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Forums > Social Chat > "You haven't felt pain until..."

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MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

This is a creativity thread. Finish the sentence above.

"You haven't felt pain until you've sat through a two-hour lecture on kidney physiology with a full bladder."


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

SpArKiE*shiny shiny*
218 posts
Location: Townsville, QLD, Aust.

you've never felt pain until you have gotten your hand jammed between to huge ass cylinders (or inking rollers) on your offset printing machine, and try to inch it back out when you think you are hittin the "BACKWARD" button... but really... you're hittin the "FORWARD" button and your arm starts going into the machine more (cos from where i was i couldnt see my buttons... i was jus hopin. it was a 50-50% chance of gettin the right one)

did that one today...


stappled thru your finger on the stitcher. (these metal stitchers can stitch books/cards about 1 inch thick.... but i only had it set on 1cm... so the staple wasnt a big one... thank god)


And wherever you've gone and wherever we might go. It don't seem fair. Today just disappeared.

642 posts
Location: UK, London

until you have had a papercut on the eyeball!

'Happiness is liking peeing on yourself. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.'

'If *I* had a hammer, there'd be no more folk singers.'


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