Forums > Beginner Poi Moves > Definitive Listing of Wraps (56+ wraps listed)

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Shouden-CrDSILVER Member
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Location: Tampa, FL, USA

56 wraps!I have attempted to compile everyone's wrap postings into a comprehensive document. this is by far the largest listing I have seen. If anyone has any to add, please post! (:Butterfly wraps:1) Double Leg Wrap - on the downswing of the BF stick a leg straight out and wrap both poi, then pull up on poi to unwrap. now into the rev bf.2) Wrist/Leg Wrap - on the downswing of the bf, wrap right poi on left wrist, and left poi on right leg, into the rev bf.3) Wrist->Wrist/Leg Wrap - on the downswing wrap the right poi on the left wrist, when it recoils, wrap that poi on the right leg and at the same time wrap the left poi on the right arm, that will put you into a weave by turning 90degrees to the left.4) Double Bicept Wrap - On the upswing of the poi, without moving your upper arm, bring both forearms back to wrap both poi on the biceps at the same time, then that will put you into a rev bf.(pretend you are fishing, and you are pulling back and forth on the fishing pole making th lure kind of surface and dive and that is the movement.)5) Hip Wrap - stand with your feet in a straight line(like you are walking a tightrop, with feet about a foot apart) now on the up swing you are going to do the motion of throwing the right poi to the opposite side(you will end up looking like you are just spinning 2 circles on opposite sides of the body going opposite directions) but instead of letting it go to the other side you will wrap the right poi on the right leg from the outside of the hip and the left poi on the left leg from the inside of the hip. then bring the left poi to the right side and you are again doing the normal BF.6) Double Circular Tricept Wraps - Start by doing a betterfly in front of you, wrap right poi on left tricept. Meanwhile left poi does circle in front while right poi unwraps. Immediately wrap left poi on right arm sticks out and does a circle in front while the left unwraps. Continue to repeat. It looks like two circles with spirals inside of them.7) Alternating Double Circular Tricept Wrap – alternate (one wrap at a time) between a forward and reverse butterfly but without any extra rotations in between in the horizontal plane.8) BTB Shin Wrap - BTB buttterfly (coming in from the bottom direction) wrap the shin by sticking your lower leg out behind you, but keep your upper leg straight (bend your knee) on the downstroke. 9) BTB right arm/leg Wrap - on the upswing move your right arm to your right, like you are going to do a revolution behind the back, and when it comes to the top of its arc, wrap it on the right bicep, and at the same time bring the left poi to the right side as well and wrap on the downswing on the right ankle(kind of bring your leg up like you are trying to kick yourself in the butt, except not quite that high) that will take you into the rev butterfly. from the rev BF you can do the same thing on the left side to go back into the reg BF10) Combo - right poi left arm wrap, right poi BTB left arm wrap, right poileft leg wrap, right poi right leg wrap and left poi right arm wrap, to both poi double right arm wrap to both poi both leg wraps to the weave.One-handed butterfly wraps (assuming that you are right handed)1)on the up swing you stick your left arm straight out and wrap the poi around your arm, you can do this forever if you get it right, make sure that your right fist is pointing at the cieling when they wrap, this will give them room to move freely without touching. actually this works for every wrap, as long as you wrist is pointed at the point of the wrap.2)on the down swing wrap them both on the leg3)in between the up and down swing if you change your wrist movement from up and down to side to side real quick you can do a split time leg wrap on the left leg is easier.4) stick your left arm straight out behind you, and on the downswing of the poi bring them over your head to wrap on the left arm.5)on the up swing wrap the poi on the neck.6)at the height of the arc, bring your arm back like you are trying to touch your cheek and let them wrap on the downswing on the very same arm that you are holding them in.7)same as #1 except that you bring your arm in like you are going to punch yourself in the kidney and wrap it from underneath. 