Pair of Pro Extra Large Monkey Fist Fire Poi

Pair of Pro Extra Large Monkey Fist Fire Poi

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À propos de
Ces nœuds Monkey Fist, également connus sous le nom de Gorilla Monkey Fists, donnent un grand effet de comète brûlante lorsqu'ils sont tournés.
Y compris nos cordons détachables Pro Series Chain avec poignées V2.

Open TabVos avantages
  • Émerillons à roulement à billes attachés aux chaînes pour faciliter les hyperloops, les orbitales et les enveloppements aériens.
  • Chaque maillon soudé pour votre sécurité et votre sûreté.
  • Créez de longues durées de combustion avec de grandes flammes spectaculaires.

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Ceux-ci ont tout simplement fière allure.
Excellent effet capillaire pour le carburant circulant dans la corde et vers tous les bords.
Chaque tête est livrée avec un boulon à œil en acier inoxydable solide qui se fixe facilement à notre gamme de cordons.
Avec soin, cette tête de feu peut durer plus de 12 mois d'utilisation.
Cordons de chaîne de la série Pro de haute qualité.
Fabriqué à partir de maillons super solides de 2,4 mm, chacun soudé fermé pour plus de sécurité.
Poignées V2 confortables à simple boucle.
Vendus par paires comme indiqué sur la photo.
Guide de sécurité incendie gratuit, informations sur le carburant, comment allumer et éteindre les outils et conseils d'utilisation.

Open TabSpécifications
  • Noeuds de poing de singe de 140 mm de diamètre.
  • Total de 10m de corde coupe-feu kevlar® 20mm.
  • Poids total : 1435g.
  • Cordons de chaîne soudés à maillons ovales torsadés lisses de 2,4 mm.
  • Tailles de chaînes disponibles M = Medium, L = Large
  • Poignées confortables V2 à boucle unique.
  • Cordons détachables pour rangement séparé.
  • Tout le matériel de tête de feu est fabriqué en acier inoxydable résistant à la chaleur.
  • Émerillons robustes.
  • Tout le matériel de tête de feu est fabriqué en acier inoxydable résistant à la chaleur.
  • Boulon à œil solide en acier inoxydable de 4 mm.
  • Durées de combustion plus longues.

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 5.0 out of 5 stars
(based on 6 reviews)

7th October, 2020
yea buddy
"i effin love these things there the best there better than the 2.5 or 3.5 monkey fist but i dont suggest you order them with out havin a good amount of muscle first but other than that YEA BUDDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Izzy, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
BRONZE Member since Jan 2011

7th October, 2020
Gorilla Poi Are AWESOME
"I truly love these poi. Granted I've made my own poi out of heavy masses of welding blanket for years so my secondary muscles are a lot stronger than most fire spinners which makes these babies just perfect in weight. Everyone can't help but gasp when I first light them up and the crowd goes wild when they hear that first 'Whooooosh. All in all excellently priced and excellently made and they are still good after 2 years of use. These my friends are the show stoppers. Yet be forewarned; besides the rediculous amou nt of weight there is also a much higher heat coming off of them with way bigger flames. I never have to trim my nose hair anymore - I just spin these every few months lol."
David, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Mar 2009

7th October, 2020
Greatt Ball of Fire
"they are absolut incredible but hard to play - i prefer Knee and Shinbone Protectors while fast swinging ;o) At this time i havent burned them but i think it will be absolut HOT!!! thanx for selling them. I never will give them away...;o)"
Matthias, Germany.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Feb 2008

23rd June, 2012
Gorilla Poi Are AWESOME
"I truly love these poi. Granted I've made my own poi out of heavy masses of welding blanket for years so my secondary muscles are a lot stronger than most fire spinners which makes these babies just perfect in weight. Everyone can't help but gasp when I first light them up and the crowd goes wild when they hear that first 'Whooooosh. All in all excellently priced and excellently made and they are still good after 2 years of use. These my friends are the show stoppers. Yet be forewarned; besides the rediculous amou nt of weight there is also a much higher heat coming off of them with way bigger flames. I never have to trim my nose hair anymore - I just spin these every few months lol."
David, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Mar 2009

19th January, 2011
yea buddy
"i effin love these things there the best there better than the 2.5 or 3.5 monkey fist but i dont suggest you order them with out havin a good amount of muscle first but other than that YEA BUDDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Izzy, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
BRONZE Member since Jan 2011

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