AlteraSILVER Member
38 posts
Location: Sydney, Australia

ok people
how bad have we all been injured twirling and how
ive had like minor burns but... nuthin serious
ive seen dislocated thumbs and fingers, hari on fire from people who cant finger roll at the speed they were trying too!!!
so yeha tell all

38 posts
Location: Presently in São Paulo, Brazil

Mostly minor bruises and burns really but last summer I cut my forehead quite badly.
The wicks on my staff were at the end of their lifespan and thus a small portion of the actual aluminum staff was sticking out. No big problem right? Wrong! I was doing an backward figure 8 above my head and due to the fact that I was highly influenced by Albert Hoffmans problem child I wasn't really paying attention to what I was doing. WHACK!!! The end of the staff hit my forehead and cut it open quite nicely.
At the time I didn't really care that much except that I had to keep whiping the blood out of my eyes. The next morning OTOH when I started to notice the pain I went and took a look in a mirror. YIKES!!! It wasn't pretty to say the least.
Guess I learnt a couple of lessons that night

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. --Mark Twain

12 posts
Location: edinburghb

nothing serious and ive seen nothing serious

Minero got a good one though - staff smacked him on the head and the SCREW dented and burnt into his forehead!! quite a spectacular third eye!!!

apart from minor burns and seriously sore smacks on the face............nowt

by the way neat lavender oil on a burn is AMAZING - the only way to treat your burns

382 posts
Location: Southampton

Originally posted by Tree:

by the way neat lavender oil on a burn is AMAZING - the only way to treat your burns
Let's not forget good ol booze!

(I've burnt my hair on my head right down twice, and have picked up cuts and bruises along the way but nothing ever serious, thankfully. )

A conspiracy of silence speaks louder than words...

SickpuPpyNinja Rockstar!
1,100 posts
Location: Denver, Co. U.S.A.

So far I've been lucky with injuries.
Once when I was practicing an over the shoulder toss I saw Xaeda do once (and like an idiot I tried it for the first time while it was on fire) I looked up just in time to see the staff turn vitical and slam directly into my eye. The next thing I knew I was on the ground. It almost knocked me out, and it was a good thing there was snow on the ground because I might have been burned pretty bed had the staff not been put out by the white stuff.

Another time I discoverd a brand new pressure point (that in ten years of martial arts no one ever botherd to mention to me) whilst spinning my chain whip. I was just using one of my tennis ball practice wicks and some how (and I still don't know quite how I hit this particular spot) I hit about 1 1/2cm below and toward the back of my ankle bone. The feeling was unbelievable. It wasn't exactly pain, it felt like some one had filled my shoe with amazingly cold water and it was spilling up out of my shoe. My foot felt like ice for about twenty minutes and it was going numb. I thought I had discoverd some weird Dim Mak (death touch) pressure point and I had inadvertantly cut off all chi flow to my foot. I was really scared for a while. But likily the feeling came back into my foot and the icy water feeling went away. So I finished my cigarette and when back to spinning.

Jesus helps me trick people.

2,419 posts
Location: la-la land

I caught Kat's staff with my eye tring to do flat palm spins to throw and catch.. her staff was alot longer and heavier than mine so it went alot higher than my short staff - I stood under it for ages going ooooo- don't it go high... THWACK!! ouch... right on the eye socket - thebone is still bruised - and that happened AGES ago..

Oh and I now have short hair as I kept frazzlin the fringe..

I honour you as an aspect of myself..

You are never to old to storm a bouncey castle..

tau neutrinoPLATINUM Member
35 posts
Location: singapore

well funny how this works... i was reading this thread last week...adn was thinking how lucky i have been spinning... on saturday i was spinning at a gig, i had just lit my doubles and was starting to move into my groove. and thwack! hit me in the face, on my nose... it was just smarting so i continued spinning.. till i felt thick viscous liquid running down my nose...while still spinning, nonchalantly rubbed my forearm on my nose and saw it was blood and not sweat...looked for my wet towel could not see it from where i was (i know thats bad safety..) couldnt blow my staffs out, the flame was still fresh... so i contnued spinning for a few minutes with a bloody face... well washed it later and found it was a cut on the bridge of my of those small ones that bleed alot...i guess i am still lucky as far as injuries go...

