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Paddyback from the dead...sort of
884 posts
Location: 43°41'N 79°38'W

Alright, a number of us have met in Toronto a couple of times now in Christie Pits park, and are going to be meeting on a semi-regular basis. Eariler tonight we thought it would be a good idea to start a thread for GTA spinners, where we can post meeting locations and times, and others can post to say if they'll be available, etc.

and...well, this is it. Enjoy, all.

PS. When did we decide we'd be getting together next? I wasn't paying too much attention I'm afraid...

chrystel starrmember
30 posts
Location: planet earth

Happy New Years!

I hope everything is wicked over there.

I just finished a wonderful holiday, i found a pair of gloves that allowed for some poiing in the park with a friend of mine and we traded tricks in the snowfall all day long. My japanenese is getting better so that when old men in the park wanted to know if we were playing with yo yo`s, i was sort of able to xplain.

Hey, fireyflow... i hope your shows went perfectly...i bet they were awe inspiring... and on a technical note.. i have now hit myself in the head 53 tines trying to learn the backwards five beat wave.... and tips????

Another year towards completion of the secrets of the universe...may we all happily look for clues!

ciao kids

Hi my pants are on firemember
26 posts
Location: here

I'll play .... yeay! where's everyone? ...MOtha"S ....ok so there's gonna be a toronto tam tam , TTT , this saturday in the dancemakers studio starting at about 8 , until 12:00 or something, is at dupont and ossington, you guys have to give it a try, bring drumms and toys! haa yeah is 5 bucks and you get to take your shoes off !! yeah!

Hi my pants are on firemember
26 posts
Location: here

it's 927 dupont st just west of ossington now no screw you all!

MissAstrofunkloveBRONZE Member
154 posts
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Hello all, long time no post for poor me ( i know you all feel my pain ;o) ) hehe
Anyway just wantted to say happy belated christmas and NEW Years!
Big holiday huggzz to you!

Chrystal- how cold is it there?
Linda- how's you trip going? Did you ever find fire poi for sale?? ....for me...for you??? Are you lost at see or in the sunshine??

supper YAY to see Paddy for Newyears come home agian soon!

Lindsay where where you this week...not at poi or did I just come too late as usual? You were so cute on newyears!
DAVY, Frankie & Lindsay I can't wait to see your NYE fire show on a bigger screan but from the digi came you all looked great! Bravo!!

HMPAOF- you. me. FIRE This friday! be THERE! And bring the loverly Dawn with you (send her xoxox for me please!)

JANUARY 29 manditory poi and post party at the IV LOUNGE
Because it's MY BIRTHDAY!
Dancing will be had and many a martini too!

Love to all my poi brothers and sistas here and around the world!

B. like nobodieswatching.... oh no wait, I'm not watching! My eyes are shut *crash* hehe oops sorry did I bump into you? *blush*

lindaSILVER Member
93 posts
Location: Toronto, Canada

Hello everyone from Angkor Wat, Cambodia! Some of the most awesome ruins in the world. Haven't met any fire spinners, but the Khmer believe that dancers communicated with the gods. And dancing and music are offerings to the gods.
Sounds like Pants is doing well. I miss all ya guys and Miss Astrofunk, I'm going to be back for your birthday! Yayy! Davey, it was a lovely suprise to see ya on the bangkok thread. I'll see ya all soon. Linda

Aurora (1/2 a firesister)GOLD Member
249 posts
Location: Canada, Ontario, Toronto

^^^ Linda we miss you {{{hugz}}}} ^^^

As for the rest of you. Wahoo I get to see you all tonite and have some lovely spinning fun. Lez boogie


Om Namah Sivaya

MissAstrofunkloveBRONZE Member
154 posts
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

So Linda if your back in time for my b-day...WHEN R U arriving back in the T-dot??
Happy safe travels! see u soon!

B. like nobodieswatching.... oh no wait, I'm not watching! My eyes are shut *crash* hehe oops sorry did I bump into you? *blush*

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Thistle...I am not far away from Toronto...and I will come play with you as long as you are there on a weekend!

