Forums > Beginner Staff Moves > Has anyone tried a 3-sectional staff?

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Has anyone here tried a 3-sectional staff like they use in Kung Fu? These look great when they are spinning. I haven't ever seen anyone do one with fire though.

musashiistarring Skippy the green llama
1,148 posts
Location: Seattle, WA

Dunno if the thread was just on the old board, but there was really good tri sectional staff thread with some good tips and moves, try doing a search for that one. So far I've only seen bender and James(think thassis name) from Pyrosutra doing tri sectional on fire, but I've heard of a few others stateside doing it on fire.

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LavatwilightGOLD Member
old hand
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Location: Wellington somerset, UK

On there is a guy by the name of nijarob, he does 3 sectional staff with fire, and there is a video of some on there.

personally i have one i made from overflow pipe, so its not a fire one, but it is designed to take glow sticks, altho im not very good with it yet, but i havent had much practice

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Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
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Location: Melbourne, Australia

i heard there was a short 3 section set in Circles of Light 4....

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

23 posts

sounds difficult

and painful

13 posts
Location: Australia

i've done poi on the end of my stick wire ones gave same effect

i'm pretty sure the trick base is quite limited when it comes to 3 sectional staff as ive watched a few martial arts tornaments involving it

links to videos can b found on the Martial arts post

Mr MajestikSILVER Member
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yeh, my friend made a tri-sectional as we call it almost a year ago. its very dangerous as you have to spin it really fast to get it flowing right and dont even think of doing throws!, also because it was metal you could only hold the middle section.

i think this one should stay non lit.

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minimaniacThe Ladiees Man
360 posts
Location: near swindon/ oxford

Written by: whitehawk

sounds difficult

and painful

sound fun!!!
no pain no gain, is anyone going to falmouth who can do this?

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ben-ja-menGOLD Member
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a friend of mine has a 3 section staff and its not so hard if u hold two of the sections u get alot more control that just usuing one

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AnonymousPLATINUM Member

I learnt three sectional staff from my 7 Star Praying Mantis Sifu. One of my then students made me one from hardwood. A beautiful job!
Haven't decided whether or not to try and ship it back to Oz! frown

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

there is a big discussion on fire wushu 3 sections.
it is on the old HoP board,
can a mod please dredge it? i can't find it and have had a search for it!!!
Maximus has some incredible input/photos in it!!!
thanks, loveyas!!

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

3 posts

If I can add the 5 cents worth of what I know as a martial artist...A tri sectional staff is not designed to be held in the middle. The idea is to use the two outside sections as sticks for combat and the center portion as a blocker. it can also convert to a form of nunchucks. However using only the middle is only asking for a bruise and a headache. Of course it is possible, but its a bad idea. Lets leave the tri sectional for fighting purposes guys. biggrin

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

This is one perspective. But from what I know as a martial artist.... if you know you're stuff you can indeed use the centre section. Quite a few forms of Chinese martial arts do use the three sectional in that manner.

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

All parts of the 3-section are meant to be weilded.
not all parts of a fire 3-section are meant to be weilded: you cannot strike holding it by the tip as u would normally, becuase it would presumably be on fire.

the middle section is an important section, not just used for parrying/blocking.
the 3-section weilded by the middle when striking from the side (please see my video if u want see)
the 3-section potentially can be used to strike as well, particularly when weilded from the end sections.

there is too much improvisation in wushu to definitively assert that a 3-section cannot be held in a certain manner.

here's a photo i found on the 'net wink

Non-Https Image Link

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

Kapura MataaroHoP resident longboarder.
195 posts
Location: Tasmania, Australia

*ahem*....hmm...i know i've been out of the loop for a while...but bender will possibly agree- it IS an artform that can be translated...because i have. The Sam is a nasty weapon Heron; you are right...but the centre piece becomes an equal hand point when spinning said toy...but like everything it isn't that clear cut;there is grey area and an evolution of techniques happening... I will however ask- no BEG that anyone contemplating spinning a weapon of this calibre should train with a proper sensei first and at least learn proper form first....

"surely a longboarding fire spinner should have no trouble getting some action!"- NYC....

minimaniacThe Ladiees Man
360 posts
Location: near swindon/ oxford

i tried mintsauce's 3 section staff, its strange to start off with and you have a lot more chance of hitting your self but then i really like it and started to play around and having fun!

good stuff i say!

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19 posts
Location: hollyweird ca.

I've started using one recently, and fallen in love. Ity seems a key is to have a very fluid flow, to keep it from flopping about messily.

And there are infinite possibilties. You can do steves and at least half fishies, which means there are lots of variations just from those. You can also do it one handed, and have nunchaku or poi in the other.

Also, just spinning one shows you where the hitches in your 8's are. If the chain bends, you are not as fluid as you could be. It's an excellent training tool.

I think we'll be seeing a lot more of these in the future.

Whoosh, whap, clonk!


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