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27 posts
Location: Sacramento 916

ive seen sick ass pics with all the glowstick streaks and photon streaks...but everytime i try to take some, i only see the person and not the streak, and i figured it was the flash fucking it up. So i took out the flash ghetto style(got a hammer and broke the flash lens) then i took some pics and i went to develop it, but it came out blank. err i used a standard kodak 35mm standard 27 exposure disposable..i think thats y they come out sucky (disposable)...well anyone know how to take some? im willin to go buy a new camera and shit...i just want some damnit!!!

pHoTiK kReW!!!!!

Thistleold hand
950 posts
Location: Nottingham UK

I don't know about exactly how to take the pics. I think they are long exposures. In future to disable your camera's flash you could just cover the flash with black insulation tape.

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pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

you can take long exposure photo's with any standard or automatic single lens reflex [SLR] camera, with aid of a tripod.
you can pick these up relativly cheaply from second hand stores or camera outlets, depends on the make and model you want.
standard disposable or point and shoot cameras will not give you the reults you are looking for, dismembering the flash wil not help either, adding a flash to a long exposure can add definition to the photos too, all depending what you want the photo to look like.

1,591 posts
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada.

a lot of digital cameras do it to.

Also I heard of people breaking cheap automatic cameras to make them permantly have slow shutter speeds.

flidBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,136 posts
Location: Warwickshire, United Kingdom

For low level light sources (ie glowsticks) you'll want to use a fairly highly rated film ISO number. Generally when you buy a roll of film its 100 or 200, I'd recomend using at least a rating of 400 for glowsticks.

27 posts
Location: Sacramento 916

wow thanks for the help guys....but im still really much $$$ would i need for all this anyway

pHoTiK kReW!!!!!

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

depends on what you want, how much you have to spend and where your getting it from.

48 posts
Location: Birmingham, Ala USA

You don't really have to spend a lot of money to get a good SLR. What you need is something that you can put an external flash on so you can use a long exposure and then trigger the flash to stop the person in motion (this is called rear-curtain flash) Sometimes you can find really good used ones that are fairly affordable. Look at they are a mail order place in Atlanta. And the website for the camera shop I work at is

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