8)on the downswing stick it between the legs so the poi comes up at your back and stick out your left arm and wrap the poi on the upswing on that arm, and then when they get to the bottom of the arc bring them back in front of you.9)left arm wrap, right leg wrap, neck wrap, same arm (right)wrap on top, behind the head left arm wrap, same arm wrap from underneath, split time left leg wrapWindmill wraps:1)instead of bringing your right hand over your head again, wrap it on the left arm and that puts you into the rev BF.2)instead of throwing the right hand behind the head, bring both poi to swing at the same time and wrap on the right leg inside of the thigh, that will put you into rev windmill or you can turn either direction to do a weave.3)bring both poi to a same time swing again and wrap the right poi on the right arm and the left poi on the right leg.4)again bring the poi to a same time swing in front and wrap them both on the neck(wrapping from the right side of the head to the left.) Corkscrew wraps:1)when they get down by the leg either wrap them on one leg or one on each leg.2)when the right poi comes up, wrap that one around the neck and the left one either around the leg or do not wrap at all to go to a BF3)bring one down and wrap the lower leg (raise one leg as if to do your laces up on a chair or something) to switch to a mexi-wave. do the same thing from a mexi wave with the other poi and you got a cork screw reversal Weaves1)when your right poi gets to the right side it will wrap on the top of the left arm, do it twice once from above the arm and once from below and you will go back to the weave.2)when the right poi gets to the right side swing the left and right poi in sync and wrap both under the right arm at the same time.3)when right hand comes over to the right side, wrap under the left arm and the left poi will go to the left side and wrap under the left arm.4)doing the crossover, leave your arms crossed and keep spinning them on your sides, bring your right poi over to wrap on your left wrist and after that, just stick your right arm into the circle of the left arm and it will do a bicept wrap.5)when the right poi comes to the right side, wrap that one around your neck and bring the left poi to the left side at the same time and wrap that one around your left leg at the same time. that takes you into the rev weave. 6)7-beat weave wrap. Just keep trying to do the 7-beat and you'll wrap it around your hand the first couple attempts see if you can bring your arm up further when it does that to wrap around your bicept as you turn out of it.BTB weave wraps (assuming that you always go into it from the rev)1)when the right hand does its second revolution and the left hand comes over to the left side, you can wrap the right poi on the left arm from underneath by the armpit. do it twice and you go into the BTB weave again.2)same as #1, except when you do the first wrap on the left arm, your left poi will wrap at the same time on the left leg, into the other weave.