Forums > Social Chat > Do you believe in the power of crystals? -Poll

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Raymund Phule (Fireproof)Enter a "Title" here:
2,905 posts
Location: San Diego California

You know with enough pressure they can turn to sand!! Other than that, not too much. But believe what you will, I just dont see the logic nor do I have that much faith that a rock can do anything but sit there and turn to sand if you crush it.

Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

For many the belief is rooted in the fact that the earth is a living thing. All living things give off energies. If something is mined from the earth then it gives off an energy, and that energy can be harnessed or used in some way. (This is of course in relation to the natural ones and not the factory grown crystals.)

Some people believe that different stones have idividual energy signatures: such as luck, healing, love, etc. While other people believe they become imbued with the power you bestow upon the stone through ritual or ceremony.

I have friends who are very much into crystals and stones. Each has their own beliefs about them, each has the different stones linked with different powers. For example: Luke believes clear quartz will purify anything while Sarah believes that it acts as an amplifier your crown chakra thus bringing you closer to spirit/god.
Each person is right because that is how that stone works for them.

All forms of magic and prayer, and the tokens/talismens used in such, are like self fulfilling prophesies....if you believe it has the power, then it does for you.

And Malcolm, it is brings you a sweet reminder of a friend who loves you every time you look at it, how is that not lucky?

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

StoneGOLD Member
Stream Entrant
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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Hi Malcolm. What can a rock/crystal do?

Don’t they use crystals in watches because they pulsate or something i.e quartz crystal watch. So, they have some kinda power

If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

24 posts
Location: nz

I got a mate whos real into that stuff, she reckons it all depends on what you got and how you use it, im a bit dubious myself.

what you got?

An eye for an eye and the world is blind - Ghandi

Paddyback from the dead...sort of
884 posts
Location: 43°41'N 79°38'W

I'm afraid I'm a bit of skeptic when it comes to crystals and the like, though I do believe in the healing power of one's own mind...personally I'd say crystals are excellent ways to kick the placebo effect into high gear.

Go id go!

flash fireBRONZE Member
Sporadically Prodigal
2,758 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Malc - I guess your crystal doesn't have any anti-tripping-over-and-grazing-all-limbs powers, now does it?!

I believe in the healing and grounding powers of crystals. A friend of mine has a beautiful clear crystal that is so big it barely fits in one hand. We hold it occasionally whilst on the dancefloor and it send a beautiful tide of fizzy harmony all through my veins. I can feel it start at my hand, make its way up my arm and into my heart, then pumping electric goodness all around my body.

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FlyntSILVER Member
Intrepid Penguin
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Location: Australia

blue..... pretty......

im sure that just becuase it reminds you of a loved one, then it will bring you joy `

i used to keep a rounded quartz pebble i found on my driveway because it reminded me of home! that was a lucky stone.... and i have an old foreign coin in my wallet, for prosperity, but thats as much luck as i believe in `

Currently on the right side up of the world.

Raymund Phule (Fireproof)Enter a "Title" here:
2,905 posts
Location: San Diego California

Pele, a gift can bring a good memory, the fact that it is a rock has absolutly nothing to do with it.

Say Malcolm was big into Nascar and I handed him an autographed hat from Dale Ernhart, it would bring him good memories. Does that mean that the hat is magical and will bring him luck no matter what? No, it is an inatimate object it is not alive it never has been.

I still have my reaper emblem, it is the Marine Corps Emblem that you are given at the end of the Crucible during boot camp. It still reminds me of the good times and the bad times. Nothing more than a tangable link to some memories. It is nothing more than some metal poured into a mold and some paint. There is some symbolisim behind it not only in the the shape of the Eagle Globe and Anchor but also in the fact that I had to bust my ass for 3 months to get it.

I made some friends and some enimies during that time. I hurt, I bled. It is still a piece of metal in all reality, but what it stands for makes it more.

Good memories it can bring, but healing and purity... you couldnt pay me enought to lie about believing that.

Wether or not a stone contains a sort of electrical source or not does not give it the ability to do anything witht the exception of pass electrical energy to something else.

I will shut up now before I make too many people angry

[ 18 September 2002, 16:14: Message edited by: Raymund Phule ]

Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"

Paddyback from the dead...sort of
884 posts
Location: 43°41'N 79°38'W

I've got your back Raymund.

Raymund Phule (Fireproof)Enter a "Title" here:
2,905 posts
Location: San Diego California


Paddy, thanks.