[ 05. December 2002, 19:25: Message edited by: tau neutrino ]

2,419 posts
Location: la-la land

Ooo... thats not good. But hey knocks and scrapes are all part of the poi journey..
Hope you heal well and there is no scar.. Did you freak out the audience?

I burnt my eyebrow and I think I broke my glasses last night - not badly just the nosey holdy uppy bit - no drama..

I honour you as an aspect of myself..

You are never to old to storm a bouncey castle..

Phuhzzzie Wuhzzzie the Pumpkin Kingmember
141 posts
Location: Melbourne, the new Land of Nod

I was at my mates 18th a month or two ago and I was twirling with somebody elses 4" wick poi which had shorter cables than my own, I also use 2.5" wick, any way I was doing my favorite wrap. (bear in mind I don't wear a shirt when I twirl)

This wrap comes from behind my back and over my bicep. (see the wraps thread) Anyway I wasn't used to these poi, and you know how sometimes when you do a wrap the poi can sort of latch its self onto the cable well that happened.

I tried to just flick the poi off my arm as you would to unwrap but that didn't work out too well. (I tried that about three times) In the end (which wasn't too far from the start) I grabbed the poi with my hand and threw it off my arm.

I've got a fairly decent scar from that one, not like those little take a few weeks to go away little burn marks that I get fairly regularly.

(I'd like to take this chance to appologise for the excessive use of bracket in this post) (Sorry)(I'd also like to appogise that this post had nothing to do with staff) (Sorry)

[ 06. December 2002, 16:10: Message edited by: Phuhzzzie Wuhzzzie the good robot ]

A wise man once said to me, Hey! You! Get out of my wardrobe! and in a way, I guess he was right.

FireSpiritSILVER Member
Classic 90's Fire Dancer... Poi, Staff, Doubles, and Breathing
743 posts
Location: South Lake Tahoe, USA

Every scar has a story.
I love my burn scars, on my arms and legs.
I once burnt off my beard, and had to shave the rest off. Not Fun!


[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,749 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

humm, cut above my eye showing some kid how not to do fast staff, cut the bridge of my nose from an ariel staff tring to get the double split, 4x2cm blister on my inner elbow from hot wet and slippery contact, staff. Burns Heal and chicks dig scars.


This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

FireSpiritSILVER Member
Classic 90's Fire Dancer... Poi, Staff, Doubles, and Breathing
743 posts
Location: South Lake Tahoe, USA

Ya, Chicks dig scars!!


Phuhzzzie Wuhzzzie the Pumpkin Kingmember
141 posts
Location: Melbourne, the new Land of Nod

This thread is cursed!

First tau neutrino and now me! I was out camping this weekend and there I was I picked up a staff and started to twirl away and then WHACK! I copped it in the head right where the jaw bone connects to the skull. This was on Friday night, it still hurts to open my mouth wide or chew Then later on I was poiing away to my hearts content and then WHACK flaming poi in the eye, singing the lashes together, half blinding me! Granted that didn't hurt but it was pretty classy.

A wise man once said to me, Hey! You! Get out of my wardrobe! and in a way, I guess he was right.

2,364 posts
Location: austin,tx

ouch. my ex girlfriend dislocated her jaw for a second. while working on turning btb "waistwraps" her wick knocked the corner of her jaw from behind, and it came out of place, and then popped back in. ever since then, i tell everybody...
tighten your jaw when working on moves where the wick comes anywhere near your jaw, esp. wall plane btb moves when your head is turned or you are turning and it might hit the back of your jaw.

-Such a price the gods exact for song: to become what we sing
-Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
-When the center of the storm does not move, you are in its path.

91 posts
Location: Canada

I was spinning like a mad woman to a bongo out of control, when I looked at a cute guy and clocked myself right upside the head while while making eye contact (yah, I'm a smoothy sometimes). Sometimes a bruise to the ego hurts more than one to the head!!!

AlteraSILVER Member
38 posts
Location: Sydney, Australia

hey this is really bad....
ive started up this topic and ive jinxed everybody..... but hey we are getting some cool story's....... once when i first started twirling and i was doin a bit a a street perfocmance with about 5 other twirlers and i decide i would try a reverse neck roll and the stick got halfway round then it stoped and started comin back down the other sideand the wick slide right down on side of my face leavin a massive black scorn mark.... i didnt hurt much but looked really bad a shinged lots of hair!!!! i didnt try that trick again 4 a long time!!!

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