Forums > Beginner Poi Moves > Warp?How do u do the wrap that brings two poi to the center and out?

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I just started a few month ago and I saw this cool move a guy did in a party. He was in a weave and then he some how warped the poi together like a spiral and then it just unrolled like magic. This totally tripped me out!!! Can any poi masters help me out??

pozeeBRONZE Member
old hand
887 posts
Location: san diego, USA

what did he wrap them on. was it an arm wrap, 2 arm wrap, a little more info and i might be able to help you out...

anyone got a light?

Raymund Phule (Fireproof)Enter a "Title" here:
2,905 posts
Location: San Diego California

Pozee is definatly one of if not the wrap master, all I know is ya gotta time it right or it just dont work with some wraps

Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"

53 posts
Location: auckland

i have a few friends here who do something that might be what you're talking about ...

they start by doing the normal regular forward weave, then quickly flick the poi together so they tangle or 'wrap', and then as if by magic (heheeee!) they untangle again and go back into a normal weave.

haven't tried it much myself, but apparently it's not too hard, just have to get the timing right.

colemanSILVER Member
big and good and broken
7,330 posts
Location: lunn dunn, yoo kay, United Kingdom

hear me now.;f=3;t=000777

people keep saying its just a matter of doing the old tangle and pulling them apart, but i've *never* seen this done neatly. also, it seems that unless you tangle at exactly the right point on your chains, the poi don't stop completely. i think the 'tangle wraps' described in the last post of the above linked thread are different to what you're talkin about here as the poi never completely stop.

as i said before, i've seen what you're talkin about and it looked tight as alcatraz. the chains were about two feet long and only did maybe 2 or three rotations spiralling in and stopping together in the centre before spiralling back out to full length. (close-up) video anyone...?

[ 04 October 2002, 22:42: Message edited by: coleman ]

"i see you at 'dis cafe.
i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
- tim westwood

53 posts
Location: auckland

? who said the poi stop ?

hm - i've never seen a 'tangle' of the type we're talking about here where the poi stop, unless the person screwed it up, or was reversing the direction of the poi..

i think we're talking about the same tangle. but we're going to need a video to clear this up.

89 posts
Location: Guelph, Ontario, Camerica

what a sweet move..
i watched the video (you should watch it robert, it'll do the trick for clearing it up)
somebody mentioned where it is (

yes, do tell how to do it someone


Paddyback from the dead...sort of
884 posts
Location: 43°41'N 79°38'W

for anyone with COL3, I believe that Casper does a few of these. they look pretty damn clean too. is that the move being discussed here?

GlåssDIAMOND Member
The Ministry of Manipulation
2,523 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

Hyperloop... this might be the Air wrap that some of you are talking about.
Video now up. (see staff section of discussion board)
Jedi move

colemanSILVER Member
big and good and broken
7,330 posts
Location: lunn dunn, yoo kay, United Kingdom

ah ha! the hyperloop question is answered and i didn't even have to start a new thread!

and glass, for your next answer, "don't even ask..."

a jedi don't lend his lightsabre to no-one.

"i see you at 'dis cafe.
i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
- tim westwood

colemanSILVER Member
big and good and broken
7,330 posts
Location: lunn dunn, yoo kay, United Kingdom

just to be neat and keep the board free of the loose ends and all that:

spiral wrap thread

who says i'm obsessively tidy?

"i see you at 'dis cafe.
i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
- tim westwood

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

damn you coleman

531 posts

Hey Mr. Nastychink,the move you are refering to is one I normally call fingerwraps.It is best done with glowsticks though a friend of a friend made a pair of fire wicks proportionate to glowsticks so I have done this move with fire.Also for Ravershok you call also do this move while doing a butterfly.Amazingly annoying at first,once you get them they are hella easy but still give you a buttload of style.The easiest way to learn them is in a forward weave.I first learned how to do them on my left side becuz depending on which side you are on and what direction the poi are swingin will determine which hand is on top.So when doing forward weave when the poi come around your left side put your hands palm to palm with your right hand on bottom and stick your fingers out allowing the strings to wrap around them.Then pull your hands apart to have them spiral back out.When they come back out you will be doing a reverse weave unless you turn around.Don't forget that you can't try to turn your hands against the flow of the strings.I also tell people when I'm trying to show them how to do this is to just wrap the strings around there hands and practice pulling them apart and letting them wrap right back around their hands and just do that over and over.The butterfly finger wraps are considerably harder because they have a habit of hitting each other but same idea is to just stick your fingers out and put your palms together and then pull them apart.Don't try this with regular fire wicks or beaming poi becuz they are far too heavy and sloppy for this move.Once you get them you'll be like "I can't believe it's that easy."

531 posts

Also let me add that wraps are garbage.Anyone can train themselves to do wraps.Do yourself a favor and don't become too dependent on these moves. If you want real props work on btb stuff and of course,the jedi set.It's a similar argument to speed vs style.Wraps are cool looking but not nearly as cool or require as much skill as a basic btb weave.

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

Originally posted by poiaholic22:
If you want real props work on btb stuff and of course,the jedi set.It's a similar argument to speed vs style.Wraps are cool looking but not nearly as cool or require as much skill as a basic btb weave.
i'd like to disagree if i may.

every one should work on every thing in time, wraps are cool, but peridoically we all spend hours/weeks on learning moves and progressing with them to smoothen them out.
As with the comment on basic behind the back weaves being or requiring skill, they dont, only to a certain degree, moves may feel that they are hard to accomplish but i asure you that they are not. All moves are made of are hand positioning and transitions, learning moves is just learning where and how to place and move ones hands, then learning the fluidity of the move in different transitions. This may sound simple in these terms and hard to accomplish but putting in effort benefits rewards.
Play with every thing you will be suprised how many 2 beat weaves you missed out on learning infront of you in the rush we all had wanting to learn the BTB weaves. Poi is not about how fast you can learn moves or how many moves you can do, but enjoying what you are accomplishing in you journey of poi.

