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telicI don't want a title.
940 posts

My mother has been telling me for months that the cleaning lady was an opera singer back in Hungary. Everyone claims to have been something amazing back in the old country, though, so I didn't think much of it.But I liked her, because she spoke English better than most of Mom's cleaning ladies and could chat with me.

She returns to Hungary later this week, and today was her last day cleaning for us. I asked her to sing. She did a few voice exercises, and then sang a Mozart aria - and it was fantabulous! She had this gorgeous, rich voice and incredible control.

People, every single one of them, are more than what they seem.

I will stand on line someday to get her autograph after having paid an inordinate amount of money for tickets to hear her sing.

I look forward to being able to say that she used to clean my bathroom and always moved the apricot scrub to the wrong corner of the shower.

E pluribus unum, baby.

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
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Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

I make it a point to learn the names of the custodial staff at the hospital. And I chat wih them when I'm not completely overwhelmed by my work.

I find it ironic that doctors won't talk to the people working under them and yet are expected to treat all patients with equal dignity and respect. It doesn't compute and I see it coming out in the care I see patients getting where doctors definately treat patients differently based on socioeconomic class.

Some of the nurses and techs here were MD's with more training than I have and more experience than I have in their home countries. You can never judge a book by its cover and you should always treat all people with complete respect until they actively do something to merit other treatment.


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

pounceSILVER Member
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blessed be

i'm in complete agreement

I was always scared with my mother's obsession with the good scissors. It made me wonder if there were evil scissors lurking in the house somewhere.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


GnorBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
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Location: Perth, Australia

When you make the effort to be caring it will come back to you. I hope anyway. Pay it forward.

Well done Regyt.

When I see someone in trouble I try to think that could be me, my child, mum etc and hope that my helping will motivate them to help others.

That lady will go back home with a better opinion because you cared to ask about her instead of treating her like hired help. Who knows she might send you tickets to her show.

We need to counter the loneliness and negativity in this world as ofetn as possible.

Way to go Lightning. It pays off too in that when you want some help with the vomit cleaning, urgent stores or whatever they know you and WANT to help you.

I wish I had a cleaning lady.

Is it the Truth?
Is it Fair to all concerned?
Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

Im in a lonely battle with the world with a fish to match the chip on my shoulder. Gnu in Binnu in a cnu

LaavelBRONZE Member
21 posts
Location: Halifax, Canada

has anyone seen Deimos on lately?

Where has my heart gone, trapped in the eyes of a stanger

279 posts
Location: Bath, UK

My postman looks like Dennis Hopper.

Magnus... pay it forward

Narr(*) (*) .. for the gnor ;)
2,568 posts
Location: sitting on the step

too right, as someone who used to do this (cleaning) you have to be quite proud person to get on your knees and clean someone elses toilet! then for them to treat you like something the just stepped in is a kick in the face, and makes you question who really is the better person!? once i even spoke to my employer and was ignored!(he did hear me cos he looked at me) i quit pretty soon after that

she who sees from up high smiles

Patrick badger king: *they better hope there's never a jihad on stupidity*

EeraBRONZE Member
old hand
1,107 posts
Location: In a test pit, Mackay, Australia

Every person is more than they first appear. The amount of disrespect manual workers get is appalling. I bet you made her day askng her to sing for you.

There is a slight possibility that I am not actually right all of the time.

DuncGOLD Member
playing the days away
7,263 posts
Location: The Middle lands, United Kingdom

Originally posted by Eera:
The amount of disrespect manual workers get is appalling
How true, I work in an office in a factory and most of the managers etc won't even pass the time of day to anyone who isn't either working in their office or especially folks from the shop floor. It makes me very sad
It makes you wonder just how empty their lives must really be!! They're missing out on some very nice & talented spinners like me!!

Let's relight this forum ubblove

Pink...?BRONZE Member
Mistress of Pink...Multicoloured
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I hate the fact that most people judge other on their job and appearance.

Just because someone chose a certain career path that wasn't as "high" as theirs, or someone had a different background therefore not doing something considered a good job. I've even seen it working the other way - some people with lesser respected jobs criticising (sp?) people with "higher" job!

Oh well. That i suppose is life.

Regyt - Thats so cool.

Never pick up a duck in a dungeon...

DentrassiGOLD Member
3,045 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

the only time we ever had a cleaning lady, it was a relief those rare instances when her mouth was closed.....

but it is a sweet story regyt .

"Here kitty kitty...." - Schroedinger.

Rouge DragonBRONZE Member
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i always try to be nice to the cleaners at school. a school must be one of the worse things to clean (someone can prove me wrong, cos i wouldnt know!) and ive been to a country where students have to clean the school themselves! and although i apreciated the cleaners before my trip, i certainly appreciate them even more now!

i would have changed ***** to phallus, and claire to petey Petey

Rougie: but that's what I'm doing here
Arnwyn: what letting me adjust myself in your room?..don't you dare quote that on HoP...

