What UBBCode can I use in my forum posts?

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What UBBCode can I use in my forum posts?

The following tags are available for your use if UBBCode is enabled: Text Formatting [b] text [/b] = Makes the given text bold. [i] text [/i] = Makes the given text italic. [u] text [/u] = Underlines the given text. [s] text [/s] = Will post your text with a line through it (strike through). [color:red] text [/color] = Makes the given text red. [color:#00FF00] text [/color] = Makes the given text green. [size:20pt] text [/size] = Will change the size of the text to whatever size value you specify. [font:Comic Sans MS] text [/font] = Will post your text with the specified font. Links [email] joe@email.com [/email] = Makes the given email address clickable. [email= joe@email.com ] text [/email] = Makes the given email address clickable. [url] link [/url] = Makes the given url into a link. [url= link ] title [/url] = Makes the given title into a hyperlink pointing to link. [img] link [/img] = Embeds an image. Code Tags & Highlighting [code] text [/code] = Surrounds the given text with pre format tags. [php] text [/php] = Passes the text through the PHP Syntax Highlighter [highlight] text [/highlight] = Will highlight your text. [spoiler] text [/spoiler] = Will wrap your text in a spoiler container. Users must click a button in order to see this text, thus giving them the ability to specify if they want to read the item. [spoiler:warning] text [/spoiler] = Will wrap your text in a spoiler container and allow you to specify the warning message displayed. Users must click a button in order to see this text, thus giving them the ability to specify if they want to read the item. Text and Image Alignment [align:left|center|right] text [/align] = Will align the text in the direction defined. [img:left|center|right] Image URL [/img] = Will allow you to allow text to wrap on the specified side of your image. Misc. [list] [*]Item 1 [*]Item 1 [/list] = Makes a bullet list. [list=A] or [list=1] will make order/numbered lists. Other options include: circle, i, I, a, A, 1, disc, square. [quote] text [/quote] = Surrounds the given text with blockquote and hr's. This UBBCode tag is used for quoting a reply. [quote=username] text [/quote] = Surrounds the given text with blockquote and hr's. This UBBCode tag is used for quoting a reply. The username specified will be shown as quoted.

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