Forums > Social Chat > The Official maybe we should stop with all the Official threads

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flash fireBRONZE Member
Sporadically Prodigal
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Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Heya kids,

Dunno about you guys, but as soon as I see a thread with Official in the title, I'm less inclined to read it and tend to perceive it as possibly being a nonsense thread without even giving it a chance.

It's like the word URGENT. as soon as someone tells me something is URGENT I'm less inclined to really care. I was working somewhere once where everything was urgent. The word became defunct.

I'm concerned that with all the Official threads floating around that a similar thing will happen here. What if something really is OFFICIAL - like something posted by the Mods or Malcolm that actually requires attention?? Would be a shame if people glaze over it because it is yet another "offical" thread.

So, my suggestion is perhaps we reserve the Official thread titles for those that are truly official.


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383 posts
Location: Brisbane, Qld, Australia

I was *just* thinking that!

I was looking at all the 'official' threads and I realised I hadn't read barely any of them... also am less inclined to look at them or read them specially the ones that also say "READ THIS' etc... Actually only reading them now cos I'm meant to be studying... hmmmm...

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.- B.B.King

TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member
Liquid Cow
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Location: High Wycombe, England

I agree almost completely, it is starting to get a bit overused, but since threads started by malcolm or any moderator are fairly rare, they automatically catch my attention and I'm almost certainly going to read them. I'm guessing that quite a few people do the same.

I do think we should cut back on the 'official' posts though, no-one really can make a post official except Malcolm.

But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

Paddyback from the dead...sort of
884 posts
Location: 43°41'N 79°38'W

I dunno...I don't think that the official threads were ever *that* serious. They're fun, and occasionally useful.

Were they started so mods could communicate important information? Do we need them to serve that purpose? Usually just seeing a serious subject line and a mod's name attached will make me realize I should read it, though I don't know about anyone else.

Given that they're already pretty silly, I think trying to reverse the stigma would be far more difficult that implementing another system (if that system is necessary, and I don't think it is).

Natural selection applies here. Truly helpful official threads will be used often, stay relatively near the top of the list, and come to mind when handy (think Check-your-PM thread). Useless stupid one will drop off the end of the recently-posted-to list and never be seen again. Like any other thread, they keep themselves in order.

That said, there are a lot, and I'd be lying if I didn't say they're becoming overused and *slightly* annoying. Maybe self-moderation should come into play. Think to yourself if making your thread an "official" one reeeeeally adds anything to it or not. Chances are not. Just give it a regular name.

1,463 posts
Location: Florida

I do the same as Bovril...
Mods posts tend to cach my attention whether in a message or in the title of a thread...I pay a lot of attention to the Mods threads because they usually contain important information or intersting anecdotes...

Flash I dont mean to be rude and I do understand why you have posted this thread but I dont understand why this 'official business' upsets you so... Do you think that we dont respect the mods?

I'm not really fussed too much about the ammount of official threads. Maybe people just thought that it would be good to have 'Official' threads so that people dont make as many similar concept threads. By that I mean topics that have been mentioned by several people on separate occasions.


Much love,


flash fireBRONZE Member
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Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

nah - Paddy said it all for me. I was just trying to relay my message in a diplomatic way. Fact is, the official threads simply bug the crap outta me. Just doing my bit to ensure that every second thread that gets posted doesn't include "official" in the title.

Very effectively becoming a pet peeve.

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CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
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Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

Look on the bright side Flash.

At least peeves dont take much looking after. Much lower maintanance than say a pet tiger.


1,463 posts
Location: Florida

I have also found this Interesting thread... on the same page the manipulation thread was on...

Hmmmnnmmm *from inside the vortex* * ping*

Any how hope it is interesting I just think its funny I found this looking for another link to associate with this thread...(will find link soon I hope)



9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

I totally disagree.

There should be a different way of labeling any official business. I always thought that the mods should somehow have different godlike screen names for official business and then regular screen names for BSing around. This would help distinguish between official business and non-official business far better than declaring a certain word off limits to mortals.

I think the word "official" does have a point in the hands of mortals to allow us to declare a certain thread the focus point of that topic.

Case in point is the "56+ wrap" thread in the poi moves section which CRD compiled because there were SO many random wrap threads floating around. This is one of the best mopves threads to have ever been started BECAUSE CRD simply compiled all of the existing threads into one "official" thead.

It also helps us moderate ourselves. If there are many different topics in an area someone will usually have the sense to start an "official" thread. Sometimes it starts as a preemptive thread like a "I know there are going to be tons of threads starting about this suddenly relevant topic so let's make this one an OFFICIAL thread and keep it all here".

I have more points and subsance to back it up but I think I'd rather go play with my poi.

Leave "Official" to the people.

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

Raymund Phule (Fireproof)Enter a "Title" here:
2,905 posts
Location: San Diego California

I think that it can be over used but there is some goodness to the official threads. As in the Offcial Check Your Messages Thread. That is a decent thread.

Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"

flash fireBRONZE Member
Sporadically Prodigal
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Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

fine,... keep your stinky official. Just don't come crying to me when every single thread is official. If I could be bothered, NYC darling, I'd go find your post whinging about such things from a while back. But I can't. so screw you all.

I'm going home, and I'm taking my ball with me.

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Paddyback from the dead...sort of
884 posts
Location: 43°41'N 79°38'W

Completely agree NYC, but for official threads to be useful, as we'd all like them to be, the people will have to start cutting back on the usage a bit.

Once again, self-moderation. Let's hope everyone reads this thread and keeps it in mind.

1,463 posts
Location: Florida

mods should somehow have different godlike screen names for official business and then regular screen names for BSing around
Ok I dont really agree with this in that I believe it would make everyone more confused and would not really solve the situation at hand. It also has the fatal flaw in that none of us have the right to know when the mods are mod-ing and when they are just chilling on the site its kinda like an invasion of privacy...

than declaring a certain word off limits to mortals
I do though agree with this quote and dont understand why one single word can stir up such a fuss...
Does official have any implications that we havent thought about?!

I am quite bothered by this ordeal to be honest...
The mods have plenty of authority and are generally well treated and respected for the service and all the imput they provide...

Why such a fuss?!

I dont really apprechiate the tone of the first post. It is quite rude to me and condescending as a user I am unsure how to feel about the situation...

Many people read and reply to these threads as well so not EVERYbody hates them... Must you shut out an activity enjoyed by people for some sort of bright 'here comes the authorities' signal?!



Liquid Popmember
62 posts
Location: Laval, Quebec, Canada

wow, i dont know what to think, i was starting to get annoyed with all the "official" threads but they will disapear if there no good. and they do have a good purpose like the 56+wraps tread, but they shoulnt be over used.

if practice makes perfect, and no one is perfect, then why practice?

AdeSILVER Member
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Does anyone have a list of all the official threads - how many are there?

'cause I'm confused as to what the fuss is about. I'm obviously missing something.....

And now my 2 cents worth

Please don't pull the official "I learnt a new move" tread (can you imagine how many random posts there'd be on this sort of thing without this thread? )

The official introduction thread turned into it's own section (phew, imagine how long that'd be now

And I agree with the tamed one don't pull the official "check your PM thread".

And any thread started by Malcom I read as 'official', the rest I just read as the 'definitive' thread on the subject.

Maybe they could be changed to: the definitive list of wraps, the definitive double staff starer trick list.........

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

41 of them. there's:

the official "IM IN LOVE!" threadThe official "Random Facts" threadthe Official UCOF loves to start Official threadsThe official "Whats wrong with me Dr. Mike?" threadThe official H.O.P "best music you can find on the net"page.The Official Home of Poi Quitters thread.The Official "AAAARRGGHH!" ThreadThe Official N.E.W.B. ThreadThe Official Pele needs to respond to... topicThe official "I have brought Christmas Present for" threadThe Official HOP Where in the world Is Cassandra?Official Best Techno ListThe official "talk about other threads" thread...???the official HOP "place to go when people aren't on the site" threadThe official "ANIME" thread.....!!The Official Male HoP Auction!The Official Female HoP Auction!Official Southern California-wide Thread maintained by SoCalFireThe Official Random Links threadThe official 'i should be in bed but i keep coming to see if anyone has posted threadThe official daeh kcuf daerht!!Official HoP Marriage Proposals thread (* & English linguistics symposium, too! *)The official list of hotmail addresses for people to contact each other on messengerThe official official threadThe official "What would you do to your cranky neighbor" Thread.Official RUMOUR threadThe official check your PM ThreadThe official check your PM ThreadThe Official Home of Poi drinking gameThe Official Name Your Toys ThreadOfficial Toronto ThreadOfficial "What's wrong with the World" threadOfficially kicking my butt...Kato's unofficial confession box.official poi in the park sheffield england threadThe NON official holiday greeting messageCOL2 Official Constructive Criticism PageThe OFFICIAL HOP bored options threadThe UNofficial home of poi OLDcall...The Official HOP "I just learned a new move" threadThe OFFICIAL Home of Poi RollcallNot many of them are useful or overly necessary.
Flash started at least 3 of them.


AdeSILVER Member
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aha, that is a few, I had no idea

hang on.... are they all real?

and there's at least 2 unofficial ones on that list

RoziSILVER Member
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Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

And I am officially glad to say I didn't start any of them

It was a day for screaming at inanimate objects.

What this calls for is a special mix of psychology and extreme violence...

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

Indeed Ade. But i weighed up the content of each individual thread before adding it. The search threw up 49 initially. This was a whittled list.

Normally I would be more leniant but no one has even smiled at my "peeved" joke yet. So i'm feeling mildy grumpy.

[ 04. December 2002, 17:01: Message edited by: C@ntus ]


AdeSILVER Member
Are we there yet?
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Location: australia

Cantus do you breed peeves, or just harbour them?

oooh look -------->

bit happier now?

