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Buy Helix LED Poi Set  
13th August, 2020

Helix poi
"These are awesome, I love the knobs, they feel great while spinning! I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that they take AAA's!! so much cheaper/easier than watch batteries! So cool that each light has two different color patterns, though there's so many programming options, I still haven't quite figured it out. One of my lanyards came out of the knob on the first night playing with them, but I was able to get in touch with customer service and they sent me a replacement part instead of me having to purchase a whole new system. Awesome products, awesome customer service!"
, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
BRONZE Member since Jul 2015

Buy Helix LED Poi Set  
4th May, 2020

Poi Love
"I absolutely LOVE my LED Poi! It arrived on time, in perfect condition with other cool additional resources. Now flowing can be fun for me AND those around me too!"
, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
BRONZE Member since Mar 2020