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DuncGOLD Member
playing the days away
7,263 posts
Location: The Middle lands, United Kingdom

I'm spending a few days on the boat in Bristol Harbour the lest weekend of May so was wondering if anyone fancies meeting up? Saturday 28th May on College Green perhaps?

Would be especially good as the sun will no doubt be shining just for us sunny ubbrollsmile

Let's relight this forum ubblove

326 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

skully best of luck with it all take care of her and yourself and well see ya soon k

Tell me and I forget, Show me and I remember, Involve me and I understand

SkulduggeryGOLD Member
Pirate Pixie Crew Captain
8,428 posts
Location: Wales

Sadly I had to have Emily put to sleep. She was too badly injured and even if she had managed to get better from the scratches and bites she would never have recovered from the nerve damage to her face. At 21 years old you just don't bounce back and she was so frightened by the attack I really don't think she would have had any quality of life so I got the vet to end her pain.

I still won't be coming tomorrow because I'm sure you don't want a soppy sobbing woman ruining your fun. Have a great time and I'll catch you all next time.

Feed me Chocolate!!! Feed me NOW!

179 posts
Location: Oxford

Aww skully hug best wishes to you, at least she's no longer suffering, and 21 years for a cat is very old, I bet she's had a fabulous life!

Anyway back on topic, change of plan: Jake and I are now getting the train. We'll get the one that arrives 12:36 so can meet Gayle and Froggie then (although we'll probs be on the same train anyway, the swindon one stops at Bath on the way to bristol so that must be yours Gayle?) We have a big blue suitcase with all our kit in it, you'll spot us easily! Yey we'll arrive just in time for lunch, think I'm gunna bring a picnic! Ahh I love summer! (it's gunna rain now isn't it?!)

And I am very much in the mood for some serious spinning and juggling, woo hoo!

Practice as if your hair was on fire...

326 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

Gayles coming on the bus? im picking up frogie as i said i would so anybody else wants to hitch lift feel free

Skully-sorry to hear that hun and feel free to come sob as much as you like if you feel the need being stuck home alone isnt nice unless its what ya want then, wish ya all the best

Tell me and I forget, Show me and I remember, Involve me and I understand

179 posts
Location: Oxford

Well if you're gettin froggie then me and jake may as well join the ride, as we'll arrive exactly the same time. If that's ok? If there's no room, we can always walk.

Practice as if your hair was on fire...

326 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

tis absolutly fine ya dont wanna wander about bristol unless ya gotta

Tell me and I forget, Show me and I remember, Involve me and I understand

179 posts
Location: Oxford

Thankyou! biggrin

Practice as if your hair was on fire...

326 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

were you coming in to by the way?

Tell me and I forget, Show me and I remember, Involve me and I understand

GothFrogetteBRONZE Member
grumpy poorly froggy
3,999 posts
Location: Nuneaton, United Kingdom

huge hugs skully *Doesn't kow what else to say* hug hug hug

Life's too short to worry about where you put your marshmallows

Gayle......!SILVER Member
2,444 posts
Location: Bristol !!!!!!, United Kingdom

me and neal are catching the train into temple meads then walking down to college green. Sarah you could save your petrol and Anna and Froggie could walk with us. If you're still picking them up then we'll just walk anyway and catch you up at college green.

See you all later.


326 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

gayle annas bringin a load of stuff as well so dunno shes gunna fancy a wlak with it but can somebody let me know what you plan to do so i dont end up sat for hours waiting and ya not coming

Tell me and I forget, Show me and I remember, Involve me and I understand

Gayle......!SILVER Member
2,444 posts
Location: Bristol !!!!!!, United Kingdom

i plan to catch a train into temple meads then walk to college green. i have no more of a plan than that! ubblol

So i'll just do that and leave others to do as they will!


503 posts
Location: bristol

what time're you lot planning on being at college green?

ture na sig

NateBRONZE Member
Groovy ga watashi no namae desu!
1,530 posts
Location: Oxford, Oxfordshire, England

well that was fun, but i am in alot of pain, stupid sticks

I like Languages.

