DeepSoulSheepGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
2,617 posts
Location: Berlin, Ireland

I've been working on throwing my stick in the air an pirouetting to catch it. Firstly I've found it quite dangerous. Once I've thrown it I check that it's been thrown in the correct place, quickly spin and spot it and catch.

I've had limited success so far. I'm finding that the best way to get it to work is to throw higher so I have more time to spot it once I get around. I don't believe this should be necessary and obviously the higher I throw the less consistant my throws are.

Anyway is there some kind of knack to this or is it just a higher thow that I have to get better at? Is there a cerain way I should pirouette?

I can do that fancy footwork spin dance deely, you could imagine John Travolta doing...maybe that's how to get round quicker??

Should I try and keep my eyes on the stick as I turn round by looking upwards or try keep my head facing forwards as long as possible, like ballet or something... confused

I live in a world of infinite possibilities.

spritieSILVER Member
2,014 posts
Location: Galveston, TX, USA

Can you do the throw solidly while staying in one place? If not, make sure you can do it and catch it consistently that way first.

Then, I would work on making sure you pirotte doesn't venture too far off in one direction, i.e. try to stay as close to the place you started as possible.

Once you have gotten both of the above to be consistent, it should be fairly easy to do the throw, do the pirotte and then catch the throw (which I'm assuming you would be doing facing the same direction you threw it from).

CodySILVER Member
That guy from Reno
556 posts
Location: Reno, Nevada USA

The throw is the most important part make sure it's consistant and a good throw before you spin, like in juggling the throw is key.

With the spin, spot in front of you, spin, and spot agin like you said they do in ballet. When you spin, tuck your arms in close to your torso in an equallateral position, you don't want your arms flailing about throwing off your ballance. smile

Cody Canon
Controlled Burn, Reno Nevada

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Try throwing it behind and over you head first and only doing a half-pirouette to catch it (ie facing backwards).

This will test both your pirouette skills slowly and your throwing accuracy.

If one area needs a lot of work, work on that first, and get both skills to a similar standard...

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DeepSoulSheepGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
2,617 posts
Location: Berlin, Ireland

My throwing accuracy is quite good. I can throw to a few places consistantly depending on what I'm doing under the throw. It's just that this is dissorientating meaning I'm having to throw higher than usual. I guess getting the high throw down is only going to be a good thing anywho.

I'll try that Charles, sounds painfull wink

I live in a world of infinite possibilities.

CodySILVER Member
That guy from Reno
556 posts
Location: Reno, Nevada USA

Try using something less painfull to throw at first untill you get the spin down, then use your staff. Less trips to the hospital that way. ubbrollsmile

Cody Canon
Controlled Burn, Reno Nevada

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,749 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

there are two diffrent ways,

the first i learnt was to keep your head up and watch the staff all the way through the pirroette.

the second is the ballet techniquique described above, where you spot as it goes up, keeping your head facing the same way as your body turns, then whip your head round and spot again for the catch, this is how blue taught me for juggling pirroettes.

T wave

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Theres no need for over the head throws to be painful, just make sure you throw the staff too far, rather than too short...its much easier than it sounds... smile

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TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member
Liquid Cow
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Location: High Wycombe, England


Is there a cerain way I should pirouette?

Like Michael Jackson.

Complete with crotch grab tongue

But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

colmPorn Appreciator
118 posts
Location: Ireland

What I do is to take a quick glance at it as you throw it up. You will know where it's going then.
Then do your pirouette, try to stay in one spot or pirouette in the direction of your staff's flight path. You can throw the staff in a direction and pirouette toward it for extra effect.

I'm going to the Juggling Convention in Dublin in 2weeks we can teach eachother some [censored] then if you're there!

Slan go Foil
Colm beerchug

I'm going straight to hell.
Better practice my fire show.

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

erm a wushu angle would be a bodyturn


linx fix
EDITED_BY: bender™ (1079310950)

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

Staff Manmember
15 posts
Location: High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England

What i tend to do is a sort of limbo pirouette so u can almost always see upwards

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