[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
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Location: Europe,Scotland,Both


this is something the ddragon said before, but i think it warants its own post for ease of future referance.

you can make a tangle buzzsaw go forever:

go into tangle buzzsaw.

make 'isolation' motions with both hands, but not full on isolations, just a little bit.

err, thats it.

helpfull hints.

get a good even tangle buzzsaw in the first place, both poi the same length through the tangle.

move both hands the same amount.

keep the isolated strings between your hands and the tangle 'level', dont be holding your left hand a bit higher.

the hardest thing about perpetual tangle is that it has a tendancy to become uneven, and this quickly spirals out of controle. the tips above should rectify that.

have fun!

T wave

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

AlienJonGOLD Member
290 posts
Location: Everywhere, USA

 Written by: poinoob

so u get in a tangle and move ur hands and the poi in buzzsaw. can some one link me to a video of this being done???? great qoute by the way durbs

Can't link a vid, but this " perpetual tangled buzzsaw" sounds like driving a hyperloop as though you are repeating a barrel roll (1st degree same direction inversion). In other words, if you do a barrel roll and pull the hands apart just enough so that the poi tethers begin to touch, you can get a nexus that isn't a full-on tangle but is more just a point of contact. You can keep this going indefinitely just like you would a barrel roll. The further apart you pull your hands, the closer to a proper tangle you get, and the more you need to transition your driving method to Oli-ing.

As far as I can tell, if you time your slackening of the orbital to gain a little energy from gravity, then the net result with re-tensioning is that you can keep it going indefinitely. It's a bit like holding the middle ball on a set of astro jax and pulling one end at the right time to keep the other end spinning indefinitely.

-Alien Jon

+Alien Jon

19 posts
Location: caldera

alienjohn: As far as I can tell, if you time your slackening of the orbital to gain a little energy from gravity, then the net result with re-tensioning is that you can keep it going indefinitely.

I would have to diagree with this point if the orbital is in split time (which it is) then there is a constant force for and against, with every action there is an equal an oppisite reaction. The down swinging poi is under the force of gravity, and at the same time the up swinging poi is under gravity constantly slowing as both motions are effected by the gravity. This would eventually led to the perpetual tangle no more. Though with the technique i've seen mat (sphericulism) use one can keep a tangle going but with a driving force behind it, perpetual is self generating (but will research) therefore the tangle is propelled not perpetual

poinoobSILVER Member
45 posts
Location: louisianna, new orleans, USA

with further reasearch i have found a teaser from the encyl poi dia that had a clip of this move labled and it is indeed what a glowstringer call an airwrap orbital. dont flame me for the name thats just how i learned it in the circle i was in before i got addicted to fire. but the therory remains the same and the move a rose is a rose is a rose or in this case a tangle is a tangle

AlienJonGOLD Member
290 posts
Location: Everywhere, USA

 Written by: jaiko

alienjohn: As far as I can tell, if you time your slackening of the orbital to gain a little energy from gravity, then the net result with re-tensioning is that you can keep it going indefinitely.

I would have to diagree with this point if the orbital is in split time (which it is) then there is a constant force for and against, with every action there is an equal an oppisite reaction. The down swinging poi is under the force of gravity, and at the same time the up swinging poi is under gravity constantly slowing as both motions are effected by the gravity. This would eventually led to the perpetual tangle no more. Though with the technique i've seen mat (sphericulism) use one can keep a tangle going but with a driving force behind it, perpetual is self generating (but will research) therefore the tangle is propelled not perpetual

I'm not saying that it is perpetual motion. I'm saying the driving force happens due to the tension and release... but upon further examination, when I do it as I slacken the nexus droops a little and as I tighten it rises, plus I seem to be adding a little forwards and backwards motion some times, so the net result is tiny lines or circles. So that seems like a much tinier version of what Matt does, which I think is Oli-ing. This seems in line with how we normally drive poi: with either an ever-so-tiny version of either an extension circle, isolation circle, or some linear motion. So it seems with the right combination of tension and release with the force of the poi and gravity, you can get the tangle oli-ing with very little circular hand motion. So yeah that is where I'm at with that now. tongue

-Alien Jon (no h needed)

+Alien Jon

shen shuiSILVER Member
no excuses. no apologies.
1,799 posts
Location: aotearoa, New Zealand

check out matts (the sphecular one) perpetual buzzsaw hyperloops, yo.

my understanding of orbitals are where the poi are right next to each other, spinning in a tangled fashion.

buzzsaw hyps are where they tangle and you have them in front of you, and then untangle them when they start to lose momentum.

perpetual bsh's are where you make those small isolation rotations with your hands (just like in the first post from four years ago), the tension is not loose and not tight, and by making those cute little iso roto's you add enough energy to the equation that you can keep them going for as long as you like.

sure but they need to be clean and well-balanced.

and anyway, crazy words, huh! just spin the things. you cant understand something from the words describing it, you can only understand it from doing it. but, yeah, save it for the philosophical debate forum or something, right? ha.

go0O0o tangles!

those that know, dont say. those that say, dont know.

DarkFyreBRONZE Member
HoP mage and keeper of the fireballs
1,965 posts
Location: Palmerston North, New Zealand

Wow I'm shocked that nobody has linked to this Video yet

SuperDuperUberLoops (AKA Orbitals)

This is a Perpetual Tangle Buzzsaw unless I'm mistaken

May my balls of fire set your balls on fire devil


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