Posted: Announcing the creation of the Calgary Fire Player's e-group. Coordinating this month's full moon party was a pain in the arse so I thought a local board would be mega handy. People in Calgary, Canada and area can join at
Others are perfectly welcome to come have a looksee if they like, though at the moment there's absolute zero content since I just created it literally seconds ago. Hopefully this'll help bond the local community.
========================================== - Kay O. Sweaver
Posted: hey. So i am just about to join this thread eh. I was just wondering if u all meat up or if there are any groups like that in cow town. I have been spinning for a year and have only met a few other spineers so i want to find i bigger group.
lcornishBRONZE Member Member 2 posts Location: Canada
Posted: HI! I'm also sorta/not really new to Calgary and I want to meet up with some poi spinners as well. And I got really excited by the semi-current post by a fellow Cowtownian, so please please write back!!!
Wherever you go, there you are.
MandSILVER Member Keeper of the Spitfire 2,317 posts Location: Calgary Canada
Posted: Kaos... Is that Kaos from the Calgary burners?
Lets steal a spaceship and head for the sun, and shoot the stars with a lemonade ray gun.
Trial_By_FireSILVER Member newbie 11 posts Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Posted: Anyone who spins in Calgary, I just moved to the city and would love to get together for a burn sometime.
whirlygigBRONZE Member newbie 7 posts Location: redneckville, Canada
Posted: spinners in calgary eh? never would have thought it!! how about on the bc side of the rockies? im all alone!!
Posted: Hello friends! I am in need of about 8-10 spinners and about 20 other performers for a wedding in calgary ( just outside) on the summer solstice on june 20 2009. this is a paid gig and will require the performers to work together for choreography and rehersals. we are looking for dancers tribal drummers spinners and musicians this is not just a wedding but a solstice party as well. Please let me know if you are available to be booked for that time. Many perks to this gig.....will be discussed at the time of audition. also if you know of someone that can help me please let me know. Thanks!!! Calgary alberta canada
Miss_GlowSILVER Member New to Poi 2 posts Location: Alberta, Canada
Posted: Hello, I tried to go to that website and it's saying the group doesn't exist. I'm new to poi and looking for some people to pratice with and get more into it. I"m in the Banff area but do have a car.
CalgaryRaverSILVER Member stranger 7 posts Location: Calgary AB, Canada
Posted: OK this is getting ludicrous all these people are looking for someone to spin with (my self included) and where not communicating back and forth.
Trial By Fire, We should meet up some time and go for a burn, I have a drum and of course my staff.
Miss Glow, I too have a car (and the aforementioned items as well). Maybe we can meet up halfway and spin? I'm not too well versed in Poi but I would be happy go for a burn in the mountains any time!
I know there are Spinners in Calgary and this is your rallying call, come forth and unify!.... OK that last part was a little much, but seriously we should start conversing because it's a lot of fun to spin with others.
Posted: Hey there just found this thread and I would love to meet up with some Calgary spinners, just started last year but would like to learn more. CalgaryRaver we should spin sometime, same goes to everyone on this thread!
CalgaryRaverSILVER Member stranger 7 posts Location: Calgary AB, Canada
Posted: Huzzah! a reply!
Hello Red Apple, I would love to go for spinning some time! what do you spin out of curiosity?
Sorry for the slow reply...
Peace, Love, Unity, Respect, Responsibility
CalgaryRaverSILVER Member stranger 7 posts Location: Calgary AB, Canada
Posted: I am in Calgary for the winter.. next few months anyways.
Would like to meet up with others and jam / socialise. Also if anyone wants instruction I have 3 years experience instructing.
Seems there is interest but no leaders... I will try to find space to jam in. would like to see regular informal jams, as frequent as can be supported (weekly ideally). Hopefully can find a free or cheap community space for winter spinning. Please forward any such leads to me.
I'm just in town temporarily.. I somewhat hope somebody else is already doing this and will point me in the right direction. That or I will help get it going with someone who is staying here in Calgary to keep it rolling.
stingrayBRONZE Member stranger 2 posts Location: calgary, canada
Posted: lost in a computer age of confusion, I would just like to be able to locate a free soul ( a living breathing human not a machine )who can teach or just get togeather to spin poi or the staff. I new , but learning quickly and would like some suport if posable to find in Calgary. I know we have the artisic community out there but I have no idea how to locate them and the computer is a foreign media to me. please e-mail me back here or at and maybe we could spin some poi togeather
sassyMy mother advises not to stand on the dryer whilst drunk 43 posts Location: 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA
Posted: I also tried the yahoo group and was unable to get at it. Though I think a intrawebby thinger maybe off the hop forums would be nice. I remember going to a few spin meets back in the day (and by that...I mean a few years ago) in calgary @ O'reilly park. It was super pleasant...still happening this summer, anyone know?
Posted: Hello everybody I have been wanting to learn for a really long time and I tried to teach myself with various video tutorials but i was unable to learn the concepts. I was hoping someone in Calgary wouldnt mind teaching me some basics. I am a very fast learner i just need someone to teach. I am a martial artist and i am experienced with Nunchaku (nunchucks) so I kno i have to coordination to learn it quickly. Please let me know My name is Jordan. you can email me @ or just throw me a text which would be easier 403-630-6277 Thanks.
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