid-spin
Framed in Flames
Your only limit is your imagination
Best Place In The House
makin waves
My Biohazard tattoo...
Flaming joy
Foot in Hoop
Caught in the Vortex
Abigail and Seaira
Ignis gladio
Fire love
postapocalyptic poi
In my Happy Place
Flow Artist Bumper Sticker
Hard Rock Cafe
Lara croft
Anti spin &lt;3
Fire shower
Sunset flows

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