(the one that starts from the regular forward weave.)TTN wraps1) Bicept Wrap -wrap on bicept during the inside beat. 2) Single chain wraps - Hold one chain in a normal circle in front of you and bounce the other one around. (forearm outside ankle inside thigh. whatever you can think of. Make sure you learn how to hold the circle with both arms. )3) TTN wrap on your wrists - You gotta move your arms up and kinda catch the chains around them. Each chain only does one circle before wrapping again. Be careful with this one. When I first did it with fire I tranced out watching it and kept doing it way to many times. Ended up getting my first 3rd degree burn. It also converts well into waist and ankle wraps while in the horse stance. This move is prolly the most creative everytime I do it, it always has a different pattern. Wrap Turns1)While spinning forwards, wrap both poi on your upper arms, and as soon as they start to come up behind your back, rapidly twist at the waist, and let em unwind on the opposite side (and in the same direction). The poi head should never come into contact with your skin. The poi rotational velocity will *rapidly* increase, as they wrap, so you gotta go quick, or use LONG chains.Kick wrapsA. Front Kicks1)kick out and wrap(recoil) while doing a wind mill to reverse direction of wind mill2)kick out and wrap both on one leg (recoil) alternating legs randomlyB. Side Kicks3)from weave kick out with right leg and wrap both poi on this leg, one at knee and one on thigh.4)regular forward swing, kick out and wrap (recoil) both poi on one legC.Other Kick Wraps5)ever seen jumping jacks? spread your legs out fast while doing forward swing, wap right poi on right leg and left poi on leg leg at same time, then wrap from reverse spin, etc. (recoil)6)from a reverse butterfly raise lower leg behind you and wrap behind you on calf muscle to go into a forward butterfly. Arm wraps1) froward swing, wrap (recoil) off of opposite arm with poi immediately followed by a wrap (recoil) on the same arm with the other poi, then do same on opposite side of body. This is really cool looking from the side.2) during any butter fly or weave, wrap (recoil) on just one arm(or leg) at a time to move in between various butterflies and weavesduring weave (or whatever) wrap both on one arm, you can turn you body 180 during this to so as to keep doing the same weave.3) overhead (horizontal plane) butterfly- start doing a thread-the-needle. wrap (recoil) one of the poi on your arm and spin body 180 and wrap the same poi again an same arm to go back into the same butterfly, except your body will be facing 180 from start.4) arm wraps (recoils) from a forward swing wrap poi on upper arm (both on one arm or both on different arms) or just one at a time.5)when doing simple fwd side circles, cross your right poi on the downswing, and wrap the left bicep, turn left 90 degs into butterfly. 6)when doing simple side circles, as the right poi passes your leg cross BTB to wrap the left bicep. I guess you could pretty easily go into a BTB butterfly from there...hmm have to try that Various1)while doing alternating sider circles, go BTL with one of em and then up and wrap a bicep, on the reversal just take it out the way it went in, or move your leg around to get jiggy wid it 2)of course, dont forget the horse stance (traditional martial arts - wide stance, with bent knees square shoulders and hips) wraps, fwd rvs, and alternating is the best I think. you can either wrap the poi on the same side as the hand they are hanging from, or you can wrap the both on the same leg...the latter is harder, but I think more effective. You can also do it fwd lunge, wrap both, swap legs wrap both (from butterfly).3)Double inside thigh wraps - Throw em under your leg and do some manuvering to have them stay back there and wrap on the opposite leg before pulling them back out.Glowstick Meteor Slides/WrapsThese all keep the poi spinning the same direction, and if done fluidly the audience will not even be able to tell what you are doing...heh heh heh all they know is you poi keep changing color! They take lots of practice to perfect.1. from regular forward spin -upper leg wrap (upper leg) [you can do both at once, or even do it when you jump up high and bring your knees up and out] 2. From regular reverse spin -opposite arm wrap (upper arm) 3. from forward butterfly -wrap on fore arm. 4. Neck wrap from a overhead butterfly- (watch out for your eyes!) ------------------ [PLUR]-=Crazy Raver Dude=-


