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Profile for hazephase

SILVER Member since Jan 2009
Registered on: 3rd Jan 2009
Total posts: 20

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Last Forum Posts

where I live in India, no one has heard of poi and I am good. People come up to me all da time asking me to teach them and I do it as a sharing

Thanks, I have got 2 days to go before I can get my set, so lets see who it looks

They also did this to a Top Indian actor cause he had a Muslim name. The actor name is Shahrukh Khan, lots of Indians are pissed off. As a Indian, I know that we always suck up to the w...


Adventures in Poi - Lessons  
1st July, 2009
Great for learning advanced moves
"I got the DVD a few days back and I have to say that its worth the money. Most of the DVD is there on youtube but its much better on the DVD . Thanks to every one that made the DVD"
Fernandes, India.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Jan 2009

Follow your Friends

Pixel staff at sunset
Green scene
Ring of Fire!
pixie stick
pendulum dreams
Mountainous circles
Fire pixie
Rings Of Fire
Dance with the Devil
First Fire Flow
Watch For Random Fire!!!
Hello darkness my old friend.
Fire Angel
Fire flare
Lion's Head
Spinning Poi Gives you Wings(Doing a butterfly kick)
Pushing boundaries
Behold! My Alter of Divination Trinkets~
Radiant Face
UV dream
Float on!
Fireman, ready to go
fire dragon
Death Mask
Life In Balance
It gets a bit heavy

Bulletin HOP

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