Forums > Social Chat > Why/how did you first get into twirling?

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queen of wandsmember
127 posts
Location: Melbourne

Hey there,

This is my first post - be gentle ok?!

I'm writing an article as part of my media course and was wondering if any of you could tell me why, when and how you got into firetwirling? Any other anecdotes/stories/experiences are muchly appreciated! By the way, I'm not fussy about whether you use poi, staff, fans etc with or without fire.

I'm hoping to submit the article for publication in independent media in the future. (This could be your 15 mins of fame kids! ) Of course, you don't have to reveal your real name, location etc if you want to.

Thanks heaps in advance, will be back to properly introduce myself later.

- queen of wands

I'm not vegetarian, but currently I'm off my chops!

89 posts
Location: coventry, midlands, uk

Seen it at a rave, and due to the chemicals that i had consumed it was a sight for fuked eyes, hooked ever since!

249 posts
Location: Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

hi chicken!

i got into fire twirling (yes, i went straight to fire!) because im into different stuff like that and it was the most awesome thing i had ever seen and as soon as i saw it i knew i had to give it a go. the only catch was, i live in tasmania, where there is pretty much NOTHING. so about a year after i first saw someone twirling i went to melbourne for a holiday and to do a circus course at NICA. i wanted to buy some circus gear to take back to tassie so i went to Juggleart who specialise in that kinda stuff, saw a set of fire poi, bought them without a second glance and taught myself over three months before i found HoP. the rhythmic gymnastics coach at my gym helped a bit, but poi isnt really like clubs or anything so i started frantically searching for someone to teach me and asking heaps of strangers before i saw someone twirling glow sticks at a night market, but they couldnt teach me anything i didnt already know, so i asked around my friends and friends friends and friends families then someone sent me in the direction of someone else who told me about tuesday nights at salamanca. so i went along and discovered practise poi! everyone was great, but kept asking me about all these moves i didnt know the name of, and whether i used chain or cable and i was like "i dont know! it just looks cool ok!" so now, after reading HoP like the bible and lighting up as often as i can im completely hooked and can use all the terminology!

i love being able to say, "Fire Twirling? Yeah, i can do that"

hope that helps, any other questions you need a long winded answer for?

[ 21 October 2002, 00:28: Message edited by: adren@line ]

43 posts
Location: Halifax

I saw a performance at the buskers aka: street performers. They were called the flamming butterflies, and I thought they were absoutly amazing. I wanted to learn ever since so I did searched on the internet about fire spinning and I came across this site. I taught myself through the poi lessons, now I'm very addicted.

flash fireBRONZE Member
Sporadically Prodigal
2,758 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

well, I see you don't need my links!!

AFAIK, all noteworthy firedancers that frequent are here anyway.

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SpArKiE*shiny shiny*
218 posts
Location: Townsville, QLD, Aust.

i had seen fire twirling in lots of places. but never knew any one who did it.
but one night i met up with my friend at a meeting place he'd started (wellington pt) and i had a twirl with his stick (fire and all- ooo scary at first) and then i just grew in love with it.
whenever i went shopping into the city and saw staffs for sale- i wanted to buy them- just never had the money. always wanted to do double staff. dunno why. but i ended up with poi.
i bought my poi at the pagan pride day markets in the city about a month ago. i saw them and said to the girl- can you please hold these for me while i go and get more money out. for the day i had only allowed my self to spend $60. i had $30 by the time i got to the poi.
the second after i bought them i started twirling them around. wasn't all the best, but a guy at a stall near by had done it for a bit so he showed me the basics. and since then- my love has grown and grown.

hope this can help ya out.

And wherever you've gone and wherever we might go. It don't seem fair. Today just disappeared.

