DeimosBRONZE Member
Cinnamon Girl
191 posts
Location: Hfx, NS, Canada

So I've been thinking, everywhere else in the world seems to have regularly occuring poi gatherings, and I thought "Well golly, why not us?". HOP day (which, IMHO, was a super success) seemed to be a great kickstart to a bi-weekly series of spinning on the commons. Though November may not be the best season to start, I'm sure we have some time left before serious snow.
So, next weekend a propose another gathering seeing as the timing is perfect as Phobos is coming to town for her birthday. Super, no?
Tell me what y'all think.


24 posts
Location: China

Well... ...

Bobo DCLmember
141 posts
Location: Halifax

Ohh, sounds great! Even through wind, snow, and rain, I'm up for it!

As long as it's not too late...

And as long as I don't have homework...

And as long as -- lol, just kiddin ^^

But I think Sundays are best, because I don't know about everyone else, but my schedule isn't regular enough to dedicate my Saturdays... Also, the world dies here on Sundays (aka, no Sunday shopping)

So, whoever wants to get this going, just keep posting!

I like orange.And don't take my cookies.

233 posts
Location: St. John's, Newfoundland.

I'll be spinning fire in my backyard for all of my friends on saturday. Tomorrow, november 3rd, is my birthday (can anyone, whom i haven't told, guess how old i'm turning) and i'm having my party next saturday night.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a trick, this is a stunt. The difference between a stunt and a trick is that a trick is something that tricks or fools the audience, a stunt is something that only an idiot would do -Ivan, Ash Circle, 10/04/03

OrangeBoboSILVER Member
1,389 posts
Location: Guelph, ON, Canada


So, summer time. I know you guys are out there. Come on! My departure date has been moved back, so I have the summer in Hfx, AND I get to see buskers biggrin

We actually had a successful gathering last time!! Until the fuzz came and busted us of course. Which means I figure we can do one of three things, if we get a regular, bi-weekly thing happening (which, I think, is entirely possible):

1. Move to the water front, or a similar public area.

2. Stay in the commons, because it's such a nice location, and do no fire

3. Screw the coppers, and do fire on the commons.

Also, there's going to be a definate firey night planned by Nick and I. A farewell spin with the whole gang.

Oooh, I had a teacher at my school contact me, asking info on our meets, because his fiancee spins! ubbloco How awesome is that!! He says she's definately interested in going to a meet! So, now all we have to do, is get a date and stuff and stuff.

Also, if you're going to my party, I'm still not sure if there's gonna be fire. Will talk to the 'rents about it.

~ Bobo

wie weit, wie weit noch?
fragst mich, wo wir gewesen sind...
du fehlst hier

233 posts
Location: St. John's, Newfoundland.

We need an open air fire permit. Ivan confirmed it. I think you need to be 18+ (or 19+) to get one, or have to have someone 18(or 19)+ with you when you spin... so.. i think will would have to figure something out.. as far as the waterfront goes, cops still go there.. but i'll go if you all go. I've got my motorcycle now, so trips to halifax are more fesible now. Let me know when we have a date. anytime before the 27th is not a good time to start though.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a trick, this is a stunt. The difference between a stunt and a trick is that a trick is something that tricks or fools the audience, a stunt is something that only an idiot would do -Ivan, Ash Circle, 10/04/03

42 posts
Location: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

Hmm, I like the idea of a bi weekly poi meet... but what I don't like is how we nearly got our ass kicked last time by that cop... I propose that we still have one, but we alternate backyards, or something like that... I dunno, my neghbours don't care really, just so long as we're careful and don't burn my house down my parents are okay with it, and it's alright by me, so long as if I have to drive people home we need to be done, and packed up by 11

"By the pricking of my thumbs
Something wicked this way comes"
-Macbeth Act4 Scene1

OrangeBoboSILVER Member
1,389 posts
Location: Guelph, ON, Canada

Date and time wink

wie weit, wie weit noch?
fragst mich, wo wir gewesen sind...
du fehlst hier

42 posts
Location: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

I dunno... the soonest I can do it is the weekend after next, on sunday, as I swim all day on saturdays and stuff, cause this weekend I've got plans for stunday, and next weekend I'm in PEI, so y'know

"By the pricking of my thumbs
Something wicked this way comes"
-Macbeth Act4 Scene1

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