Forums > Help! > ggrrr!.....that darn btb!

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28 posts
Location: auckland newzealand

can sum1 please help me with my btb weave/chase ... ive looked at the pictures , and read the tips but it just aint working ! ...... how about some step by step instructions, or hand placements tips or somthing .....

snif...snif...... snif.....SNIF

[ 07 July 2002, 16:22: Message edited by: snarf ]

trust, honesty, loyalty, and forgivness...~BAH~... a good friend is someone who'll put you out when you're on fire

14 posts
Location: U.K

yeh fuck someone help us with btb weave.
i have started to do yoga and i think it's helping me in the way that i am more comfortable with my hands behind my back. so maybe streching is the key or maybe not cause i still can't do it yet. aaaarrrrgggggghhhhhhh


DJ DantanaBRONZE Member
1,495 posts
Location: Stillwater, Ok. USA

go for the two beat first. And watch somebody do it in real life (not just on tv) practice with just one poi. one hand must go behind your back slightly befor the other. start from an alternate swing. try reverse and forward, one might be easier for you.

we eat and we drink and we smoke and we try!

42 posts
Location: Germany

Okay i learned it two weeks ago, so i will try to help.
First of all my way is a little bit confusing but i will try to describe.
If you look at the way the poi are going in front of you when doing the weave it looks like an eight, just in split time right? So if you let them tangle (still in front of you) you describe an eight in front of you (hands are together).
What i did was putting my hands behind my back, the poi was tangled and then describing an eight behind my back (hands still together). If you can manage doing that without hitting yourself on either side you just start doing it in split time. I hope this will help you as i know i'm not that good in describing all that stuff in english. I learned it that way hopefully it will help.


The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only one page...

28 posts
Location: auckland newzealand

thanks for the tip.. i apologise to all about this thread...... i started it when i didnt really know about the site, or the search tool..... apologies again and please ignore this thread untill it fades away ...

trust, honesty, loyalty, and forgivness...~BAH~... a good friend is someone who'll put you out when you're on fire

521 posts
Location: Bristol / London / Norwich / Chennai, India (UK) (...

The way I learned (slightly unorthodox) was to do the reverse weave and then

start flailing my hands wildly behind by back. Believe it or not it

finally clicked after a couple of times doing it and then it was just

a case of making it fluid.

This method works alot better than it sounds believe me.



be excellent to each other: safe:

TomSILVER Member
135 posts
Location: England

I agree with garbo.. I first learnt reverse BTB when I was actually trying to learn between the leg moves! As long as you're comfortable with the weave infront of you your hands know what they have to do, its just a case of finding a way into it.. I found doing the weave infront and then chucking my right arm behind and across my back and then continuing behind worked.. oh that and using soft practice poi!


ValuraSILVER Member
Mumma Hen
6,391 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

Im so sick of btb. ... I have this massive mental block thing with the btb at the moment...
I have tried and tried and tried...
Its driving me crazy because I can do most other tricks but this thing is giving me the shits...
I have watched people, I have had my arms manilupited (sp) to the point of breaking, I have tried just two beat... sob... is this the end of my learning curve?

TAJ "boat mummy." VALURA "yes sweetie you went on a boat, was daddy there with you?" TAJ "no, but monkey on boat" VALURA "well then sweetie, Daddy WAS there with you"

TomSILVER Member
135 posts
Location: England

There's no such thing as an end of the learning curve.. just a couple of dents..


flowingchaliceBRONZE Member
180 posts
Location: Leicester, uk

I found it helped to concentrate on each arm movement at a time, know where each one is going before you try to put them together. However you learned the normal weave might be the best way to practice in reverse... that's what I did anyhow although still having stamina difficulties! But can I do a btb butterfly? Not on your life. Sh*t is so backwards on my planet *sighs*

Good luck with it - never give up!!! NeVER

[ 08 August 2002, 06:04: Message edited by: FlowingChalice ]

Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside wakes C G Jung

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