Actually I think that most of the board is used to my rants by now hehe.

Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"

646 posts
Location: Mpls, MN, USA

I wear a necklace I got for my confirmation from my aunt, it's not a flashy cross or anything, just a small, simple pewter symbol of the holy spirit. I've been wearing ever since I got it, hmm, it's probably been like 5 years or so. While I'm not hugely religious, I am very spiritual and it gives me comfort and clarity in confusing times. It also reminds me of family and heritage.

I recently added a small piece of jade purchased during my travels through China. I put it on the same chain as the holy spirit symbol, it rests along the chain just above it. Jade is traditionally worn as protection from evil forces in China, or so I was told. I just thought it looked cool, it's a small simple thing too, just kind of a hollow cylinder. Expensive for it's size though, I guess it's pretty high quality jade. It basically reminds me of my trip and all the people I meet and traveled with, basically one of the high point of my life.

So I guess for me I give my items power, they don't really have power in themselves. I do believe that everything has a power or essance, but that this power is in respect to the viewer. We can give things power and when we do they have a real power in our lives. Once our minds are set, even the imagined can become reality.

Although of course I'm no authority on reality and what's real or not, I'm not got to flat out say that stones have no power in themselves, they may, I just don't see it that way.

[ 18 September 2002, 16:34: Message edited by: Jello ]

Fuzzy Dice.......................................

FlyntSILVER Member
Intrepid Penguin
5,635 posts
Location: Australia

except for magnets `

(someone here had to be a smart ass, it might as well be me....)

Currently on the right side up of the world.

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

A crystal is just an ordered array of molecules. They have special physical properties, but other than that, there's nothing special about them.

I have one that I use to focus my meditation, but it's the beauty and purity of the crystal that I use, and not any special property of the crystal itself.


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

RoziSILVER Member
100 characters max...
2,996 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

I have a tiger eye pendant, beautiful red transulscent rock shot through with gold. It is a stone that gives me confidence, and makes me feel strong & sexy. But it is only the meaning that I put into it.

I have used crystals for meditation before, as well.

The human mind has immense power, and sometimes we need an external focus to unlock it. That ain't such a bad thing.

It was a day for screaming at inanimate objects.

What this calls for is a special mix of psychology and extreme violence...

786 posts
Location: The Phire Kru

Rozi's right, if you believe something with enough conviction it will happen.

Malcom - Your friend may simply have given you the stone to remind you of them, it works doesn't it?

eg - the people that open the sargophocus' in the pyramids have absolutely no beleif in curses what so ever, so the curse placed on the sargophocus will not effect them simply because they don't believe it will.

The mind is a truly amazing thing, I think Albert Einstein (who was a genius by all accounts) used only something like 12% of his total brain capacity...WOW!!!

whats up with all the limitations?

340 posts
Location: Australia

Here are some interesting facts about crystals.

Everyone's bodies have electromagnetic fields which are created by an energy circulation system throughout the body. These energy circulation systems are directly related to the health of the body. Now the important part... certain crystals change the electromagnetic fields around the body thus affecting the energy circulation systems and as a result the health of the body. This has been proven in a number of universities in America strictly from a scientific point of view.

So scientifically crystals do heal the body. Apparently all those 'crazy hippies' were right.

Also a lot of research is also going into the data storage and processing potential of crystals. Because of the Covalent Network bonding within these pretty rocks, they are producing some very strange properties.

step 1. Throw your self at the ground.
step 2. Miss.

Raymund Phule (Fireproof)Enter a "Title" here:
2,905 posts
Location: San Diego California

Yes but didnt scientest know and proove that the world was the center of the univers and it was flat?

holy shit people you place to much stock in science that has not only proven itself right in one century and then turned around and proven itself wrong in the the next.

A crystal is a prety rock, nothing more.

Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"

92 posts
Location: San Francisco Bay Area


Sorry, but I call bullshit. First off, the bonding isn't covalent. Its ionic or in rare cases Van der Waals force based. (You can technically call a metallic bond crystalline but thats another matter). Hence crystals. Covalent is on a molecular level, ionic is on a latice level. There are a handful of exceptions -- mainly diamonds, and other 6-outer ring electron atoms. I seriously doubt any one is carrying around diamonds for their healing properties. There are a *lot* of things around you that have molecules that are covalently bonded -- air (N2 and O2), paper, plastic, wood, *you* are for the most part made up of organic molecules which are all made up of colvalently bonded atoms. Read an introductory chemistry text book.

