MotleyGOLD Member
434 posts
Location: UK

Hi guys and gals, I am thinking of making myself a fire staff to play around with since I have some spare poi heads lying around that should be fairly easy to convert since they are tube cores and have a nice convenient piece of tubing already on one end.

That being said I need a little advice. Im planning to use some aluminum tubing to make the staff itself and wanted some recommendations on how sturdy it needs to be. Being, as I am, somewhat restricted by the internal diameter (due to the fact i need to insert the existing tubing on the poi head through this so I can bolt it on securely) and also by the external diameter (if its too big I wont be able to hold it properly) I am a little worried that I may end up with a staff that simply wont be strong enough.

So I guess the question really is, how thick do the walls of the tubing need to be to give it enough strength?

I've already dealt with the issue of how long to make it by doing a search and reading various threads on that but any further advice on materials etc would be of interest, thanks in advance


Edit: The internal diameter of the tube must exceed 2cm for me to be able to insert the existing tubing I have into it and bolt it on, failing this I could go smaller and use an aluminium dowel and drill through that but I was kinda hoping to avoid this if possible.

Edit 2: PS the reason Im using these poi heads and not making them up from scratch is because the poi heads I obtained free (chains broke on my poi so they sent me a whole new set hence the spare heads) and there is a matter of cost in making them up from scratch, im hoping to do this for less than £20 if I can

EDITED_BY: Motley (1135882101)

jeffhighGOLD Member
89 posts
Location: Caves Beach, NSW, Australia

It would probably be easier and sturdier to just unscrew the wicking on your poi heads and then refix it to a full length staff

MotleyGOLD Member
434 posts
Location: UK

Thanks Jeff, I might try that. I'd still like to know how thick the walls of the tubing need to be to be sturdy enough tho. Of course another concern relating to that is weight but I'm guessing thats probably a preference thing as with poi


jeffhighGOLD Member
89 posts
Location: Caves Beach, NSW, Australia

Depends on what you can get and what you prefer.
The first staff I made is 20m dia by 1250mm long with 150mm lenght of dowel each end. It is 1mm wall thickness cause thats all the hardware store had.
Many people prefer 1.5mm wall thickness, and I will probably go this way next time.
Some prefer to dowell all the way through for more strength and weight for contact.

MotleyGOLD Member
434 posts
Location: UK

Thanks again Jeff, exactly what I was looking for. I think my local hardware store has a pretty decent range from what I can gather so I should be able to get what I want smile


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