28 posts
Location: Bet Oved, Israel

Thanks dude.

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA


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[They do not move.]

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

um - another wrap I worked out on the weekend (but I know I'm not the first) is a weave wrap/slide but also works as a transition from windmill on one side to the other;-from fwd 3beat allow your crossed poi to wrap on the bicep on that side (ie fwd cross arm wrap) allow one full wrap then cross the weave to the other side, allow to unwrap (should be going in the same direction - no recoil) open out and then repeat with the opposite poi. I think this is what ppl call the weave wrap, but I didnt see it described adequately above smilecan be done in rvs, and although I cant do it yet, can be done as a butterfly variant.Josh

pozeeBRONZE Member
old hand
887 posts
Location: san diego, USA

good stuff. hopefully most of these will be shown on the new compilation video.

anyone got a light?

JaedenGOLD Member
220 posts
Location: Edmonton, Canada

CrazyRaverDude, you are my new idol. I now worship the ground you spin on smile

The world is not out to get you but if you fight it you will be eaten alive

Shouden-CrDSILVER Member
Veteran Member
495 posts
Location: Tampa, FL, USA

I've seen a wrap that is close, but I couldnt find it in the listing here..You start by doing a fwd weave, when moving the poi to the right side of your body, instead wrap them both on your bicepts. When they recoil, go into a rev weave. I've also seen a guy wrap them literally back and forth on his bicepts. Another variation of this would be wrapping them on your wrists.Both look very cool and I've only seen a couple people do to nail that damn BTB 5-beat..------------------ [PLUR]-=Crazy Raver Dude=-


1,015 posts
Location: Austin TX USA

I don't *think* this one is in there...I have a move where I've got my arms straight out at my sides, with the rotating in the horizontal planes, opposite directions (think of this as an overhead butterfly, but with your arms straight out). I'll bring both arms down and wrap around my waist to reverse both, or wrap just one to get them going the same direction.This is fun when you are bringing the chains around from the back, and the wicks collide over your crotch.

Laugh while you can, monkey-boy

pozeeBRONZE Member
old hand
887 posts
Location: san diego, USA

just want to post a wrap that i dont think is on there. doing the 4 beat corkscrew when you get them above the head and your right hand seperates, you can wrap them both at the same time in the opposite wrists and then go into the 4 beat reverse corkscrew.

anyone got a light?

Shouden-CrDSILVER Member
Veteran Member
495 posts
Location: Tampa, FL, USA

poz,That was the same one I just posted. :P Yours was a little easier to understand though..CRD


pozeeBRONZE Member
old hand
887 posts
Location: san diego, USA

oh yeah huh... just in different planes. never thought of them as the same i guess. i like to do the one from the weave as well, and it looks really cool to do it back and forth a couple of times without stopping.

anyone got a light?

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

You guys changed my poi life... Thanks again and keep em' coming... I guess I'm still relatively new to wraps so when I read a new one it hits me as so completely obvious. I recently made leather bracers that lace so be assured that wraps will be a part of my bag-o-tricks for a while to come."Oh yeah, just kick off the ankle, duh!""Oh yeah, just wrap both on the SAME bicep, duh!"

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pozeeBRONZE Member
old hand
887 posts
Location: san diego, USA

i think that malcolm is going to put that list up somewheres, i got an e-mail the other day asking if it could be used

anyone got a light?

pozeeBRONZE Member
old hand
887 posts
Location: san diego, USA

hey NYC, what did you make the bracers with, and how did you make them. i really want to use something like that instead of a big camoflauge shirt. thanks man

anyone got a light?

Shouden-CrDSILVER Member
Veteran Member
495 posts
Location: Tampa, FL, USA

Yeah start a topic thread and tell us all how to make leather bracers. I wanted to make some for more tricepts so I can do more arm wraps with fire. (sooo?!??! I'm skittish with skin wraps and fire..*grin*)------------------ [PLUR]-=Crazy Raver Dude=-


Albino Hawaiianmember
3 posts
Location: Lahina, HI, USA

Heyaone wrap i have been doing that i didnt see on there is the foot wrap.. a good example of this is Jackie Chan with the horseshoe on a string in "shanghai noon" anyways... from a forward spin or a backward spin, put your foot out in the path of the incoming glowstick about 6" above the actual stick and slide your foot down the string.. the glowstick will wrap around the bottom of your foot and rocket back the opposite direction, it looks pretty neat when done quickly at night.. if you have that up there already i apologize for saying it again winkGreat post man.. i'm off to work on some windmill wraps wink

97 posts
Location: Naples, Florida

What can I say, bro, you are GOD, heh hehI can pull most of those wraps off with normal length chains(under 2ft), but I've noticed that simultaneous leg and arm wraps on the same side are nearly impossible with longer chains(over 3ft)unless you wrap again on the recoil and throw back into the move you started from. Well I hope you crack that elusive BTB 5 beat bro. I'm practicing for it as well. Good Luck.PLUHRDOC

Let us Light up the Night

Shouden-CrDSILVER Member
Veteran Member
495 posts
Location: Tampa, FL, USA



Phuhzzzie Wuhzzzie the Pumpkin Kingmember
141 posts
Location: Melbourne, the new Land of Nod

On an accidental painful note:Neck Wrap:Often occurs when you mess up an overhead move causing one or both poi to wrap around the neck and choke you. For a little extra pain you can hit yourself in the face and the back of your head at the same time when you do this. ------------------A wise man once said to me, "Hey! You! Get out of my wardrobe!" and in a way, I guess he was right.[This message has been edited by Phuhzzzie Wuhzzzie (edited 06 March 2002).]

