155 posts
Location: Reading, UK

Hey, I thought i would just share my little story, yesterday, I went to my friends and he took me to this fire show, Tom was in it and he did this one thing doing his staff on a unicycle, it only lasted a while until he decided he needed to stop, I spoke to him after and asked him where he learn this thing, he said everyone does, however I think he was only boasting.Has anyone ever heard of this before.Peace out.F_S

Where there is sorrow I seek the Flame - Rumi

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

RRRRRGGGHHH (stupid angry face)Tom aye? Hmmm, guess I'll have to polish up my act now there's some more competition. smileI guess it was only a matter of time before someone else started doing it/I found someone else doing it on a unicycle too.Can you tell me a little bit about what moves Tom did?On the unicycle - I can currently do normal side spins/butterfly??, side throws, front throws and helicopter throws (up to about 3 revolutions each), behind the back, around the neck, some other body rolls and other basics.Been working on palm spins but haven't had any joy yet...If Tom is on the board, it'd be great to chat a bit more about it...I'll better keep working on new sh*t now... wink------------------Charleshttps://juggling.co.nz

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383 posts
Location: Brisbane, Qld, Australia

... someone else started doing it? This is why I guess I don't frequent this board... cause some of this world here seems to forget they are not the only ones doing 'it' ...My mate and I have been doing it for aages.

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.- B.B.King

flash fireBRONZE Member
Sporadically Prodigal
2,758 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

that's such a great point Splat. I often think about that - what about all those wicked crusty firespinners that have no internet access or inclination to discuss their artform on this board.there are so many thousands of fire people out there, especially in Australia. Just cos someone on this board is a master in this domain is certianly not indicative of their skills in comparison to the others out there. if that's what's important to you anyway.

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1,015 posts
Location: Austin TX USA

check outwww.walkaboutproductions.comThe woman there, Connie, figured this out independently without having seen other people do poi--she started with poi on massive chains about 5'/1.5m long. Recently she got some poi in a more conventional length (and weight).

Laugh while you can, monkey-boy

155 posts
Location: Reading, UK

Hey, Charles, Tom isn't on the board I suppose I'll get him to take a look at least tho.On the unicycle Tom can do palm spins, Helicopter, BtB, round neck, horizontal throws, Forward spinning throws,side throws, side to side spin btb, some other things that i can't quite remember.Good luck charles, your probably better than him anyway he's good but not as good as he could be.

Where there is sorrow I seek the Flame - Rumi

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Hi Splat, sorry if I was misunderstood, my post was talking about someone else starting to do it OR me finding other people who are doing it. I've been waiting over a year and a half to come across someone else, but NZ's not that big a place as we all know...I know there's heaps of peeps (cool rhyme huh?) who have the skills to do it, I know several myself, but I'm the only one I'd ever heard of before this post who has actually does it regularly.Also, yay! Some unicyclists ot talk to...Did you read the article in OneWheel about the fire unicycle? Some guy threaded a wick through his spokes and had to keep riding until it went out, otherwise he would burn himself or the unicycle... winkTell me a bit about what you do with it, and also how long u've been riding and how hardcore you are. This means pure unicycling as well as fire.I'm learning offroad and steps and stuff, but am a bit chicken at times which is probably holding me back. I think there's a lot more firies than unicyclists in NZ so it's always good to find another cyclist (gives u a big, definitely platonic hug)------------------Charles (INFERNO)newdolbel@hotmail.comhttps://juggling.co.nz[This message has been edited by Charles (edited 03 September 2001).]

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95 posts
Location: Austin, TX, USA

Splat -- I am at a loss as to why you would get upset at something like that. I guess part of it was that you were just misunderstanding Charles' post, but even if you weren't, that's a stupid reason to not frequent this board imo.Adam -- I know Connie!! She's cool smile I've seen her do streamers on her unicycle before, but never poi. I didn't even know she did poi.

