56 posts

I dont know if anyone does this, I am not a juggler, but i thought of this while flipping a hammer around at work the other day, I have dubbed it "Anti-spin Juggling"

The natural motion when juggling clubs is to move your wrist up and towards you, thus causing the clubs to revolve in "reverse".

What if someone moved their hand up and away from themself, (as though they were going to go up and over the body of the club). This would cause the clubs to do "forward" rotations in the air.

Is this done? Seems like it would be neat.

I guess this could also be considered reverse club juggling, cuz I guess its not REALLY antispin.

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

Its already been done smile

They are called "reverse spins" juggle

56 posts

oh well....neat though.

hexagonicClubbles Jugs
1,687 posts
Location: Manchester

or you could throw it straight up so it comes down the same way it went up. Or flats to jugglers.

I've been working (with limited success) on throwing a club in a flat straight up and down so that the club always remains upright (the fat end stays high, the low end stays low).

Did you get all that?

ah wah wah wah a wah wah

LemonkeyStalking amidst the desert, carrying an oversized scalpel...
1,019 posts
Location: Huddersfield + Hull Uni... UK.

I did! Gena does them...

Willy - is bad for your health...

56 posts

or you could spin the clubs in a horozontal plane as you juggle, though that would get tricky, as they take up a lot more space in the plane in which they pass eachother....

colemanSILVER Member
big and good and broken
7,330 posts
Location: lunn dunn, yoo kay, United Kingdom

 Written by: SickWithWonder

or you could spin the clubs in a horozontal plane as you juggle, though that would get tricky, as they take up a lot more space in the plane in which they pass eachother....

"helicopters" smile

very handy for catching clubs on your feet they are.

cole. x

"i see you at 'dis cafe.
i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
- tim westwood

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