Mr SockGOLD Member member 94 posts Location: Dover, DE, USA
Posted: Just burned myself for the first time last night Just a little one, luckily, it kinda makes me wonder what other people have done to themselves. One more question for those of you who have burned yourselves: I've never read anywhere about anything you can put on burns to make them hurt less (like the day after). Any suggestions?
Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted - Martin Luther King Jr.
AnonymousPLATINUM Member
Posted: morphine should do the trick...
adamricepoo-bah 1,015 posts Location: Austin TX USA
Posted: I burn myself all the time. Very minor burns, mostly on my arms, but they're there. I don't even notice them until I'm done twirling.From what I've read, you should leave burns uncovered for 12 hours (Pele will probably jump in with the whole first-aid ritual). But if it is really painful, here's a trick I figured out a long time ago (when I burned a calf on a motorcycle exhaust, which hurt like hell): crush some aspirin into powder (or buy it powdered). Mix it with vaseline, and smear that on the burn. Instant relief.
Posted: After much singeing I don't have much hair on the baack of my hand and wrist areas from 'close shev' Devil stick work Not always applicable but if you have an Aloe Vera plant about break of a spine and spread as much of the sap (?) over as possible. This works on insect bites, plant scratches (you know from running throught he bush like a maniac ), burns and wounds that need to heal. A lot of products sold by chemical companies for similar thing have Aloe as an ingredient and it is one of natures 'true' wonders.As I said though, you don't always carry a spare plant around and sometimes "leave them in your other pants"
Posted: I have seven fingers on my right hand, that's "BACK of" and "close SHAVE"
AnonymousPLATINUM Member
Posted: hi Alo works realy well. and if possabell run the burn under could watter as soon as you can. for the paine i recomend a strong pain relife tablet and use the Alo it works well.
De_Fragmember 26 posts Location: Woodinville, WA, USA
Posted: -don't- put butter on it!! That actually locks the heat in (or something), and doesn't do good.After burning myself with a soldering iron (nice one), I found that cold water is good; take the burn out and just sit with it for a little while. Try and ignore the pain (pain, PAIN!!); but if it gets too intense, run it under the water again.After some time with this, the pain just kind of stops all the sudden--until you bump it, of course.And I think it's best to -not- pop the resulting blister. It's kind of a protective cover for the wound to heal.That's all assuming your burn is similar to mine. Mine was on the outer palm-area of my hand, and it healed pretty nicely like this.
Le Skunkmember 84 posts Location: NYC, New York, USA
Posted: after my cousin burned himself once at an east coast beach burn, a documentary maker friend tried to convince him that urinating on the burn is a miraculous cure...According to him, urine not only soothes the pain, it also has some kind of biologically magical effect that accelerates the healing and reduces the scar. then he went on to cite a certain culture where the people believe that drinking your first morning P is almost like a fountain of youth...but alas, after 30 minutes of about 50 people trying to convince this man to urinate on his own hand, we gave up. if anyone feels braver than my cousin when the opportunity arises, please try it and let me know if it works!!!peax,SkunkPS Disclaimer:I shall not be held responsible for any infections occuring from the act of actually urinating on a fresh burn. If you tried it, you're bummin, don't sue me. I've heard urine is sterile, but once again, i'm no expert and haven't burned myself much lately, and therefore really haven't put in the research myself...
AnonymousPLATINUM Member
Posted: try using some essential or aromatheropy oils.. some of them are amaising for burns but do a little reasearch before use as you need the correct ones, i think lavender but am not certan.and if it is a openwound dont use them as they can be poisionous... like i say do some research and be healed
protozoaGOLD Member member 148 posts Location: Baltimore, MD USA
Posted: Skunk,Shame on you, man. -protie
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