Ash Blackstarmember
177 posts
Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

I was at an HFS event (High Fantasy Society) and watched my friend Lisa, and her roomate Mark as they were doing it. IT was encredile to watch, but I didn't really try anything until about a week after another event were they performed. I took some funnoodle and stuffed the whole up to make it heavier, tied it to some leather thong and taped it up with duck tape. At another event about a month later, some more friends of mine were doing poi and staff, and I got a good close up view of it. Metal let me pick hers up and do some with it, and then emailed me the link for HoP. We "upgraded" the thong and noodle poi to braided yarn and noodle poi that had some more weight. A few months later at yet another event, I got to try some poi that were the right weight, and begged my mom to buy me some tennis balls and dog choke collars. I just recently did my first burn and am totally hooked. My does it as well, and my dad just did his first burn with fire swords. As to why I started, I don't really know. I've always liked fire, to the point that when I was ten I set fire to my bed, so I guess it was inevitable that I would end up being a fire performer

Ash Blackstar

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, But Whips and Chains excite me"
"Only way to deal with Drama, heavy weaponry and a strong does of grow the Hell up"

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" Adam Savage - Mythbusters

340 posts
Location: Australia

The first time I picked up a fire staff was at my friend's massive 17th B-day party. There were about 200 people there and one guy had a staff he was firebreathing with. I had some experience fighting with big sticks so I asked if I could have a spin, he fueled up 4 me and I spun the night away, the croud loved it and in turn I got high off their reaction which started off the addiction.

step 1. Throw your self at the ground.
step 2. Miss.

queen of wandsmember
127 posts
Location: Melbourne

Thanks so much peoples, keep em coming!

I'm not vegetarian, but currently I'm off my chops!

AdeSILVER Member
Are we there yet?
1,897 posts
Location: australia

Welcome aboard, queen of wands - perhaps an intro in the intro section is in order when you have the time

If you do a search, you'll find heaps of personal accounts as to why people started playing, it's been a pretty popular topic over time

queen of wandsmember
127 posts
Location: Melbourne

Ade - Hey there! I will definately do a proper introduction when I finish uni for the year and have my thoughts in order...

"Hi, I like candlelit dinners and long walks along the beach. By the way, I really like the feeling it gives me to spin two lit balls around myself"

Will also be sure to give you all a link to view the article if it gets to publication.


queen of wands

I'm not vegetarian, but currently I'm off my chops!

37 posts
Location: Tacoma, WA

I got involved about 5 years ago when me and my friends saw it done at an SCA event. Been doing it ever since, except for while I was pregnant.

I was instantly hooked, and did my first twirling with them lit. It was such a rush, many burns from my first attempt. hehe....

Hearing Nuns confessions is like being stoned to death with popcorn~Crashley the Squeaky Toy~

44 posts
Location: Rome

The first time i got into twirling, i was in Benicàssim (Spain), during the music Festival that takes place there every summer. I was in a campsite and a guy who had his tent just in front of mine, used to twirl Kiwidos. I had never seen anything like that, was completely bewitched by those dancing circles and decided to learn as soon as i could. When I came back to Italy, I found juggling stuff and looked for anyone who could teach me. Then I found HOP and I'm still learning. I would have asked the same question, so thanx queen of wands. And this is my first post, too
Welcome to the board and good luck with yr research.

The adventures first! Explanations take such a dreadful time...

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Fire, the brightness of the spectcle, the huge roar of the flames, and not least of all, it was kewl. I did not expect it to involve the most amazing positive community. Show me a firetwirler and I'll show you someone who hasn't looked back.

December 2000

the how was postponed "damn that looks impossible"
opportunity knocked at a dodgy Melb Uni camp (pissup) with a lit staff on the beach. Everyone has their influences - mine currently are the gymnastics and capoeira classes that make my routines look oddly acrobatic. come to wednesdays and take away as many stories as your ears can carry.

I have red ears when i wear headphones. They smell better than my feet.

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

521 posts
Location: Bristol / London / Norwich / Chennai, India (UK) (...

Was working in the drome (R.I.P) having met plink

@ guilford festival. Saw her doing poi and was totally mesmorised .

Rest is history as they say .



[ 23 October 2002, 03:17: Message edited by: [garbo] ]

be excellent to each other: safe:

KnoxiousGOLD Member
420 posts
Location: United Kingdom

Hi there....
More than happy to help!

I've been twirling since I was about 14, that's about 8 years now (you'd have to ask my mum for exact times...I can't really remember life without!).

Why? I was always quite the little pyro as a kid; enjoyed playing with fires, candles etc... and I think every little boy wants to be a ninja at some it just kinda seemed to meld both perfectly!
I can't remember the first time I saw fire twirling...I'm sure it was being done by a feral at a festival somewhere. But I remember that I practised for about 9 months before I lit up for the first time. The first time I lit-up was at the Port Fairy Folk Festival. There was a load of (you guessed it!) ferals doing a firey busking thang and I asked to have a go....and didn't stop for about 3 hours! It was an amazing night for me!