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

SmokyDavySILVER Member
Do my poi look too small in this?
394 posts
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada


The trick is to hold the poi up in the air and dodge out of the way. it makes it much easier until you get better control at that particular move.

also, if you wanna buy some kevlar:

If u still can't find any fire-kids you should try asking there. They might know what's up in Nippon.

chrystel starrmember
30 posts
Location: planet earth

Thanks fiery

I will try it higher up. and i am also thinknig of making softer practice poi...oouuch

thanks for the website, i am gonna grab my chinese character dictionary and order some. I scared myself when loking at the web page that i was able to recognise which katakana symbols read kevlar.... i need to leave here soon or i will forget the alphabet.... I hope your new place is settled in and fabulous...

Ms Astro Have a happy birthday (ah,sweet sixteen)
i hope you have the craziest time possible!!


lindaSILVER Member
93 posts
Location: Toronto, Canada

Gosh it's sooo nice to be back and see everyone. I love our new Wed. space and new people and new toys! yay!!! Jonathon and his ladder are pretty amazing. Miss Astrofunk, looking forward to your birthday and i wanted to use the new beer graemlin!

Aurora (1/2 a firesister)GOLD Member
249 posts
Location: Canada, Ontario, Toronto

This thread needs a little luv

Bye (again) Linda. You lucky girl. Have a wicked trip and get lots of sun to share with all of us.

Poor me won't be able to make it tomorrow cause I've got a yucky math test to study for. Have a good tuesday night everyone.

Peace and lots of


Om Namah Sivaya

SmokyDavySILVER Member
Do my poi look too small in this?
394 posts
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

So thats why you weren't there!

I went to see the two towers, but didn't get to poi till 9:30. there was a sad message from Dawn saying that she thought poi had been cancelled because I wasn't there.

hope you had a happy math test. why do you need maths in philosophy? i'm just not smart enuff to understand what you do Lindsay.

Hi my pants are on firemember
26 posts
Location: here

you are not that cool davy dont flatter your self... she only gets sad if she doesnt see me, my brujita

chrystel starrmember
30 posts
Location: planet earth


あdふぉウィ絵う亜jfが亜sdっ世良l時じゃああウェイह 4;

I think thats how you write it in Kanji!

Everyone eat lots of chocolate hearts and give out random kisses!!!!!!!!!


JaedenGOLD Member
220 posts
Location: Edmonton, Canada


The world is not out to get you but if you fight it you will be eaten alive

SmokyDavySILVER Member
Do my poi look too small in this?
394 posts
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Oscar, you wish you were as cool as I am


Your japanese writing is getting.. uh.. less garbeled.. I think I can make out a 4; in that.

Jaeden, welcome to our toronto thread! Wanna come down for a visit?

SmokyDavySILVER Member
Do my poi look too small in this?
394 posts
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This saturday (Feb 22nd) there will be a Resistor party at the Reverb (Queen and Bathurst) which will have a drum circle and poi workshops in the backroom.

Workshops will be provided by Sunspot, Paddy and myself.

It's half price to enter (5$ from 10$) if you bring a set of poi, a drum or a didge.

More details to follow

chrystel starrmember
30 posts
Location: planet earth


fiery flow i hope you kids have fun at the poi workshop! I am makin a didge over here, it might only take me half a million years to learn circular breathing.

I finally found one peep in my little town who doesnt know anything about poi but twirls glow sticks, he can even do the butterfly. another kid who is fasinated with twirling sticks around... and voila.... in march i am gonna starta tuesday night poi juggling night. so if you are in japan..

ummmm.. where did linda go this time???

firey pants, you sound a little protective... over your buijita, hehe she s not sliping you machista poition is she???

And before i leave this page
Jaeden.... the fist doesn`t work if you deciede not to notice it`s existence......

bethanny are you out there???

flames and spring on its way!!!


SmokyDavySILVER Member
Do my poi look too small in this?
394 posts
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Bethany has been without computer for a while now.

Ok so to finally let everyone know wtf is going on! Psyclone is very ill and there was possibility of burst ear drums SO now that we're pretty sure that's not the case we can carry on!

Saturday February 22nd (yes this weekend!)
Reverb - 651 Queen Street W., Toronto
$10 @ door / 19+ / 10pm-5am
Get in for $5 with your poi/staff/flags or drum/didge before midnight!
Satori . Phink . Jeb . XXX (maybe bathory if you're lucky)

Loud bangy Jungle side room by SMERK ;^)

Circular Fusion lounge with Davey!

