46 posts
Location: Oregon

I need a bit of help from my fiery friends. I finally have my first paying gig at a local club coming up. Problem is I still have not been able to come up with a stage name that I would like to use. So I am petitioning you fine folks to help me come up with a suitable stage name which fits appropriately with my style and routine. In order to help you in this process I will provide some information about my act.

I primarily work with devils sticks, in flashy day work, glowing club work, and fire.
I am working on incorporating other props into my repertoire, such as poi, staff, meteor, and fans.
I prefer smooth, flowing, dramatic moves, to high speed "flash" moves in most routines, although I do also do high speed moves as appropriate.

As for appearance, I am 6ft tall, stocky, with black and red hair (at least this week). For costuming, I tend toward black leather pants, and chainmail, or scalemail tops in various styles and colours.

Hopefully this information will inspire a few creative ideas for me to work with.

NB: I am trying to stay away from any of the more "ominous" sounding names, as I may also do more family oriented venues from time to time. (This is why I am stuck, all of my ideas tend toward my "Evil" nature:))

We are all atheists, some of us just believe in fewer gods than others. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
-Stephen F. Roberts

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Family names are always good...it doesn't restrict your options later on in life...

How about


Eddie Mercury (fits your leather pants image and ties in with the chain/scalemail)...

The Caught Jester

Missing Link (ok maybe not, but it is funny)

HoP Posting Guidelines
* Is it the Truth?
* Is it Fair to all concerned?
* Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
* Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

46 posts
Location: Oregon

Yeah a friend of mine came up with "The Uncollapsed Waveform", which I find hilarious, yet I don't feel my average audience member will have enough quantum physics savvy to find that as humorous.

We are all atheists, some of us just believe in fewer gods than others. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
-Stephen F. Roberts

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

that's great! hee hee hee

Do any of the above seem like a step in the right direction?

I was thinking after my post that Mercury might be good just on it's own.

In the same theme, Neon Blue, has nice ring to it.

then there's the corny ones



Under Veer (play on underwear and the initals U.V.)



Coalface (I kinda like this one)

PBS (Pot Belly Stove )

And then theres the easy option of using other languages like French...

LE FEU = Fire (French)

Now THAT sounds good...

HoP Posting Guidelines
* Is it the Truth?
* Is it Fair to all concerned?
* Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
* Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

46 posts
Location: Oregon

Actually I had thought of other languages, however as a tend to play to a multi cultural/international crowd, I wanted to stay away from anything that would just be silly or redundant.

I am tending toward the more classic fire god type names, without veering into the world of overdone cliches. Of course I am now leaning to something revolving around Loki since he is a god of both fire and mischief. It doesn't hurt that I thnk I might be able to make a pretty wicked graphic to go with that theme.

So far though the only thing I got that sounds simple and smooth was "Loki's Child", which somehow strikes me as more of a band or troupe name rather than a solo performer.

P.S. Thanks for the suggestions so far.

We are all atheists, some of us just believe in fewer gods than others. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
-Stephen F. Roberts

46 posts
Location: Oregon

Well after agonizing with several people at work I think I have at least one A-list contender, and several really bad names I could not resist sharing, many of these from my own boss

First off the one that I am toying with seriously:

Logi Lokian

Which translates almost literally as "Fire Worshiper of Loki" Which I think is fairly appropriate, and simple enough in general.

Or possibly Loki Logian, which would translate into Loki Fireworshipper

Other names given, some seriously some not are as follows (NB:Pun quotient extremely high. Those with low pun tolerance should just move along.):

Loki Here
Loki What I Got
Living la Vida Loki
Son of Loki
Loki's Child
Loki Fire Child

At this point I am still taking options and opinions. I have until Tuesday 8/19/03 to make a finally decision and create my new logo. Any other assistance is appreciated.

We are all atheists, some of us just believe in fewer gods than others. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
-Stephen F. Roberts

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Here's the thing with god names, they tend to be taken. I know of three people with the name LOKI of some derrivitive in the fire seen already...however, you could use that as your tagline.
Checking for the exsistence of a performer under a name really is important, cause if they have a bad rep, you do not want to be mistaken for him/her.

From the sounds of it you could also do the ethereal type names...

Draigo =Dragon, derrived from your height and wearing of maille. It also applies to fire performance. Is *ANY* audience friendly...sounds cool in an adult club but also fine for families.
Also can be spelled as Draico.

Coyote : stole fire from the tepee of the Fire People and gave it to humans, making a few mischeivous happenings along the way in Native American Lore. Perhaps something along these lines?

Gabija : Lithuanian mischief maker and keep of fire.

Aitvaras : is another fire creature from Lithuania, giving the appearance sometimes as a Dragon.

Domovik : is the Russian hearth keeper who has been known to do some fire mischief in his day, but he is also a protector of the family.

If you want to look in a more godlike direction, obscure ones are nice...

In Babylon the god of metalsmiths and fire was known as : Girru

Govannan : is a keeper of the forge in some celtic traditions.

All of these are interesting names that are also strong and family friendly...and they sound like stage names, which, in my beliefs makes them more fun!

The fun of stage names is that you can do what you like so if you want to be known as Girru: Loki's Child then it works. The thing is that sometimes having an actual name rather than a title/tag is better, it makes you more approachable to the audience, if that makes sense?

Most importantly is that you identify with it and feel comfortable in the name you give yourself.

Or, in the dance community we have mentors and teachers who will choose a name for us, based on our personality when we dance, and it is a big thing. If you have someone you learned from, perhaps they can offer you a name?

Anyway, let us know what you come up with! Good Luck!

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

"Livin La Vida Loki"


Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

46 posts
Location: Oregon

Thank you for your input Pele. I have considered most of the factors you have mentioned, that is kind of what is making this process difficult. I need to have something descriptive, short, identifieable, and most importantly, soemthing that I can indentify with.

I went in the fire god direction, as while it is a bit cliched, it is often appropriate. And while doing my research, the more I read of Loki lore the more I realize I am Loki incarnate:) (see: https://loki.ragnarokr.com/cult/otloki.html
for info)

And I want to go in that direction. I just need something catchy to use as my full stage name, I may end up just using Loki for short during actual performances.

We are all atheists, some of us just believe in fewer gods than others. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
-Stephen F. Roberts

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