1 post
Location: Houston, TX. USA

I'm trying to help out my soon to be Father-in-law. I got him addicted to Glow Poi over the holiday, and I'm trying to find him info on the cheapest places in Tacoma Washington to get Glowsticks. Any Suggestions?Thanks

melissaBRONZE Member
156 posts
Location: madagascar, USA

check out mallwart, err i mean walmart if you're only looking for a few. if you're looking for a bunch check online for large order distributors

Kinudin (Soul Fyre)veteran
1,325 posts
Location: San Diego, California, USA

Goto a boy scout shop or a camping place. I bought a pack at the scout shop of 2 for $3.50 (save .50)

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Really you can get them cheaper online. Do a search for one of the many "glowstick store" threads that have been started.I like even though their customer service is kinda shotty...A buck a piece is a good rule of thumb. Less than that is good, much more is bad. smile

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