Poi displays and instruction, drumming circles and free yoga class by Yoyoga (10-11pm and maybe again later)

Non-Https Image Link

MissAstrofunkloveBRONZE Member
154 posts
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

yeah Chrystel, I'm out here...though I'm not too sure where here is these dayz...feels like some wherez on the outer loopless galaxy, it's cold and lonlie brrrrrrr.
Wish I was traveling some place warm and green!! Where has Linda gone??
I finaly got to a computer, after only a month and 1/2 or so.
sumtimez i think people forget about the wonderfull invention of the telephone
I missed poi tonight so I could finaly see LOTR the two towers, great movie but not exactly a pick-me-upper kind of film. My dad filled me in on all the parts that strayed from the book, he's a tuff critic!

well that's all from the silence... I hope all r well!


[ 06. March 2003, 09:13: Message edited by: MissAstrofunklove ] like nobodieswatching.... oh no wait, I'm not watching! My eyes are shut *crash* hehe oops sorry did I bump into you? *blush*

lindaSILVER Member
93 posts
Location: Toronto, Canada

hey fiery friends, I'm back in Toronto! Went to Guatemala for a month, felt like a week. Chrystel, I saw Nikki and Nina, they're still down at the lake! They're going back to London in April. I did an awesome fire routine with my girlfriend Theresita and did the behind-the-back-weave with fire for the first time! I plan to come to play on tuesday. Lindsay, Davey, Frank, Bethany, Oscar, Dawn, etc. hope to see you all there!

SmokyDavySILVER Member
Do my poi look too small in this?
394 posts
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada



SmokyDavySILVER Member
Do my poi look too small in this?
394 posts
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Just so everyone has a heads-up!

We're gonna do the poi-workshop at the Resistor party on Saturday the 29th of March.

Should be a fun ol' time!

chrystel starrmember
30 posts
Location: planet earth

Posted: way nikki and nina are still down there! i miss guatemalla. I remember so clearly the three of us hitting ourselves in the head trying to learn the weave, ahhhh life did you see my friend hopper by any chance?

Hey kids! i hope toronto is warming up and all your frostbitten fingers will still be able to spin!!!!

see you in five months

love and flames

Aurora (1/2 a firesister)GOLD Member
249 posts
Location: Canada, Ontario, Toronto

Welcome Home Linda

Can't wait to see you tomorrow ...and everyone else of course.

Does Kali post on here I wonder....we should have a burn tomorrow since the weather is sooooo nice.


Om Namah Sivaya

SmokyDavySILVER Member
Do my poi look too small in this?
394 posts
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

We'll do a burn next tuesday, since I'm bringing your stinky kero down to you.

Just so everyone knows, I will again be doing a workshop at this party:
R351570R - March of the Mechs: March29 / 2003
Reverb - 651 Queen Street W, Toronto
$10 @ door / 19+ / 10pm - 5am

Psy-Clone (Double Agents)
Phink (DeepSeaFish)

Jungle side room, chill lounge with live PA by Rare Zoo Babies (David Marks)


Non-Https Image Link

Non-Https Image Link

Hi my pants are on firemember
26 posts
Location: here

YO YO party pyros!! humm I think that the next meeting on tuesday should be .... in the park !! like the good old days! that is if is not too cold so we can spin FIRE MOTHA... ( aparently I'ben vanished to end the sentence ) but you know what I mean... so so WHO'S WITH ME!!

lindaSILVER Member
93 posts
Location: Toronto, Canada

Hi pants. Sure, I'd be into the park, as long as it's warmer.
I just put in a few pictures from my trip, which means (I'm sorry ) you're wedding pictures are off. Check out the new ones in the photo album, page 2, under "linda".
Sunspot, Fiery Flow, great to see you on Tues.
Chrystel, yes, Nikki and Nina are still there, although they're talking about going back to London this month. I think hopper was around. Have you found someone to play with? Hope everything is good with you.

chrystel starrmember
30 posts
Location: planet earth

con ban wa

wow you guys are going to meet in the park already!, i can`t believe you made in and out of the lake so quick. how did you overcome its magnetic force?

I havent found anyone to play with but starting the second tuesday in april i am starting a poi, juggling night in town square. see who shows up.

fire forever

PS linda...what was megu`s address again..oppps

pps oscar...donde vas? quidate la pinche ciudad, es difficle a salir!

hugs to everyone!!!


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