Forums > Social Discussion > Cross Canada Poi Tour, looking for friends in Regina/Saskatoon/ontario

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MeenikSAPPHIRE Member
272 posts
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

So, my little brother, my friend Jocelyn, and myself are doing a fun tour across Canada. We're in Calgary tonight, and are heading east tomorrow. We thought we had a little workshop lined up in Saskatoon, but that may have disappeared. I'm teaching workhsops at some of our stops, but we're also just looking to meet friendly people who might have a little floor space for road-weary poi enthusiasts.

To learn more about me, check out I'm posting about the tour on the poi blog.

We're got people to stay with in Winnipeg, and then nothing until Toronto. Anybody in THunder Bay?

Hope to hear from you.


nick smile

"They're interdimensional fractal intelligences. That's why they wear funny shoes."

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