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hug.gif" alt="" />

GothFrogetteBRONZE Member
grumpy poorly froggy
3,999 posts
Location: Nuneaton, United Kingdom

yeah but you did the matrix clap so i think its fair that you hurt. i have new bruises too.
Great fun guys was great meeting peeps (again/properly) Thanks to SDWL for the lift to and from the sodding train station. sorry i am still doing the sodding trains thing. the journey back from Brum was fun though, i think i was the only non gay person on there but got bonus points for being bi, lol, was muchley fun and had such a laugh.

hug kiss to you all

Life's too short to worry about where you put your marshmallows

326 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

yeah was good fun, poor nate though im sure youll be spinnign again by this afternoon, we should do it again some time loads of people managed to make it down and back to were they came from ((hopefully)) and was good so yay should be repeated

Tell me and I forget, Show me and I remember, Involve me and I understand

GelflingBRONZE Member
Watcher of 80s cartoons
665 posts
Location: Chepstow & Bristol, United Kingdom

Wa great seeing you all again hug to you all and see you in Falmouth!!!

>What do you think about the state of the Earth?
>I'm optimistic.
>So why do you look so sad?
>I'm not sure that my optimism is justified.

Gayle......!SILVER Member
2,444 posts
Location: Bristol !!!!!!, United Kingdom

179 posts
Location: Oxford

Nice pics Gayle! biggrin

Practice as if your hair was on fire...

NateBRONZE Member
Groovy ga watashi no namae desu!
1,530 posts
Location: Oxford, Oxfordshire, England

lol yeh they made me laugh, cheers

and yesh we should do that again, sometime when its lesswindy

thanks anna for teaching me how to pass, im in the process of buying some new clubs.....looking at radical fishies

garthy that trick is just silly

I like Languages.

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hug.gif" alt="" />

179 posts
Location: Oxford

No no noooo you've got to get Piruettes (sp?) Nate!! As lovely as Fish are, you just won't ever be able to juggle outside if there is even the slightest bit of wind (woulda been even more impossible on sat if we'd had fish) because they're so light. Plus, with Pirruettes twill be easier to practise with us at EJC. AND they are very pretty and sparkly! Have I converted you?

Practice as if your hair was on fire...

GothFrogetteBRONZE Member
grumpy poorly froggy
3,999 posts
Location: Nuneaton, United Kingdom

hehehe love the pics hehehehe

Life's too short to worry about where you put your marshmallows

NOnactivist for HoPper liberation.
1,643 posts
Location: ffidrac

wooo, looks like 'twas a groovy day! hold that thought and repeat it next summer when i'm here biggrin

Otherwise, i shall see ye (Nate and Anna so far) in Slovenija!

Aurinko freedom agreement reached 10th Sept 2006

if it makes no sense that's because it's NOn-sense.

NateBRONZE Member
Groovy ga watashi no namae desu!
1,530 posts
Location: Oxford, Oxfordshire, England


I like Languages.

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hug.gif" alt="" />

ZeeBooBRONZE Member
167 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

ello' wave was me that turn up on sat, in a red jacket going by the name of Bryn.

Was lovely to meet you all except the person (possible Nate?) who tried to teach me the matrix who didn't warn me about the physical side effects of the move (ie feeling like I've been run over by a bus).


Could I suggest for the future going to Queens Square instead of College Green, which is nearer the station, less windy, has better parking and best of all a Pub a stone throw from the grass.
EDITED_BY: ZeeBoo (1117529667)

Just because I'm an adult doesn't make me responsible.

Gayle......!SILVER Member
2,444 posts
Location: Bristol !!!!!!, United Kingdom

Ha Ha - i thought that whilst walking through the square, nevermind we'll make a mental note for future fun!


GothFrogetteBRONZE Member
grumpy poorly froggy
3,999 posts
Location: Nuneaton, United Kingdom

*waves to ZeeBoo biggrin

Life's too short to worry about where you put your marshmallows

DuncGOLD Member
playing the days away
7,263 posts
Location: The Middle lands, United Kingdom

What a lovely day biggrin

I really thought it was gonna suck, at midday me and Ross were sat in an empty park hiding from the rain under a tree.....but by 2 everyone was there including the sun, who even had his hat on sunny

Shame I had to go so early but I did have a awesome dinner with George ubblove and an early night wink

Let's relight this forum ubblove

GothFrogetteBRONZE Member
grumpy poorly froggy
3,999 posts
Location: Nuneaton, United Kingdom

its was great seeing you guys again, esp George she is loverly but you already know that. lol. no fair on the nice food and early night i didn't get home till gone 11 frown

Life's too short to worry about where you put your marshmallows

179 posts
Location: Oxford

Yeh twas a lovely day, really nice to meet you all and put names to faces! Thanks for showing me that butterfly hyperloop Dunc, I've pretty much got it sorted now, and am trying different variations smile

Right, back to revision for me now, grrr frown

Practice as if your hair was on fire...

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