383 posts
Location: Brisbane, Qld, Australia

pffffft! If I came across 'upset' to you, then perhaps you need to rethink what this message board means to the majority of people. No offense (I thought *obviously*, but perhaps not) taken on my part.. IMO, there are some 'stupid' (although I really think that word is rather insulting and useless) comments on this board and thus will end justification right now. (Maybe before this one becomes one of them!?)Fear is certainly a part of it for me (and sometimes my mate) too Charles wink I chipped the bone on my pinky finger playing with poi a few weeks ago and it bloody hurts! I like to have all fingers and limbs working fine so I can fall on them you know? If you're interested in chatting about unicycling e-mail me ... its one of my favourite topics smile

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.- B.B.King

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

hey charles,
monday night we were sat in the pub after our circus school thing teapots!
and my mate Dave who being the topic of this thread can unicycle, well anyway he has this mad plan to unicycle for how ever long he can travelling over europe and the rest of the world "for fun" he says too,
you think he is crazy...
think he is on about doing it on a big wheel too prolly 26"
well i can no freemount and unicycle for a few hundred yards now comfortably only tried it for 3 hours max!.. cant wait to get poi going too!
well happy unicycling and so on...

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand


He's pretty crazy, but there's a number of people who have done that before, even a New Zealander I know of who took his uni backpacking with him around the world.

Hopefully he use at least a 26", though its's easier to get hold of 28" uni's. The 26" wheels are common for big mountain bikes but difficult to convert en masse to one wheeled deals.

Might pay for him to either carry lots of spare parts or stick to western countries so he can get it repaired when things go wrong.

I know all about that, I have four uni's now, and three of them are broken at the moment.

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pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

thats gotta suck man havin 3 busted up uni's...
lol i went to a park in the city with kato today fer a lil play around and test my new camcorder before saturdays poi in the park... took my uni with me and got a good go on it.. even got my first poi on uni footage and posted it up on the poi in the park website with a few piccies too for a laugh all i could bust oput was a good ol'e 3 beat but came out with a bit of a 'do ended up quite nice until kato's sock poi decided to wrap around each other... sucks...
I will get my mate dave to scope out some info of people uni'in round the globe when i see him on saturday and see what he can find out, there must be nutters posted their trips on the net.


StoneGOLD Member
Stream Entrant
2,829 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

I know this is an old thread, but as an Australian, I'm a really disappointed by Splat and Flash Fire's parochial comments, especially as I was just thinking how unfortunate it was that so many feral's (I presume that's Australian for crusty) didn't have access to the net and HOP.

I'm sure there are some wicked crusty firespinners out there. But, while I've only taken up spinning recently, I been watching firetwirling since the early 90's, and suggest there are probably heaps more crappy crusty firespinners out there, that could learn a lot from HOP, especially in regard to fuel and safety.

If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

sheffield has many feral "crusty" fire spinners that come out of the wood work now and again, the first person i ever saw doing poi is one, doing it as a living making good money and travels the world doing it. He self taught, yet i add could learn a shit lot more than he does. But thats life not all of us can afford to live in a rich mans world and have internet access.
my 2 cents

.:* Moon Pixie *:.Carpal \'Tunnel
3,492 posts
Location: .:*over the rainbow*:.

I've had my unicycle for nearly as long as my fire toys and longer than my stilts, and I still can only ride it a little bit I think I spread myself a little thin, trying to do everything imaginable (and I've got a pretty wild imagination kee hee ) One of my unicycling friends showed me a video of Extreem Unicycling CRAZY stuff... I don't think I'll EVER be doing that kind of thing. Sort of makes unicycling seem abit daunting...
I'll keep at it though, and maybe one day I'll be able to do a little more than just ride it in a strait (or stightly curvey) line 'till I get sore legs and bail. Maybe I could do with some tips I'd like to be able to cycle in circles abit better and staying in one spot going back and forth kind of thing is a bit tricky for me too. May sound like basic stuff to you pros, but I'm still learning. My tire's still flat though, and I can't find a pump... so I've got an excuse for putting it off even longer

*:...one day all the fairy fridges will be aligned and my pixie world will be complete...:*

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