Forums > Introductions > I dun lost my fire flower~!

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LurchBRONZE Member
old hand
929 posts
Location: Oregon, USA


Well, I figured I might as well wait a bit before I reposted my failure of an intro thread.. Over thanksgiving I spun fire for the first time.. Mmmm... so addicting... so much fun...

Intro info stuff.. since if you arent in the chat very often you probably don't know me..

Name: Lurch, Defarge, Jake, Jacobi, etc...

Sex: Male

Age: 19

Location: Good ol Oregon

Hobbies: Guitar, some airbrushing, drawing, 2D computer graphics work, tattoo designs (tribal usually), chainmaille.. usually jewelry size chains, Poi obviously, rock climbing, hiking, camping, Search & Rescue, blah blah blah I could go on forever

Been Spinning For: Just about a month now

Music Just about anything, I like music for the music so I've got a little bit of everything, from bluegrass to punk rock

Occupation: Student.. Art Major woohoo!

Favorite Colors: Green, Chrome, Dark Blue, Clear

Piercings & Tats: None yet frown Tat soon though probably whenever I make/decide on a design

Thats about it I guess... My mood just went to censored so I'm just gonna head to bed..

#homeofpoi -- Come talk to us we're bored frown

Warning: Please Do Not Jump On The Seals

pounceSILVER Member
All the neurotic makings of America's lesser known sweetheart
9,831 posts
Location: body in Las Vegas, heart all around the world, USA


well fine then....i'm gonna go hit fNi's bucket head some more biggrin *skips off to find something/someone to amuse her*

I was always scared with my mother's obsession with the good scissors. It made me wonder if there were evil scissors lurking in the house somewhere.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

Lurch!!! It just dawned on me ... you're not a kid any more! wink You're on this side legal!!!

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


LurchBRONZE Member
old hand
929 posts
Location: Oregon, USA

*laughs and drags pounce back by the chain around her ankle*

And yessum, I'm legal Gidg biggrin

#homeofpoi -- Come talk to us we're bored frown

Warning: Please Do Not Jump On The Seals

pounceSILVER Member
All the neurotic makings of America's lesser known sweetheart
9,831 posts
Location: body in Las Vegas, heart all around the world, USA

*whips lurch with chain*


I was always scared with my mother's obsession with the good scissors. It made me wonder if there were evil scissors lurking in the house somewhere.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


alien_oddityCarpal \'Tunnel
7,193 posts
Location: in the trees

whips, chains.................UNMENTIONALBES

YAY clap bounce2

LurchBRONZE Member
old hand
929 posts
Location: Oregon, USA

Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me

#homeofpoi -- Come talk to us we're bored frown

Warning: Please Do Not Jump On The Seals

GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

ubblol Nice to know that somethings haven't changed.

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


pounceSILVER Member
All the neurotic makings of America's lesser known sweetheart
9,831 posts
Location: body in Las Vegas, heart all around the world, USA

yes dear, i'm well aware of that wink

I was always scared with my mother's obsession with the good scissors. It made me wonder if there were evil scissors lurking in the house somewhere.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


pounceSILVER Member
All the neurotic makings of America's lesser known sweetheart
9,831 posts
Location: body in Las Vegas, heart all around the world, USA

Written by: Lurch

The only "weapons" I carry daily are knives, they don't give me any 'sensation,' they are not a source of power. They are comforting however, and I feel naked without them.


I was always scared with my mother's obsession with the good scissors. It made me wonder if there were evil scissors lurking in the house somewhere.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


SethisBRONZE Member
1,762 posts
Location: York University, United Kingdom

ubblol ubblol

Crazy people hug

Thought I'd wander by and mention how much I enjoy debating with you Lurch... nice, calm and rational. Makes a change from some people I've seen around here! (Like me wink) rolleyes

Anyway, have fun with your chains, Jello and Brownies umm ubblol


After much consideration, I find that the view is worth the asphyxiation.
I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

LurchBRONZE Member
old hand
929 posts
Location: Oregon, USA

ubblol beerchug

It's been a pleasure.. I don't think I've ever been called "nice calm and rational" all at the same time before.....

