tekknogurrlBRONZE Member
90 posts
Location: New Paltz, NY, USA

i started swinging about a month ago now and i have all the moves under the lessons section of this site except for the behind the back stuff and between the leg stuff. (the hardest one to learn had to be the quadruple corkscrew). i saw someone do a one-handed butterfly and jump over it once, and i was wondering how to do that. also, any advice on the behind the back stuff? it's really difficult for me, but i'm ready to learn. how far along should i be before i try fire? i've been using glowsticks and flashlights up to this point, and this summer i'd like to break out some fire poi at an outdoor rave or two.does anybody know how heavy (in American measurements, not metric) the beaming poi are? i'd like to get a pair, but it says experienced users only.is there anyone here who pois professionally at nightclubs? just wondering!

~K~No matter what you do, one billion Chinese won't care.

21 posts

Beaming poi can be dangerous to start with and very scary cos they really hurt when you crack your head (it bleads!) but learn moves on safe (soft) poi then, when you have got them, try the move on beaming poi. Thats how I got over my beaming poi phobia and mastered the wee beasties! enjoy!


protozoaGOLD Member
148 posts
Location: Baltimore, MD USA

You got _all_ the moves down except for btb in one month? Damn you're quick!!I'd say wait until you can do a decent array of tricks and transitions pretty reliably before you light 'em up. Stick with the basic stuff; the stuff you can do REALLY well.Also, make sure you're wearing only non-flammable fabrics, and have a friend with a wet towel at the ready!Good luck! Sounds like you've made amazing progress in a very short period of time!

tekknogurrlBRONZE Member
90 posts
Location: New Paltz, NY, USA

i practice every night for an hour or two, so i've progressed pretty quickly and am now able to do my own variations of some moves. thanks for recognizing the effort- almost none of my friends are impressed with it. they just don't understand the need to poi...*sigh*

~K~No matter what you do, one billion Chinese won't care.

SimosBRONZE Member
384 posts
Location: London, UK

...i am quite terrible at estimating but at a first glance i'd say that the beaming poi weigh about 11.287667821874928 ounces with batteries (please feel free to correct me grin)...emmm it was very sensible (and the correct thing to do) of Malcolm to include that warning and beaming poi can do a lot of damage but on the other hand IMHO if you are sensible and very careful it should be alright (if as you say you can do all of the moves in the lessons apart from the btb stuff); as disko said you can still practise all of the new moves on your soft practise set and try something on beaming poi only when you are 100% sure you can do the move without smacking yourself (of course some accidents are inevitable - just make sure they don't happen with beaming poi though smile)most importantly DO NOT use beaming poi in crowded places unless you have properly secured that the area around you will be clear...as for one handed butterfly, i know it can be done btb (ie over your head) and while i am terrible at one handed butterfly i can sort of see how you can jump over it but don't have a clue of what happens after that unless you could jump back and bring it at the front; oh this is confusing smile - maybe i should go and try it (haha have to learn how to do the one handed butterfly properly first!!! wink)happy swinging,Simos[This message has been edited by Simos (edited 13 February 2001).]

tekknogurrlBRONZE Member
90 posts
Location: New Paltz, NY, USA

the one-handed butterfly isnt so hard once you get the hang of it- like any move, i guess. i can do the overhead btb butterfly, but not the lower one. like i said, the btb stuff is rough on me. I want to be able to go through the legs and do more moves toward the floor, because it looks so much more impressive than just all overhead and shoulder-height moves.

~K~No matter what you do, one billion Chinese won't care.

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