SocksBRONZE Member
Arf! Can I have a biscut?
288 posts
Location: North America, Mid West, USA

I got my glowstaff in the mail today from HoP thankx But I have a question. It's a lot lighter than I'm used to for spinning. Any ideas on how to make it a little "heavier" without ruining the integrity / glow of the staff?

Oh, and red/blue, AWESOME spinning colors. smile

-Socks the whirling fuzzball

I'm weird. Just work through that and we'll all be fine.

"If you are a dog and your owner suggests that you wear a sweater suggest that he wear a tail." - Fran Lebowitz

2,354 posts
Location: Away from home

mcp filled pepper pots with her beloved silicone sealant (or something that sounded like that anyway) and screwed them onto the ends of her neon husky glow staff to give it bit more weight.
at least I think that's what happened

are you wanting to do contact with it?

SocksBRONZE Member
Arf! Can I have a biscut?
288 posts
Location: North America, Mid West, USA

Well the Neon Husky staff I have is about right for me, weight wise. It's the HoP staff that's really light. I mean it's great, don't get me wrong, I'm planning on using it to learn throws and such. (reminds me, I need another one... dang.) But it just seems REALLY light.

This is the one I just got. It's also going to make a nice staff I can loan my friend who's STARTING spinning. "Here, use this, it won't break that easily." sunny

Urgh, 5:30 AM. I really should get some sleep. smile

I'm weird. Just work through that and we'll all be fine.

"If you are a dog and your owner suggests that you wear a sweater suggest that he wear a tail." - Fran Lebowitz

mcpPLATINUM Member
Flying Water Muppet
5,276 posts
Location: Edin-borrow., United Kingdom

1) Find something transparent and heavy. Attach it to your staff, one at each end.

2) Make sure it won't fall off when the staff is dropped or spun at high speed.

3) If it did fall off in the previous step, go back to step one.

"the now legendary" - Kaskade
"the still legendary" - Kaskade

I spunked in my friend's aquarium and the fish ate it. I love all fish. Especially the pink ones. They are my bitches. - Anon.

ben-ja-menGOLD Member
just lost .... evil init
2,474 posts
Location: Adelaide, Australia

rolleyes high speed rolleyes

did i mention rolleyes

how come i didnt get to see ur glowy staff meg huh HUH !!! did i mention rolleyes

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourself, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous and talented? Who are you NOT to be?

1,810 posts
Location: London

Take the end caps off and place a couple of heavy washers inside both end caps of the staff then pop em back on and Bobs ya uncle smile worked great for my two smile

Happy spinning honey


A kiss blown is a kiss wasted, the only kind of kiss is a kiss tasted.

I'm a woman. We don't say what we want, but we reserve the right to be pissed off if we don't get it. That's what makes us so fascinating and not just a LITTLE bit scary.

mcpPLATINUM Member
Flying Water Muppet
5,276 posts
Location: Edin-borrow., United Kingdom

bluecat stole it. frown

"the now legendary" - Kaskade
"the still legendary" - Kaskade

I spunked in my friend's aquarium and the fish ate it. I love all fish. Especially the pink ones. They are my bitches. - Anon.

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