Satori uploaded by Sima Gandhi

Final results


Satori in Japanese is that feeling of pure nowness. Those who flow, know- its the same as a deep meditation, except in motion- when everything else melts away and you are just pure presence, one in the same with the element with fire. Photo by: Vladimir Raw
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Submitted on 2018-12-16 Views:3538

As picked by HoP
1. caught entered by Chelsea Lugosi
2. Furious Ruby entered by Adriana Vegas
3. With Diabolo entered by Eisuke_Saito

No. 1
A Fiery Christmas
No. 2
Your biggest fan
No. 3
No. 4
Ugly Duckling
No. 5
Iso Taupe
No. 6
No. 7
Flying with fans
No. 8
Firefans Friends
No. 9
Heating up in Arizona
No. 10
Light My Fire
No. 11
No. 12
Sisters of the fire
No. 13
Fan belly dance performance
No. 14
With Diabolo
No. 15
No. 16
No. 17
Phoenix rising
No. 18
In the fire zone
No. 19
Lotus Fans
No. 20
No. 21
Flow 🔥💗...
No. 22
No. 23
Bow to the fire power
No. 24
3rd element
No. 25
Fire fans and horses
No. 26
Fire and Water
No. 27
Fans of the fans
No. 28
Flying Free
No. 29
Furious Ruby

Bulletin HOP

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