A wise man once said to me, Hey! You! Get out of my wardrobe! and in a way, I guess he was right.

646 posts
Location: Mpls, MN, USA

The Crotch Wrap smileWhile attempting to bring both poi down between my legs to do a wrap around my knees I went a wee bit high smile This is best done with nice soft shoestrings for rope with normal to long length. The leg wraps are fun, I feel safer doing those as opposed to the arm ones. I'm still learning here so I hadn't tried wraps before but hopefully I'll get pretty fluid at the few I know/just learned today. ------------------Ambiguous

Fuzzy Dice.......................................

xtremravr...was here..member
337 posts
Location: amsterdam..i wish

WOW...well i know what ill be learning for tha next couple of weeks..or months...56?...whooo i better get to work on these...hehep.l.u.r.r.xtrem

Peace Luv Uni-t Respect Responsa-what?!?! Xtrem

97 posts
Location: Naples, Florida

Hey CRD, you need to get together with me to post a list of BTB colorchanging wraps, lately I've been coming up with some really good ones for Ultra. Talk to you soon bro.PLUHRDOC------------------Let us Light up the Night

Let us Light up the Night

71 posts
Location: Salem, Oregon USA

I didn't see this one, but I may have just missed it. When doing the chase the sun move (all directions are for spinning counter-clockwise in front of yourself, but all is easily reversed) bring your hands down to your belly button in front of you. Now step over the poi with your right leg on the upswing. From here you could then do one rotation and exit by stepping over your left leg, but then this wouldn't be a wrap, would it? Instead, after bringing the poi through your legs, bring them into the horizontal plane quickly and wrap both poi around your left leg. Then just pull to unwrap and reverse the direction, and step over them once again with your right leg to come back to a chase the sun in the opposite direction that you started. Hope that makes sense to some of you.

An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind - Mahatma Gandhi

pozeeBRONZE Member
old hand
887 posts
Location: san diego, USA

not sure if i put this one with the rest, but reverse butterfly, look straight up so that your head is bent back. right poi wraps the neck from behind the head while left poi wraps whatever else you want. they can both wrap the neck of course.

anyone got a light?

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

It seemed like there were a few renegade "wrap" posts popping up and this thread's far too good not to have near the top... so for the first time in my HoP career I'll say...


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Shouden-CrDSILVER Member
Veteran Member
495 posts
Location: Tampa, FL, USA

It was a pleasure having you bump my

Coming Soon: Listing of Combo's.. (=


368 posts
Location: panama

list new moves?

Dance like if noone were watching you

phunkyold hand
877 posts
Location: Edmonton, AB

How about for every new wrap you list i'll make up a new wrap to post.

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

No see, this is the DEFINITIVE list. So clearly there are no other NEW wraps out there. This is it. We're done. No more can possibly exist.

I think we should name all of them too just to make it completely useless.

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

397 posts
Location: Brunswick, Ohio

Foot wraps. Well more like bounces.

We are all in the cosmic movie. That means the day you die you watch your whole life repeating for eternity. So you'd better have some good things happen in there and have a fitting climax. --Jim MorrisonIt's going to come from a direction you didn't predict at a moment of chaos which you didn't see coming. -- NYC

phunkyold hand
877 posts
Location: Edmonton, AB

I always do foot wraps. Actually, there probably the only wraps i really do in my routines. The only ones that don't really ruin my flow. Probably because it's only a bounce.


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