Forums > Social Chat > to love is to lose and to lose is to die

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oliSILVER Member
not with cactus
2,052 posts
Location: bristol/ southern eastern devon, United Kingdom

its true isnt it?
EDITED_BY: oli (1069624309)

Me train running low on soul coal
They push+pull tactics are driving me loco
They shouldn't do that no no no

Rouge DragonBRONZE Member
Insert Champagne Here
13,215 posts
Location: without class distinction, Australia

thanks buddy

i would have changed ***** to phallus, and claire to petey Petey

Rougie: but that's what I'm doing here
Arnwyn: what letting me adjust myself in your room?..don't you dare quote that on HoP...

OrangeBoboSILVER Member
1,389 posts
Location: Guelph, ON, Canada

not a problem!!


~ Bobo

wie weit, wie weit noch?
fragst mich, wo wir gewesen sind...
du fehlst hier

ElannaSILVER Member
Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.
2,293 posts
Location: NJ or DE, USA

yepyep! feel the warm and fuzzyness!

*waves of warm and fuzzyness wash over Rouge*

talking is good. talking is always good. so is writing. makes you feel better! ^_^
hug hug hug hug and bobo's right. i don't think anyone minds. i sure don't! ^_^

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

Pies Jesu Domine *whack*
Dona eis requiem *whack*

Come join us and chat - we're bored! #homeofpoi


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