#homeofpoi -- Come talk to us we're bored frown

Warning: Please Do Not Jump On The Seals

ElannaSILVER Member
Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.
2,293 posts
Location: NJ or DE, USA

Ooooh...cookies! **munches on the cookies and feels a bit better**

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

Pies Jesu Domine *whack*
Dona eis requiem *whack*

Come join us and chat - we're bored! #homeofpoi

pounceSILVER Member
All the neurotic makings of America's lesser known sweetheart
9,831 posts
Location: body in Las Vegas, heart all around the world, USA

i need a hug ubbcrying

I was always scared with my mother's obsession with the good scissors. It made me wonder if there were evil scissors lurking in the house somewhere.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


ElannaSILVER Member
Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.
2,293 posts
Location: NJ or DE, USA

hug2 hug2
hug hug
hug2 hug2
hug hug

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

Pies Jesu Domine *whack*
Dona eis requiem *whack*

Come join us and chat - we're bored! #homeofpoi

GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

Written by: Sethis

...Thought I'd wander by and mention how much I enjoy debating with you Lurch... nice, calm and rational. ...

umm I'm wondering if he has the right Lurch? wink

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


LurchBRONZE Member
old hand
929 posts
Location: Oregon, USA

He's just being nice to me because he knows I like/own guns wink

#homeofpoi -- Come talk to us we're bored frown

Warning: Please Do Not Jump On The Seals

GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

ubblol and that's something to worry about? rolleyes

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


LurchBRONZE Member
old hand
929 posts
Location: Oregon, USA

Not for you! ubblol hug

#homeofpoi -- Come talk to us we're bored frown

Warning: Please Do Not Jump On The Seals

GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

Oh Goodie!!!! hug hug2 hug

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


pounceSILVER Member
All the neurotic makings of America's lesser known sweetheart
9,831 posts
Location: body in Las Vegas, heart all around the world, USA

*climbs up to ceiling and throws marshmellows at lurch*

I was always scared with my mother's obsession with the good scissors. It made me wonder if there were evil scissors lurking in the house somewhere.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


ElannaSILVER Member
Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.
2,293 posts
Location: NJ or DE, USA


Happy Birthday, Lurchie!

**uberspecialbirthday glomp** hug2 hug2 hug2 hug2

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

Pies Jesu Domine *whack*
Dona eis requiem *whack*

Come join us and chat - we're bored! #homeofpoi

GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

It's Lurchs birthday?

Happy Birthday!!!!!! hug hug2 hug hug2

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


pounceSILVER Member
All the neurotic makings of America's lesser known sweetheart
9,831 posts
Location: body in Las Vegas, heart all around the world, USA

la la la

he so won't notice this, but it's fun to bump it anyway biggrin

I was always scared with my mother's obsession with the good scissors. It made me wonder if there were evil scissors lurking in the house somewhere.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


ElannaSILVER Member
Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.
2,293 posts
Location: NJ or DE, USA

Yes, yes it is! I was going to do it myself one of these weeks! biggrin

**climbs up to the ceiling and waits for Lurchie to notice**

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

Pies Jesu Domine *whack*
Dona eis requiem *whack*

Come join us and chat - we're bored! #homeofpoi

pounceSILVER Member
All the neurotic makings of America's lesser known sweetheart
9,831 posts
Location: body in Las Vegas, heart all around the world, USA

*climbs up on ceiling as well, armed with marshmellows and cookies*

me thinks we're going to be up here for a very loooonnnng time

I was always scared with my mother's obsession with the good scissors. It made me wonder if there were evil scissors lurking in the house somewhere.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


ElannaSILVER Member
Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.
2,293 posts
Location: NJ or DE, USA

Knowing Lurchie, probably months. tongue

**munches on a cookie while she waits**

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

Pies Jesu Domine *whack*
Dona eis requiem *whack*

Come join us and chat - we're bored! #homeofpoi

pounceSILVER Member
All the neurotic makings of America's lesser known sweetheart
9,831 posts
Location: body in Las Vegas, heart all around the world, USA

ha! if at all! tongue

I was always scared with my mother's obsession with the good scissors. It made me wonder if there were evil scissors lurking in the house somewhere.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


6,650 posts

Thought it would be time to stroll by and say that I got carried away in the discussion about gun laws, was abusing my rhetorical abilities rolleyes and hope we can get over it.

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink


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