Firetwirling (in all it's various forms) has had an incredible impact on my life.
In a professional sense, it's been wicked for me! I have taught it for 3 years at a summer camp in the US (my experiences and the friends I met there are never forgotton, and still around respectively)...I'm now performing and teaching staff for a living and it couldn't be a more fulfilling career!
In a social sense, I don't think anyone would disagree (and I think Dom has mentioned it elsewhere on this site) that twirling is such an easy way to meet and become freinds with 'random' people. I think that this site is a great testament to this. I've met heaps of people, bonded with many more and have made lifelong friends from a simple pole with wick on the end!

One great aspect of fire twirlers (which is also prevalent in jugglers) is the motivation to learn through sharing (tricks, ideas and wisdom).
After I discarded the idea that I should 'keep' my tricks to myself, I've found great satisfaction in sharing what has taken me time (and a few brusies) to learn. Not only does it feel great to see someone finally get what they've been trying at, but a teacher will learn so much more about their technique through teaching others. It also encourages development and generally 'raises the game'.

I could blah on about this for eons, but will save you...I think you get the idea: I love twirling!

I hope this's been helpful! Not too random...if you need something a bit more concise or straightforward, let me know!


queen of wandsmember
127 posts
Location: Melbourne

You made some excellent points there, Knoxxious! I didnt know you could teach it at summer camp, I wouldnt mind doing that myself when i finish uni... Any info you could give me about that please?! Do you need any qualifications etc?

I'm not vegetarian, but currently I'm off my chops!

queen of wandsmember
127 posts
Location: Melbourne

Shameless BUMP!

Im heading off to the edinburgh gardens this wednesday, if you see a chicky walking around aimlessly with a notepad be sure to come up n say hello...

I'm not vegetarian, but currently I'm off my chops!

SmallBoy - xCarpal \'Tunnel
2,737 posts
Location: London

I did it to upset the small garden gnome that lives on my balcony. He kept laughing at me and telling me I sucked until I hit him and went to buy some poi. The rest is history, featuring fire, some wicked poi peeps, clubs/raves, lots of wicked poi peeps, bubble wrap, lots of wicked poi peeps, some random dream sequences and lots of popcorn.


If I get time I'll post my poi-history your way but most other peeps have read it about 6 times already

Small Lardy Person In Disguise

68 posts
Location: UK Lincolnshire

I first saw fire twirling at a free party outside of Cambridge UK.
I was amazed at the guy just throwing the fire about him like he didnt have a care in the world and instantly knew I wanted a part of it. I intently watched him for about two/three hours before doing anything about it cos i'm a bit shy but he was great to me and loved the idea of teaching me a bit.
I'm not the best socialiser in the world but I love being around people so fire dancing has it all for me, I love it and can do it for hours and i dont really have to talk while i do it either and everyone understands your silence while you twirl!!
The name of the that guy now escapes me and it was really hard to pronounce anyway but I will be grateful to him for the rest of my life for being so willing to teach me his art. It really had an effect on me to find someone so eager to help in a world full of people just waiting to screw you over.

PukSILVER Member
Sweet talented nutter
2,615 posts
Location: Brisbane Oz, Australia

My sister and some friends sore some body Fwirling along one day , she told me I'd be good at it. I didn't think much of it, than some one trying to sell some poi at a market asked me to have a go, so I did. And enjoyed it so I purchesed them that was apx 4 months ago . I enjoy them a lot especally the rush of the noise next to your ears!.

Anyperson can acheive anything if they don't have fear in their heart!.

that shrewd and knavish sprite

Called Robin Good Fellow ; are you not he that is frighten of the maidens of the villagery - fairy

I am the merry wander of the night -puk

Jade Lynxmember
239 posts
Location: Laguna Beach, but i live in Denver, Colo, USA

I have always loved fire and i have always loved dancing, and i have no idea why it took so long to hear about firedanciong. I mean, it's not like I haven't spent all of my almost 37 years around the kind of people who'd do this stuff...

