Hecatonchiresmember 45 posts Location: Wollongong, Australia
Posted: After complaints from [possibly very old] residents around Market Square, council have 'suggested' that we move to MacCabe park or pay a $75 a night licencing fee to remain.
MacCabe Park is in the center of Wollongong. We've tried it out, and the new venue is pretty amazing. We're congregating around the amphitheatre hill at the bottom end.
So, Wollongong, every wednesday, from 8pm. Fire , the return of drumming , and its very possible we will have chai too
ThomasBRONZE Member member 55 posts Location: Wollongong, NSW, Australia
Posted: Ah, that's why no one was at Market Square last night , so this new place is good is it? Can't wait till next wednesday.
Hecatonchiresmember 45 posts Location: Wollongong, Australia