Fear-TineSILVER Member
227 posts
Location: dublin Ireland

....cant spell the rest!!ANyway the question

I was playing last night and im just wondering about this whole domaniance thing. When you play with staff you tend to use one hand to more than the other but I was trying some contact last night and I cant do them in the oppossite direction. THings like steve's, matrix's, SNES.

So the question, does everybody practise both ways? confused

Grow old but never grow up

ado-pGOLD Member
Pirate Ninja
3,882 posts
Location: Galway/Ireland

Since i've started doing doubles my ambidextstuff has improved by an ordre of magnitude.

I pretty much span clockwise using mostly my right arm for about eight months. then i picked up two sticks at the same time and i was sorry. the muscles in my arms a built a bit differently now so im having to work to balance them out.

learn everything both ways. Its always going to be easier on one side in one direction but it gives you so much more options. I finally learned to do my elbow/wrist rolls anti clockwise last night.

i heard you did a matrix last night



Love is the law.

Fear-TineSILVER Member
227 posts
Location: dublin Ireland

As soon as I get my new pair of sticks I'll start the basic stuff with doubles but its hard enough to do it one way!

Wow word travels fast. Yeah I did *huge smile on face*. I managed them twice but couldnt do it for the rest of the night.
Now that you got the anticlockwise elbow/wrist rolls does that mean it will be easier for you to pass the staff to me?

Grow old but never grow up

ado-pGOLD Member
Pirate Ninja
3,882 posts
Location: Galway/Ireland


that doesnt mean you get to be slack and not learn them anti clockwise too smile

faberge rang me last night at half twelve to tell me she did the first half of a steve. She was bouncing off the walls. ubblol

Love is the law.

523 posts
Location: Edinburgh, UK

Learn everything both ways from the start. It really helps smile Otherwise you end up with lots of situations where you know what move you want to do next, but you can't do it on that side/direction, and that sucks.

On a different note, I tend to learn things with my right hand first. When I transfer stuff to the left hand, I quite often end up being able to do it more cleanly. I find that my right hand can do it most of the time, but sometimes it's clean and sometimes it's not, but my left hand will either do it perfectly or will totally fail.

I think this is because as I'm learning I'm going through lots of bad habits with my right hand, but then my left hand learns the "proper" way to do it. My right hand has had more practise at recovering from doing things badly though, so it's more likely to manage to recover a bad attempt.

Any thoughts?

monkeys ate my brain

stickmanWorld Champ Procrastinator
580 posts
Location: ||...lost...||

are you left handed?

cuz then its a good idea to start with right first when learning a new trick..

something i should do too.. hehe

Disc0annoying boy
160 posts
Location: Sweden

i agree you should learn everything in both ways with both hands... some tricks take time, and you can learn other things between.. but you should really learn stuff for bouth hands in the end!

but what is the correct explanation for the word ambi[insert-the-rest-of-the-word here] ?
that ur able to use both hand with same precision?

fire is just light and heat.
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stickmanWorld Champ Procrastinator
580 posts
Location: ||...lost...||

the word is ambidextrous

and your definition is exactly correct

Disc0annoying boy
160 posts
Location: Sweden

thx then smile

fire is just light and heat.
it's you friend!

Fear-TineSILVER Member
227 posts
Location: dublin Ireland

ambidex......trious,teric. I honestly dont know. I cant spell I never could so I am not even going to try.

Just tried anti clockwise elbow/wrist/wrist/elbow wrist wraps and there not that bad but I find placing the staff with my left difficult

Grow old but never grow up

ado-pGOLD Member
Pirate Ninja
3,882 posts
Location: Galway/Ireland

are you doing it the hard way and the easy way

i only learned to do it the way you do it last night too...

Love is the law.

Fear-TineSILVER Member
227 posts
Location: dublin Ireland

I can take it off my elbow into a hand wrap but I cant put it onto my elbow from a hand wrap. just tried at lunch. will get it in a day or so i hope.

Is there an easy way with contact?

Grow old but never grow up

ado-pGOLD Member
Pirate Ninja
3,882 posts
Location: Galway/Ireland

practise your neck wraps in both directions too.

the path if the staff is more or less the same until is contacts your body.

i just realised yesterday that they work easier for me when i start and exit closer to my arm pit.

thats how i finally got the prayer one. it'l take me a bit to clean it up though.

Love is the law.

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