A friend got on the email list for DrumSpirit, which included mention of the Sunday Spins here in Denver. He forwarded it to all of our mob and as soon as i heard that there's a way to literally dance with fire, well, that was that. I went to a Sunday Spin, saw how it worked, made some practise poi out of dog leashes and sweat socks, and went to it. I started spinning about Mid-April and got my very own wicks last month (as posted jubilantly on this very site ). I will be spinning in snow at our mob's Solstice Party in the mountains. There's windows all along the front of the house where the party is, so people will hang at the windows, and one will be open so i can hear the drummers, and i'll get to spin in snow...

We got the MikeZ in the house, woot!Glue the ham, hat baby!

queen of wandsmember
127 posts
Location: Melbourne

That sounds awesome Jade! I went to the US when I was little - the wilderness there is really intense... I would love to eventually twirl in interesting and beautiful locations like that.

Saving for my own wicks as well... I think I should switch from hacky sacks to sweat socks too - they are quite harsh when they hit you, so many bruises... Also managed to smash a light in the lounge room yesterday with them... Sorry mum!

[ 29 October 2002, 20:59: Message edited by: queen of wands ]

I'm not vegetarian, but currently I'm off my chops!

MeneeococoaGOLD Member
torn and bleeding warrior of love
133 posts
Location: West Virginia, USA

I have always been into martial arts and things that really test your mental and physical strength. So, by having that kind of nature, I was always searching for new weapons to work with, and new ways to challenge myself. I soon came across breakdancing, which is another story, and I enojoyed it very much. But, I still wanted to try more things. As luck would have it, i found two wooden sticks, about twice the volume of a glowstick, with a hole in the top. I threated string through them and started spinning them like i would a staff or a sword, in a figure 8 pattern. My family soon found out about my new little toy and encouraged me to learn more about it. After extensive searching, i finally found a site with information on spinning...HOP. After reading and learning more and more, i soon loved it. I've been into swinging for about 2 months now, and im really starting to get serious about it now. Not too bad for just playing around with sticks.

I need to find something witty for this so people like me...

queen of wandsmember
127 posts
Location: Melbourne

Hey there again,

My article's starting to take shape! I'm so damn happy and pleased with myself, as I wasn't sure if writing about such a diverse and non-mainstream hobby would work in the first place... So, I just wanna thank each and every one of you that has helped me out with your responses. Although I can't be there (for practical reasons) to give you all a big THANKYOU in person, here's a nice big virtual hug (or three) for your efforts and kindness.


- queen of wands -

I'm not vegetarian, but currently I'm off my chops!

249 posts
Location: Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

so when do we get to see this infamous article?
shivering in anticipation...

[ 07 November 2002, 00:28: Message edited by: adren@line ]

The_Pirate_Dyke_BoyHOP Lord of the Pirate Admiralty
1,079 posts
Location: Canterbury, UK

I saw a guy at a club a night standing directly under some black lights. I was so fuked that i sat there for half an hour watching this guy with his UV poi, doing all kinds of mad shit i can't even describe. I was so lost in watching him, that my cigarette burnt my hand, and my girlfriend had to kiss me to break the spell. The next day with a huge hang over i stumbled to Camden Market and bought my first pair of poi. Now i count the minutes til i can go for a twirl, even if its only for 5 minutes.

Good luck with oyur writings, and don't give up! i know it can be frustrating!

Hugs , love and lollipops to you

X x X x X

Ship off the starboard! sound general quarters! noise and light discipline! man the cannons! GET ME THE RUM!

Master of the Free Hug Program

queen of wandsmember
127 posts
Location: Melbourne

Lollipops!!! Now you're talking

/me is the proud owner of a red polar fleece chupa chups beanie. Believe it or not.

I'm not vegetarian, but currently I'm off my chops!

queen of wandsmember
127 posts
Location: Melbourne


Just letting you all know I've finally finished my article! I'm pretty pleased with it, it has been a long time in the making... I knew it was going to be hard work to give a general overview of such a diverse artform (I'd really need a long time to give a good account of firetwirling). But the challenge has been very fulfilling and I've learnt a lot about it, as well as met some awesome people who I will continue to remain in touch with.

So anyone who wants a copy can PM me and I'll email it as an attachment or something.

Thanks SO much to everyone involved, you're all GOLD. Love you long time!

- queen of wands -

I'm not vegetarian, but currently I'm off my chops!

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