105 posts
Location: Worcestershire,England

I have had various different cleaning jobs in the past, the worst was in a pub - you wouldn't believe the mess I had to clean up! So whenever I go into pubs now I always show respect to the person who has to come in to clean the following morning.
I have also cleaned private houses (including grimey toilets) where the inhabitants have treated me like crap until they realised I was probably better educated than themselves.
In this web that is life it is often the little people who contribute most productively to the larger frame of things.

Happiness is a journey,not a destination

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

Ugh. I have to do some serious cleaning today. The problem of not having time to clean my own apartment and do my own laundry is getting seriously annoying.

I may have to hire a cleaning lady. And she'll be treated with respect.


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

TabtI Doubt, Therefore I Might Be
1,007 posts
Location: Horsham

i have a cleaning job at a leisure centre, people treat me like the poo i have to clean up.

strange thing is im also a lifeguard at the same sports centre, im not gonna refuse to save these people just because they are mean.

there was a point to that but i can't remember it.

oh, and i always stop to have a chat to the lady that cleaned my house.

and i make it a point to brew up a tea for the lady who empties my bin at uni everyday. she also has to clean our bathrooms and kitchen. poor lady, dealing with the mess of students. and to be fair, we are messy.

i guess im just trying to say that not all people are mean to others, especially those that have experienced how bad and underappreciated u can feel doing somebody elses dirty work. smile

Owner of Dragosani's right side.

DuncGOLD Member
playing the days away
7,263 posts
Location: The Middle lands, United Kingdom

Our cleaners bring us fresh baked cakes! It's my bday next week so I'm due a nice sticky toffee sponge type affair....mmmm.....sticky..... ubblove

Let's relight this forum ubblove

BirgitBRONZE Member
had her carpal tunnel surgery already thanks v much
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Location: Edinburgh, Scotland (UK)

actually the caretaker in my school was probably the most-respected person there... the scariest, too, but definitely well-respected. He got more attention than 20 teachers together when he told us off for something smile

"vices are like genitals - most are ugly to behold, and yet we find that our own are dear to us."
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Owner of Dragosani's left half

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

 Written by: Doc Lightning

I may have to hire a cleaning lady. And she'll be treated with respect.

Or at least as much respect that someone who naturally assumes that a WOMAN should clean his house could possibly muster.

wink wink wink hug

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

TabtI Doubt, Therefore I Might Be
1,007 posts
Location: Horsham


hes got you there. wink

Owner of Dragosani's right side.

MiGGOLD Member
Self-Flagellation Expert
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Location: Bogged at CG, Australia

i could handle a cleaner. Or a personal slave. cos you don't have to pay them.

"beg beg grovel beg grovel"

"There was an arse there, i couldn't help myself"

TabtI Doubt, Therefore I Might Be
1,007 posts
Location: Horsham

ahh but if you have a slave then you have to find somewhere to keep them, and i for one dont have the space.

i think i'd prefer a nice jester or something.

Owner of Dragosani's right side.

MiGGOLD Member
Self-Flagellation Expert
3,414 posts
Location: Bogged at CG, Australia

ah, see we have a nice big water tank out the back, but neither of us drink rainwater (especially in whyalla), so there's an ideal slave storage system.

"beg beg grovel beg grovel"

"There was an arse there, i couldn't help myself"

TabtI Doubt, Therefore I Might Be
1,007 posts
Location: Horsham

but would you have to squeeze them out the tap when u needed them?

they might not be in any state to do any slaveish activities.

Owner of Dragosani's right side.

FoxInDocsSILVER Member
1,848 posts
Location: Adelaide, SA, Australia

nah, they can climb out the top... we'll put a rope ladder in there or something...

"i am exotic, and must keep my arms down" - Rougie

"i don't understand what penises have to do with getting married" - Foxie

TabtI Doubt, Therefore I Might Be
1,007 posts
Location: Horsham

how considerate, im glad you take care of the help.

im sure you could throw things over the top for them to eat too.

you'd have to remove the ladder when they were in for storage though or they'd escape.

theres a guy at uni who hoovers my room for me if i ask nicely, i'd be willing to auction him off if i was sure he'd be well looked after.

Owner of Dragosani's right side.

MiGGOLD Member
Self-Flagellation Expert
3,414 posts
Location: Bogged at CG, Australia

That was the general plan, we'd have a permanent ladder on one side, and a removeable one on the inside. and a lockable roof, just in case.

"beg beg grovel beg grovel"

"There was an arse there, i couldn't help myself"

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

 Written by: Dentrassi

the only time we ever had a cleaning lady, it was a relief those rare instances when her mouth was closed.....

ditto ubblol

TabtI Doubt, Therefore I Might Be
1,007 posts
Location: Horsham

yeah, i think the lady who used to clean our house was a bit lonely, she liked to talk, which sadly meant she wasnt cleaning.

she used to sing too, but that was just funny. she was tone deaf just like me so when we sang together im sure it sounded awful.

Owner of Dragosani's right side.

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

Ours just spoke like she was gargling gravel.

Im relieved I never heard her sing.

She spoke about Arsenal football club sooooooo much, until the day they signed Sol Cambell at which point she labled them all as traitors. umm

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