This is just my jesture and my feelings on previous posts.
happy holidays

531 posts

PK let me clarify my feelings in a better way.I don't know how familiar you are with the way the majority of glowstick spinners in the states spin but the style is based heavily on wraps without any real appreciation of the more fluid swinging moves.I know what I said came out as don't do wraps but what I meant was don't focus all your energies on doing wraps when there are a lot of other moves out there that are just as cool and quite a bit more challenging.When I first got into the poi scene like half a year ago the people I was learning from swung in a manner like I described and didn't know(and still don't for that matter)anything about multiple beat moves,btb stuff,butterfly variations and when you swing like that it becomes very boring.I learned 2 beat weaves long before I knew a 3 beat existed.So what I'm saying is,while there is nothing wrong with learning the basic moves don't focus all your attention on them when there is lots to learn about poi.Learn as much as you can and when you feel you have nothing left then innovate and create something new for the rest of us.

Whiffle Squeekaddict
416 posts
Location: Hartford, CT USA

do you have any idea about the complexity of wraps???

id like to say theres more wraps with a higher degree of difficulty than just regular moves, try doing simultaneous butterfly bicep wraps consistently, bet its a tad more difficult than the 3 beat weave...

oh, and heres a question, how do you transition from a weave to butterfly???

id like to say that the best answer to that question is a wrap, its the smoothest quickest way and the poi remain in their planes, so right there, probably the most basic wrap improves the smoothness of your spinning

the above described hand wrap (i use my whole hands instead of fingers, i find it less painful) has been one of the best received moves by an audience that i have ever witnessed, it completely astounded them, and you know what? your high and mighty BTB moves barely invoke a reaction from the audience

so there

:walks away now that childish rant is over:

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

Lil Kunimember
11 posts
Location: Stateside, Pennsylvania

Air wraps

this should explain how to do airwraps (here and there)

i'm pretty sure you don't need a membership to view the link....but if you do, it's free and only takes a couple seconds. skip to to sign up.

happy wrapping

531 posts

Whiffle Squeek,why do you got to hate on your CT brethren?I never said that there weren't any complex wraps.I said wraps are garbage becuz it takes like zero skill to do them and I know becuz I do a majority of them and I know I just pissed off the mighty coalition of "wrappers" but hear me out.I can do the simultaneous butterfly biceps wraps that you're talking about.As a matter of fact I can do them over,under,over,under,etc.They are a difficult wrap but if I combined the total time it took me to learn all the wraps I know it still wouldn't equal the time I spent learning and doing a btb weave smoothly.Hand wraps, butterfly hand wraps, forearm wraps,butterfly bicep and leg wraps,one handed butterfly wraps,neck wraps are all cool wraps and can be made complex by trying to transition through them all but not by themselves.Also did you not see where I said hand wraps though quite easy can still give you a buttload of style and where is it that you go that no one notices btb moves?I've been to just about every major club in CT and one in NY and never has an audience not reacted to a btb weave or butterfly.Especially when done with fire.By the way I also do suicide wraps and I'm trying to learn how to do hyperloops so I do have an appreciation for wraps but not in nearly the same aspect as I do for being able to transition through all the moves without them.The thing I have noticed is a lot of people use wraps as their scapegoat to learning the harder moves.If you can do all the moves it opens new doors for when you're doing wraps rather than doing the same set every five minutes becuz you don't know anything else.A good friend of mine used to do this and when I started showing him how to do 3 beats and a lot of the butterfly variations even he said he enjoys spinning more.So now that I have reclarified myself for the second time do you guys still want to bite my head off?In closing wraps are COOL but not cool enough to be done without knowing how to do anything else.I know I sounded like I was tooting my own horn throughout this thread but I felt it necessary so that you would know that I am speaking from a standpoint of experience.
Also my friend,if you read this today which is Saturday than I'm hoping to see you(and Hitokage seeing as you are both from Waterford)in New Haven tonight.Nyx is saying there will be something like a dozen of us(if everyone shows,damn fire spinners)down on the green and hitting the club so it would be great to get some more CT spinners in the mix.

Whiffle Squeekaddict
416 posts
Location: Hartford, CT USA

dude, i wasnt hating on you, i realized i was kinda harsh, but i was hoping the little googly eyes would kinda ease it, i was too lazy to actually go back and edit the post, your points are all very valid and well taken, and i do agree that people should not merely wrap and do no other moves, but i also stick with my main point that wraps are an integral part of spinning especially glosticking and that they arent simple moves, i apologize for the condescending tone in my previous post

i wish i could get to new haven tonight, but i doubt i can, only 17 and my paretns still hold a fairly tight leash, and anyways Hitokage and I are planning on doing some video editing tonight

where abouts in connecticut are you poiaholic?

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

531 posts

The thing I have noticed about this discussion board is that it is real easy to take something the wrong way.I wasn't mad more like in a joking mood.I agree that wraps can add to your spin so it's good we are on the same page now.I'm from Wallingford which unless I'm mistaken is about 35 minutes from Waterford.If you want to get a hold of me just get my email off the forum.Maybe we can get together some time and trade moves.

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