Your beginning paragraph is filled with so many logical leaps that I don't know where to begin. You posit that
"Everyone's bodies have electromagnetic fields which are created by an energy circulation system throughout the body. "
Ummm... what energy circulation system are we talking about? No offence but while there's lots of talk regarding chi and chakras its not a scientific fact in any sense. Some people currently treat it as a hypothesis, but its anything but accepted. I, for example, don't think it has any physical reality.

"These energy circulation systems are directly related to the health of the body".
Again -- says who? You're assuming a *lot*. And then spouting some nonsense to throw in a scientific term.

"Now the important part... certain crystals change the electromagnetic fields around the body thus affecting the energy circulation systems and as a result the health of the body."
Crystals are generally electrically neutral and non magnetic to any appreciable extent. So, no. They don't. Show me a study that says otherwise. Stating something doesn't make it fact.

"This has been proven in a number of universities in America strictly from a scientific point of view."


"Also a lot of research is also going into the data storage and processing potential of crystals."
Irrelevant. The fact that you can store information on a magnetic platter or a cdrom doesn't give it healing properties.

No offence but what you just wrote is practically a template for a psuedo-scientific babble that has no basis in anything resembling science.

Is that all life comes down to? To be lying face down with an overenthusiastic guy in pink pin-striped pants sitting on top of you and grunting? -- Random MusingsSex, Drugs and Psytrance.

92 posts
Location: San Francisco Bay Area

Originally posted by Raymund Phule:
Yes but didnt scientest know and proove that the world was the center of the univers and it was flat?

holy shit people you place to much stock in science that has not only proven itself right in one century and then turned around and proven itself wrong in the the next.

A crystal is a prety rock, nothing more.

No. The earth centric model of the universe was church doctrine, based on Aristotle's writings. Nothing to do with science. Science is what Coopernicus was doing when he looked up at the stars, did a few calculations and realized that that model couldn't be right and came up with another one.

Ummm... the general view of the world held by mainstream science is fairly accurate. Its accurate enough to build cars, airplanes, pacemakers, space shuttles, the clothes you're wearing, and a host of other things. The test of a scientific theory is how close it is to what actually goes on in the world. Science is about taking imperfect information about the world, trying to come up with a model that describes it and then testing it against the world. If it seems right, we use it. If not, to the dustbin it goes. The key phrase here is imperfect information. We're probably wrong about a lot of things. But science is about having repeatable observation be what determines whether an idea is correct. Not what some credulous earlier people thought was true and passed down, not what some tripped out hippy looking into a crystal thinks, but what we actually observe.

Is that all life comes down to? To be lying face down with an overenthusiastic guy in pink pin-striped pants sitting on top of you and grunting? -- Random MusingsSex, Drugs and Psytrance.

Raphael96SILVER Member
old hand
899 posts
Location: New York City, USA

Anything which effects you mentally or emotionally has a certain power. But I would say that its a kind of power that you give it rather than an inherant power.

This goes for crystals, jewelry, stuffed animals or pretty much any kind of momento.

However, there *are* certainly many things that cannot be explained by a rational, logical approach.


ReddevilBRONZE Member
28 posts
Location: Den-Haag, Holland

Im not sure i beleive that certain stones will bring me luck or love ect, i thiink its just what you want to beleive, i was at a party 3 years ago, and this guy who i never met picked up a pebble from the floor and gave it to me, he said this is your lucky stone.
I still have that pebble and keep it with me all the time, i havent had any bad luck since i carry it, but still i have it.

flowingchaliceBRONZE Member
180 posts
Location: Leicester, uk

Well it looks like I'm in the minority here, so what's new?

I love my crystals I do reiki and energy work and crystals are a beautiful compliment to that... and most alternative therapies come to think of it. They have their own energy, and no crystal is the same as any other crystal even if they are of the same type. (in my opinion!)

I have had crystal healings that were very intense, and not a product of my own imagination or willful thinking! If they are respected they can work wonders, but most people don't attune to them and therefore cannot see what all the fuss is about. If you have an open mind, you should try meditating with a crystal in your hands and see what difference it may make for you. They can be used in almost any way imaginable, (for healing, protection, sending energy etc)and everyone should make up their own minds based on their own experiences - and not on pre-conceived ideas and stereotypes about them and those that use them.

Big hugs to all


Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside wakes C G Jung

184 posts
Location: Stroudsburg, PA, USA


I smell something burning.

TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member
Liquid Cow
2,629 posts
Location: High Wycombe, England

I'm not sure if they have any power or not, but I'd like to get some, because if nothing else, they look cool
Does anyone know anywhere in London (preferably near a tube station) I can buy crystals from?
More specifically, I'm after Amethyst, Carnelian and Iolite.

But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

chi/vital energy is not explained by science. Chinese meridians are not explained by science. Chakras are not explained by science. Good albums from Oasis are not explained by science.

I believe in things!
The scientist's view is that a theory is the best explanations until it is debunked, or a better theory arises. That is precisely how my beliefs are founded. Chi, meridians, Chakra work and 'What
s the story, morning glory' are all well observed phenomenon, all very much based in reality.

It ezists, it is observed, but it is not demystified.

we have Noel Gallagher in a cage.
oh please don't ask me to explain these 4 phenomenon - i will cry. (plus my crystals do not help my astral work!)

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

17 posts
Location: London, England


(off the top of my head) Crystal shops in Central London are;
Mysteries, Monmouth St, Covent Garden
Watkins, Cecil Court, off Charing Cross Rd (Leicester Square tube)
There is also a little shop in Neals Yard, Covent Garden (don't know name)

There is a crystal shop in Berkhamsted, on the main High St - is that near you? (sorry, my geographical knowledge of the south east isn't too good!)

hope that helps,

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,750 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

humm, here we go....

the quartz crystal in watches is a liquid crystal, it makes the display.

the varied uses and effects of crystals can be well explained in terms of Chaos Majic. Lookitup.

The scientists here (and believe me, im a science fan too) are right to point out no 'scientific' evedence existis for the healing power of crystas, however, thease effects are resurched by scientists and not magic practictioners. Anyone with a breif aquaintence of chaosism will see the inportance of this distinction.

Energy systems in the body have not been proved but have still been used ligitmatly for thousands of years. e.g. acupuncture, reki.

weird shit happens all the time. a friend of mine who is a magic practitioner (shamanistic) finds his own crystals, not in a methodical way, but by being drawn to a spot, rooting around with his hands and pulling one from the earth.

It is belived in scientific circles that modern man has lost a huge part of his ability to communicate with the enviroment, ironically this is in part caused by the prevalence of intellectual 'modeling', aswell as factors like urbanisation and technological advance. when thease factors seem very large, why cite 'moddeling' as a cause? becuase it is the reason for thease developments.

I dont actually belive in crystals, but i believe that they work for some peaple, and have apreachable effect on thier lives. The more i learn about science, the less science seems to 'explain' and the more it simply 'describes' enough to be usefull. There is far too much room in our ignorance to rule out thease phenomena.

another day, another essay from


This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

1,551 posts
Location: the arms of the Ganja Goddess

crystals are shiny

You. Its whats for dinner!

As time passes, you realise all the mistakes you amde and the ones you wish you never did make.

The wave crashing on the beach

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

That was my point Ray...anything is lucky, or happy, or whatever if you allow it to be. Things (and people) have power because we allow them to, sometimes conciously, sometimes subconsious (okay so I can't spell! ).
Sheesh Silly man!

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

340 posts
Location: Australia


Firstly I dont have to prove anything, its the scientists that are doing the proving, Im saying that this is what they have proved. The reason why research goes into these things is because it doesnt make sense, it isnt logical, they dont understand it just like you dont understand it and yet it could potentially revolutionise the medical and psycological world.

The a lot of research IS going into the whole bonding things within crystals and carbon based covalent network substances because they are proving to come up with astounding properties. I'm not a science nerd so fucked if I understand it or will spend my time on the net searching for links.

These are proven facts within the scientific world. I dont understand it therefor I cant explain to you and fucked if I know why I would bother on a FIRE DANCING SITE!!!!

I dont say it to make it fact, I was simply trying to express it from a scientific perspective instead of going into metaphysics and related areas.

Obviously you feel threatened by what you dont understand and its the same in the institutionalised world. Just because something comes into existance that is new and generally unheard of doesnt mean it cant exist. If this was the case then antibiotics wouldnt have existed. People went fuck off its too good to be true and it was extremely threatening to the stability of the institutionalised medical world.

I dont know how you define the line between proved and unproved but if a heap of American scientists can agree on it I spose it then becomes fact in this world.

step 1. Throw your self at the ground.
step 2. Miss.


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