Didn't know you could whittle lists, wood yes, lists no. that must take real skill

[ 04. December 2002, 17:15: Message edited by: Ade ]

flash fireBRONZE Member
Sporadically Prodigal
2,758 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

*throws up hands* Guys - I didn't want to offend anyone, exert any authority or alientate anyone.... All I wanted to do was voice my mild frustration at the seemingly unnecessary use of the word OFFICIAL in so many threads.

Lacking the ability to say "it just pisses me off, so can we try to reduce it a bit" I went with a more formal approach related to the administration of the board. Sorry. I'll be more upfront about my motivations in future.

Basically, Paddy has said everything that I wanted to, in a far more palatable way. I'm not asking anyone to stop using the word, nor am I asking for any "official" threads to be deleted!! (don't know where you got that one from Ade! ) Rather, I raised a point and asked for a discussion by finishing the first post with the word "thoughts?". I did not lay down a law nor do I intend to.

But perhaps next time someone wants to discuss how cold it is in Antartica, I personally would be much happier seeing "How cold is it here!?" than I would be if it said "The Official How Cold is it where you live thread".

O - and C@ntus. You're joke made me laugh

Self moderation is the key, as it has always been around here. But please don't jump down my throat cos I raised the issue, k?

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RoziSILVER Member
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Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Nah, we won't do that. But are we allowed to tickle you until you smile again?

It was a day for screaming at inanimate objects.

What this calls for is a special mix of psychology and extreme violence...

AdeSILVER Member
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Location: australia

sorry flash it's so hot today, I think the heat made me assume someting I shouldn't have.

DomBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
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Location: Bristol, UK

I'm with flash fire. Official would be announcement started by Malcolm, not by somebody random. It's silly and begs me to wonder why you think your thread is special enough to be labelled 'Official' when it blatantly isn't.

That was all

2,419 posts
Location: la-la land

Here here

I honour you as an aspect of myself..

You are never to old to storm a bouncey castle..

fluffy napalm fairyCarpal \'Tunnel
3,638 posts
Location: Brum / Dorset / Fairy Land

ok then.

Geologists do it in the dirt................ spank

UCOF (emergency)member
129 posts
Location: nodnoL

hey...ive done more than 4 official threads!

but anyway...i suppose i am quite a bit to blame, but what with the bordom that incurrs me when im at school...with to many free periods... i just post my ideas on HOP...cos i feel that its a new home for me and if i were virtual...i would come and live here.

erm...this is only a temp account until i get home and get the password to my usual account...sorry (itsa still the same flipping wierdo though)

Thistleold hand
950 posts
Location: Nottingham UK

I am with Flash on this one. The word 'official' in the title of a thread puts me off reading it . It is also becoming one of my pet peeves. I like the idea of everyone having their own threads for things, rather than all being grouped together in one big 'official' thread, it makes the whole experience much more personal .

I can see the need for some of the 'official' threads , but others are beyond my power of understanding.

I don't think there need to be rules set out about it though, self moderation is the way forward.

Are we nearly there yet?

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA


The Official N.E.W.B. Thread no longer exists. The Official "What's Wrong With Me Dr. Mike" thread was wisely deleted by Flash Fire before I ever even saw it (for the record, if people need to ask me medical questions, please do so by PM, but since I'm not a doctor and since I can't examine you online, my advice will usually be to go to a doctor for any specific complaint).

And you included a bunch of UNofficial threads on that list. Me thinks you were padding the list. Will you start padding your bra, next?

Oh, and nice funny about the peeves!


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

SNOOPoiCarpal \'Tunnel
3,380 posts
Location: At the bottom of the garden with the fairies...

I completly agree with you flash. When I see something that is 'official' I usually give it a miss!

Much love SNOOPoi

P.S. FYI Mike, even though the official N.E.W.B.E thread has been deleted when you search for the word official it still comes up!

Liz_Ard: Ouch!
SNOOPoi: Thats just not the sound of someone doing it right!

1,463 posts
Location: Florida


I was not upset so much at your complaint which has a rightful place but more at the attitude projected. I think that you took this 'official' business a bit to 'officialy'...

If something bothers any person a lot they should reconsider their perception of whatever it is that is bothering them. I dont mean to say that you didnt like these official threads because of the way you think...

I mean to say that if you examine why it bothers you so, you might find out more about yourself and how you take certain situations. This might lead to a better understanding of yourself and to you not getting annoyed at things like this in future.
If you let things in life affect you they might end up undermining your efforts to do good (or bad depending on what kind of person you are).

I am NOT critisising your motives or trying to make you feel in any way bad. I would just like to express my concern at how big a deal this was for you if you felt so inclined to post a thread about it and then got a bit upset when people gave you their frank and completely honest opinions.

I hope I have made a reasonable contribution. I have thought this through and read it several times. If my advice and concern is not apprechiated here I would like be informed in a kind and honest manner.

Thank you.

Much love to all,



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